From the Bookshelf of Heathens, Pagans and Witches

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Steve Cran
Nov 06, 2016 rated it really liked it  ·  review of another edition
It just goes to show you cannot keep a good goddess down. Much is made of Babalon, sex goddess so revered by Aleister Crowley. Outside of Crowley's work and that of his protégés you may not hear much about Babalon, but fear not she is there. Perhaps the most recent thing we hear about her is thousands of years old, the Book of Revelations, written by John Patmos in some meditative state.

The whore of Babylon is ultimately put down as the most evil thing about. She seduced men with the grail fille
May 11, 2012 is currently reading it  ·  review of another edition
Dec 06, 2012 marked it as wish-list  ·  review of another edition
Apr 04, 2013 rated it liked it  ·  review of another edition
Aug 02, 2018 marked it as to-read  ·  review of another edition
Mar 22, 2019 marked it as to-read  ·  review of another edition