Anne McCaffrey's beloved science fantasy epic becomes a fully-painted graphic novel. Join Lessa, sole remnant of a noble house, as she comes of age and dares to reclaim her birthright--and battles to save Pern from the deadly silver threadfall that threatens devastation of the planet. This is all three volumes in one edition.
My introduction to the wonderful genre of fantasy. I have loved the entire series (until her son takes over and the heroines get younger and the sex more gratuitous).
This classic has been hanging over my head for years. I put off reading it guessing that like many other oldies, but goodies, I would read it and be unimpressed, thus becoming hated by all original die hard fans. I finally decided to give it a go. The beginning suffered from a slow start and over abundance of useless description. However, it picks up about 25% in. The thing, that I'm sure many, many have said before me, is the author's ability to weave fantasy based dragons in with science fiction. Everything is so well thought of. It was nice that the dragons finally have a purpose in literature besides just being powerful treasure hoarding beasts. However, the writing style was a bit... lean for me. In the emotional sense. It was very cut and dry and I didn't feel make connections with the characters. This also had a very 'historical' sense about it. Plus, I hate politics and while minor, still unpleasant. I'll probably slowly make my way through the rest of the HUGE series but spaced between more current books. A good read, but nothing I'd say is a MUST read. Yup, see here come the die hard fans to kill me...
I Love Anne McCaffrey books, and she introduced me to my love of dragons. My goal this year is to read the entire Dragonriders of Pern series. This is book #1. She develops her characters so well that you feel you know them, and you can almost feel their emotions and physical experiences. Pern is so well thought out that there is an atlas actually published for Pern (authorized), and there is an index to the geography, social structure, political structure and characters. I know a game exists (or existed); and if it is not a game online, I am surprised. Come join the world of friendly dragons, Pern and its holds and weyrs and travel "between" with Lessa and F'lar (and me.)
By the way, in the paperback edition I have there is no mention of Brynne Stevens, but i couldn't find the original edition.
Huge fan of Anne McCaffrey's work in general. I discovered her books as a kid and they stuck with me throughout my life.
I don't normally read stories that fall into the high fantasy, dragon-heavy category, but this is one of the best series out there on the same, and well worth it to boot. There's more to it than upholding the otherwise massive body of collective fantasy work that defines, describes, dominates, destroys, and delivers dragons upon dragons upon dragons.
This series is what made dragons cool. This was the beginning. It deserves respect and recognition.
This is a book that I revisit at least once a year. It's most certainly one of my top favorite Anne McCaffrey books. Lessa is stubborn, brave and at first not altogether likable, but that soon changes when Lessa learns that she can be loved, absolutely and unconditionally by Ramoth, queen of all queens. What a beautiful start to what is by far one of the best series in science fiction/fantasy.
I started reading The Dragonflight series many years ago. I have reread them 4 times now! Absolutely love Anne McCaffrey's style of writing. All of her books are best reads in my world. Her son has now taken on the role of authoring more dragon books. He has big shoes to fill! I hope Anne is enjoying her afterlife in the company of her characters, especially the leaders of Pern & their dragons.
I do like this one but there are bits that get boring, too much of the wrong detail that takes you away from the story - I skip these :-). I read it every now and again to remind myself how it all began. Yes, I know she wrote the landing and how the colonists got there, about the birthing of dragon and all that but I do find that one dull. I prefer to begin with Lessa and F'lar.
McCaffrey writes very well and I enjoy the first set of dragon books she wrote but reading the ones she wsrote later are, for me, a trial. the one's with her son and his efforts alone are impossible for me. They seem dumbed down and I don't enjoy them at all. Don't let me put you off giving them a go though, you might like them :-)
The Dragonriders of Pern books are my comfort reads and I read the heck out of these books over the decades. I decided to do a reread by audiobook. It’s not my favorite narration but it’ll do!
And yes, some parts of this series does not stand up too well to today’s standards. Like F’lar continuously shaking Lessa whenever he’s upset with her. But the rest of it makes it all worth it. This book was written in the early 60’s. It is what is. Different world back then. BUT, other parts are way before the times, like the LGBQ representation.
These are the dragons I love and whenever I read others’ books about dragons, I’m a fan if they’re even sort of similar to the Pern dragons.
An original fantasy from one of my favourite authors. First in the series. I do prefer her later books but best to start at the start. Pern is a regressed world, initially a space colony the people have forgotten their star bound origins and the world has reverted to a feudal system. The once revered dragon riders who protected the world from spores sent out by an orbiting asteroid are not isolated and resented for the tributes required from the fifes as the star has not been seen for 300 years. But now it is returning and the remaining and much depleted dragon force must rally to protect the world once more.
I loved this book. I had had it for a couple months before I actually picked it up and read it, and I'm really glad I did. It might be a little bit too heavy for some people, but I absolutely adored the worldbuilding. I had read Christopher Paolini's Inheritance Cycle, and it was interesting to see how the dragons in the two worlds were similar. I love the cover on this edition, but I didn't like the cover of the edition I got as much. Thoroughly recommended.
I really enjoyed this book although Pern wasn't everything I'd wished for. The whole "threat from space" side of things didn't really appeal to me and the means of magical transportation left something to be desired. On the other hand, I really liked Lessa and the host of other characters. I did feel transported from place to place by the writing and I wish I had time to read the rest of these.
This is not a good adaptation of the classic Pern novel. Adaptations are a tricky thing, but this one feels haphazard and clunky when it's at its best. Anyone coming to this without first having read the novel would wonder what all the fuss is about. Perhaps this is why McCaffrey never allowed her books to be adapted to film or TV.
A great science fantasy series about the planet Pern and a group of humans that colonise it. They think they are alone, but gradually discover and befriend fire-lizards and then dragons. McCaffrey populates her planet with all varieties of characters, who interact to give much drama, combined with a threat from space to make things more exciting.
Anne McCaffrey is the quintessential writer of fantasy books pertaining to dragons. These books are always wonderful, well written, and perfectly characterized. All of her series are great but the ones that take place on Pern are the best of all. This particular title is not among my top faves by her but it is still a great read.
I love nearly all of the dragon books. This book didn't introduce me in fact Dragonsinger did but from there went onto this one. It sets the scene nicely for all of the rest of the books and should really be read first. :D
One of the first fantasy books I ever read and has stayed with me as a classic. I read it every couple of years just to visit old friends. Introduced my daughter to dragons and her life has never been the same.