Thuita’s review of The Holy Bible: King James Version > Likes and Comments

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message 1: by Lidia (new)

 Lidia only 3 stars?! 😯

message 2: by Thuita (new)

Thuita Maina Dyanna wrote: "only 3 stars?! 😯" 😯

message 3: by Lidia (new)

 Lidia 😂 I am just amazed that you gave only 3 stars to a book I read multiple times and always I found new knowledge and wisdom, do not take to heart my comment 😉

message 4: by Thuita (new)

Thuita Maina Dyanna wrote: "😂 I am just amazed that you gave only 3 stars to a book I read multiple times and always I found new knowledge and wisdom, do not take to heart my comment 😉" OK, Dyanna.

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