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Tough Titties: On Living Your Best Life When You're the F-ing Worst

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From award-winning TV writer Laura Belgray, a hilarious collection of full-body-cringe, watch-through-your-fingers life lessons her own husband calls “loser Sex and the City .”

What does it take to grow up cool and popular, master adulthood, fast track your success, and always be your best? Laura Belgray wouldn’t know.

Her wildly relatable coming-of-age stories include hate-following her 6th grade bully on social media decades later; moving home post-college to measure her self-worth in hookups with Upper West Side bartenders; dating a sociopathic man-baby; proving herself in the early ‘90s at New York’s coolest magazine (as the world’s worst intern); falling for get-rich-quick schemes on the Internet; and, most of all, saying “tough titties” to the supposed-to’s in driving a car, being on time, handing in your paperwork, learning to roast a chicken, and having kids. 

Peppered with cutting insights on our confusing, self-helpy culture that calls hair removal “self care” and tells us to give our 110% but also to give zero f*cks, Tough Titties will leave you feeling better about, well, everything. Let’s face we’re all tired of shame-spiraling after being told what to do when we know we’re not going to do any of it.

Tough Titties is one big permission slip to be a dork, a sometimes-unspiritual slacker, a late bloomer and, ultimately, 100% yourself. It’ll also have you snort-laughing in public and tapping whoever’s nearby to say, “Lemme read you one more part!” Which is annoying, but tough titties.

320 pages, Hardcover

Published June 13, 2023

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About the author

Laura Belgray

1 book79 followers
Laura Belgray is the founder of Talking Shrimp and co-creator of The Copy Cure with Marie Forleo. She has been featured in Fast Company, Money Magazine, Forbes, Vox, and Business Insider, and has written for Fandango, NBC, HBO, TBS, Nick at Nite, Nickelodeon, TV Land, FX, Nick Mom, VH1, TNT, Lifetime, Oxygen, the CW, and more. Belgray lives in New York.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 395 reviews
Profile Image for Dez the Bookworm.
379 reviews212 followers
October 8, 2023
One woman’s 50 is not every woman’s 50…

This book sounded funny right out of the gate, I loved everything about the look and sound of this. It did fall a little flat for me unfortunately.

This book is a story, or stories more accurately, about the experiences the author had and how she feels it has shaped her into who she is today. As I’m in my 40’s, I TOTALLY identified with some of these awkward kid/teen and even adult moments. I found half of what she said to be truly entertaining with some hilarity behind it. That’s why the 3 stars…there’s some good stuff in here…but the other half just drones on for me.

We learn about her Jewish experiences, awkward teen make outs (or fake outs) her college life and into her young adulthood until we get to present. Some of those experiences I connected with, most I didn’t, and that’s ok. I found the overshare of info as pages that just droned on and it started to bore me. I think this book is going to delight many who share in her experiences, and had the writing been a little more engaging/ better written, I probably would have enjoyed this book much more!

ARC was provided by the publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Kade Gulluscio.
974 reviews58 followers
February 9, 2023
I received a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review. Thank you NetGalley.

Can I just say Laura Belgray is hilarious?! I mean, how often is it that we feel like we can relate to what these famous / semi-famous people say in their memoirs on tv? But Laura truly let all her embarrassing stories be written in a book for all to see. haha.

The book was hilarious, super easy to stay engaged with, and a total blast to read. If the author writes up, i'm totally reading it.
This was well worth the read. Get it!!!
Profile Image for Krista.
1,469 reviews764 followers
March 14, 2023
Why “Tough Titties”?
First, because I say it a lot. Because, basically, I’m twelve.
Second, it evokes late-’70s, early ’80s, dirty, scuzzy New York, which I consider my point of origin, the shell out of which I rose in all my nerd glory. It gives top notes of terry-cloth halter top and roller skates, the waka-waka of Pac-Man, fear of getting mugged, vintage comic-book stores, Bloomingdale’s with Mom, hot sidewalk with a touch of urine.
Third, tits. I haz them. They’re a whole chapter. The
titular one, if you will. (Told you I was twelve.)
Finally, “Tough Titties” is my favorite non-apology, the original “sorry not sorry.”
Want me to work nine to five? Tough titties.
Want me to have kids, like you do? Tough titties.
Want me to watch less TV? Tough titties.
Want me to close my eyes, take a deep breath, and then massage the person next to me at this conference? Yeah, hell no. Tough titties.

— Laura Belgray

Tough titty said the kitty but the milk tastes good!

— my Mom, every time she said no to me.

I hadn’t heard of Laura Belgray before — she’s apparently a well-known “genius copywriter”, and that’s a niche service I haven’t found myself in need of — but this self-helpish memoir caught my attention (that cover! that font!) and I’m happy to have taken a chance on it. I grew up in the same era as Belgray, and while that means that Tough Titties covered all the familiar cultural touchstones (from Laverne and Shirley to Donkey Kong), her life was so different from mine — and her path to success so unlikely — that Belgray’s story isn’t exactly relatable, but it is entertaining. With a self-deprecating but unapologetic tone, Belgray lays her entire life bare (perhaps too bare at points), and if nothing else, her story proves that it’s never too late to discover your calling. I found myself really liking Belgray and I liked this book. (Note: I read an ARC through NetGalley and passages quoted may not be in their final form.)

I guess it’s what everyone wants. To access their full potential, step into their greatness, and unleash their awesomeness. That “unleash” stuff smacks of rank bullshit and, also, it speaks to me. I always loved the idea of someone unclipping the leash on my awesomeness and letting it run loose in the park. Go, awesomeness, go chase that squirrel!

Belgray acknowledges right from the start that her “‘it all works out’ perspective comes from a place of privilege”, and along with a private school education, when she was done college she moved back home with her parents in Manhattan’s Upper West Side — working sporadically as a bartender but mostly partying, for years — until she figured out what she wanted to do with her life. Networking and lucky breaks — an internship here, a temp job there — saw her plucked to write ad copy for Spy magazine, creating content for an early blog, and eventually, writing the promo copy for Nick at Night sitcom marathons. Belgray says that she’s essentially lazy and disorganised, routinely late for work and late with assignments, but one can only assume that she was massively talented at this work if she was kept around — and this “do as much as you feel like doing and it will all work out” doesn’t feel like transferable advice. Is this a self help book?

As for the memoir aspects of Tough Titties: Belgray admits to being an obsessive person — obsessed with body image in particular, and she is constantly referencing her diet and exercise regimes — and obsessed with money (a cultish self help group she went on a Costa Rican retreat with became tired of hearing of Belgrave’s goal of tens of millions of dollars), and obsessed with being desired (which manifested in a lifetime of unhealthy partnerships before she met her husband). I may be the same age as Belgray, but not being from NYC, I never skipped school to play videogames in seedy Times Square arcades; never snuck into Studio 54 underage; wouldn’t namedrop Anna Sui babydoll sundresses, Clergerie slides, or Kangol bucket hats. Belgray and I don’t have much in common beyond our ages, but I liked her; we could be friends.

Best thing about getting older, unimaginable as it was in my teens (or even my forties), is, you stop caring so much about being noticed and attractive to the opposite (or same) sex. Not that I don’t desperately buy every neck cream and still want to be considered “hawt.” But these days, “You’re so lucky” is what I say to a friend who can sleep all night without getting up to pee.

Belgray discovered that her niche was writing short, funny bits (which is great practice for someday writing an entertaining book), and she eventually began to make her millions when she started using her online presence to teach others how to write short, funny bits for their own online pursuits; the dream job she created, in her fifties, that allows Belgray to sleep ‘til noon, keep her calendar blank, and still make her afternoon dance class:

I wanted to sit on the couch, blissfully unaware of the time, and write my emails, which had replaced blogging as my main form of content. They were the most me thing I wrote. If I could get paid just to write those, I fantasized, I’d be getting paid to be me. Happily, I found a way to do just that. Once I finally created my own courses and group programs, which, bonus, could help many people at once, I used my emails to sell those. And that, to oversimplify things, is how I got to my first million. Write fun things and then the money comes in, minimal appointments on the calendar.

Again: This is not exactly a self-help book — most people can’t not work at a job that’s not perfect while waiting for friends of friends to give them a break. Belgray does give some advice along the way (mostly along the line of “self-help books are pretty much BS”), but the biggest takeaway is that she learned something about herself through the opportunities she was given and only discovered how to make a dream job out of her talents in her fifties; and that’s an interesting and valuable lesson. As for her life story: Totally not relatable to me, sometimes off-putting, but I’d go get a Tasti D-Lite with her anytime to hear her tell her stories.
Profile Image for Melki.
6,661 reviews2,509 followers
June 12, 2023
Inappropriate is my birth sign, my blood type, my most open chakra, my middle name.

Despite the subtitle, Belgray's book is more a collection of humorous, personal essays than a guide to living your best life. Her revelations were hit or miss for me, though I appreciated the author's engaging tone throughout. I most enjoyed her tales of growing up, mean girls, body issues, horrible bosses, and her choice not to have children.

This book should mostly be of interest to those who grew up in the seventies and eighties.

Thanks to NetGalley and Hachette Books for sharing.
Profile Image for Kristin.
19 reviews
February 3, 2023
I received this ARC through Publisher's Weekly Grab-A-Galley and Hachette Books.
Laura Belgray, where have you been all my life?! NYC, literally, but I'm so grateful for your arrival in my 40-something Midwestern life. I feel seen. And validated. And a sense of renewed youth and hope.
I enjoyed Tough Titties in a way not many books elicit, at least not in the "how to" genre. Which this isn't really; a self-help book. But reading Laura's journey to this point in her life has given me permission to embrace my countless shortcomings and flaws, accept who I am and stop trying to "catch-up," especially when I may not be behind after all.
Her unapologetic honesty about who she was and is now is a refreshing departure from the over-filtered accounts of our current culture. True to her NYC roots, Laura's voice is slightly dry, sarcastic and perfectly witty. My favorite. Forget the shiny, organized, early bird "Motivator" moving up. I'll stay on the couch and go generate success with my unique purpose after 1pm. Maybe before noon if it's a miracle morning 😉 Whatever that purpose, my life goal now includes being like Laura when I grow up. Or don't grow up. Which sounds even more like being Laura Belgray.
I'm really grateful for the opportunity I had to read this ARC and I'm excited for June when everyone has a chance, too!
Profile Image for Amanda.
599 reviews8 followers
December 1, 2022
Thank you #Netgalley for the advanced copy!

This was my first read of Belgray's and loved her writing style. Her stories were so funny and she has experienced so much both good and bad. Love that she embarrasses the humiliating situations and still tries to find the best. After reading this, I want to go back and read more of her work.
Profile Image for Kelly Clark.
2 reviews
April 25, 2023
My partner had to hide Tough Titties so I could meet a work deadline. Why? Because I LOVE stories that take place in New York. I LOVE stories that are true—especially when it’s not easy to tell the truth. And I LOVE Laura Belgray. She is a true leader and has changed so many lives through her work by teaching people how to connect with their community in a genuine and honest way. So it was fascinating to read the behind the scenes. I have the highest respect for anyone who shares what actually happened because what REALLY happened is always more interesting than anything you could make up and… funnier... OMG... The Studio 54 story!... I mean "Studio"... the ET bit!!! Real stories also always help other people. It was so much fun to read each chapter of Tough Titties and then reflect on the lesson in that short story. And then apply it to my life.
Profile Image for Kelly Pramberger.
Author 7 books43 followers
January 15, 2023
At first the title had me thinking this was going to be a totally different book than it was! Thanks to NetGalley for the advanced copy for the purpose of the review. 5 stars from me.

I adored Laura's writing and identified with so many of her stories. She writes in great details about her life and growing up. How difficult it is to love yourself just as you are. I thought it was interesting how she was able to pinpoint the exact moments when the shift in her mind about her body image happened. WOW!

I really want people to read these stories and I plan to give it to friends this year!
Profile Image for Jody.
164 reviews4 followers
January 2, 2023
Read this book. No, seriously. It made me laugh and shake my head. I saw parts of myself in it. It's even inspiring, without being self-help-y. I had never heard of Laura Belgray before Hachette very kindly sent me an advance reader copy, but I'm ready to read her next book, whenever she gets up off the couch and writes it.
Profile Image for Bri'sBookReviews.
187 reviews12 followers
November 25, 2022
I couldn’t resist reading this. The cover alone had me sold. I found myself chuckling at Laura Belgray’s life stories and being similar in age I found them humorously relatable. We have had some very similar experiences, right down for the love of Ben & Jerry’s Health Bar Crunch, liking those bad boys (life would have been so much easier), feeling that mythical spark, even telling people they are lucky for sleeping all night without peeing.

This book is more of a memoir with life experience wisdom sprinkled throughout. This book is what life is all about, gaining experiences and learning from them. Learning your worthiness.

Special thanks to Netgalley and Hachette Books for providing a digitally advanced readers copy in exchange for an honest review.

Profile Image for Stephanie.
585 reviews
July 17, 2023
I have no idea why this book was written. It’s a memoir, and I picked it up on audiobook, because I thought that the subtitle was hilarious. It talks about an author I have no experience with, so I wasn’t a fan when I started, which probably affected how I listen to it. She says a lot of nothing, talks about how awful she spent her the years. What struck me was how privileged her life was, that she could do whatever she wanted, which was basically very very little until she got successful. I don’t know why I finished this. I think I was waiting to find the point.
Profile Image for Salena Copeland.
55 reviews
August 2, 2023
I hate to give two stars to a memoir, since it feels like rating someone’s life, but this was not my favorite. I think the first couple of chapters were interesting, but I had huge difficulties connecting to the years of her life where she hung out in bars (drinking diet cokes), giving blow jobs to random guys to hopefully get work, obsessing over specific exercise classes, shopping, and living, apparently expense-free, with her parents in NYC. She credits not having a real job as the reason she was able to jump when an opportunity arose, but really it’s the fact that her parents were wealthy enough for her to live off of them while she fucked around. Talking about making her first million blogging, while working no more than 5 hours a day, felt like a brag I never need to hear in my life (I work at a nonprofit).
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Kimberly Crossland.
1 review2 followers
September 6, 2023
This book has it all -- a little provocative, a little humble, a little humourous, a little serious. I love getting more of a behind-the-scenes of what happens as someone scales to digital celeb status without the filters and the fake stories. This is the mindset memoir that offers grit to every copywriter and aspiring entrepreneur as they navigate the ups and downs of this wild and crazy fun ride.
Profile Image for Jonann loves book talk❤♥️❤.
870 reviews165 followers
May 20, 2023
Tough Titties: On Living Your Best Life When You're the F-ing Worst
by Laura Belgray
Pub Date: 13 Jun 2023
Hachette Books

I was gifted Tough Titties: On Living Your Best Life When You're the F-ing Worst by Laura Belgray from Hachette Books. Belgray's book is a candid, comedic reflection of her life experiences, reminding us that we're all flawed and that's OK. Her writing captures the joy and pain of growing up with exquisite comedic timing, providing readers with much-needed comic relief and camaraderie.

It was a delightful journey of self-discovery, and I was thoroughly entertained throughout. I'd highly recommend this book to anyone looking for a good laugh and a meaningful read.

Thank you Laura Belgray and Hachette Books for this delightful complimentary book. If you are looking for a fun summer read, this is it!

#ToughTitties #LauraBelgray @HachetteBooks @HachetteGo

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Profile Image for Taylor Swift.
2 reviews3 followers
July 26, 2023
I really, REALLY wanted to like this book as someone aspiring to work in the TV/comedy/entertainment world and personally feeling like a "late-bloomer" in that regard. The intro had me hooked, but past that and a few chapters in part III, the book was truly so bad, to the point I had to force myself to finish (because I both paid for it AND am trying to achieve my year reading challenge, dammit!!)

To Laura's credit, she had some very unique, clever metaphors and was extremely detailed in her storytelling. However, the majority of her chapters had no real "lesson" and ended with abrupt, unsatisfying closers. Example- if you're going to spend an entire chapter sharing the nitty gritty details of every guy you gave a BJ to, at least...give us a reason? Beyond "It means I succeeded in getting that coveted male attention that I never had in middle school- btw, did I mention I have big boobs now?" (Paraphrased but honestly, not far off).

I also had an issue with how she described many other women in the book. Take for example, a woman that was on a cruise with her that she described as "a massive sourpuss, and her pubes stuck out through her leggings...a miserable bitch" primarily for calling Laura entitled... Meanwhile, through all the accounts I can't help but agree with the observation. The majority of Laura's stories seep with privilege and entitlement, which she instead chalked up to her "laziness" as a main source for her success.

She also focuses on her obsession with being thin an uncomfortable amount. (I've struggled in the past with an ED, so I can fully relate to it being life-shaping, but it's written in a way that almost sounds prideful?)

As I stated in the beginning, I had high hopes but this was a frustrating read. Save your time and money!!!
Profile Image for MissBecka Gee.
1,860 reviews860 followers
June 29, 2023
There are no big revelations on how to change your life.
No fabulous ways to become a success.
This book is a whole lot of fuck ups, and some success that was stumbled into.
Is Laura talented?
Did she work real hard to become a success?
Her younger self stories are entertaining and she pulls no punches when relaying them.
But they are, are highly privileged stories from a highly privileged person, so take them for the entertainment they were meant to be and don't expect anything more.
Thanks to NetGalley & Hachette Books for my DRC.
Profile Image for Brittany.
217 reviews25 followers
June 7, 2023
*I received an eARC from NetGalley in exchange for my review. All opinions are my own.*

This book is... odd. The author spent an entire chapter detailing different men she's given bjs to, which was not particularly something I needed to know.

The other complaint I have is that she says that beignets are jelly filled donuts. That's not at all what a beignet is. Petty on my part, but for someone from Louisiana it's annoying.

And the last thing that bothered me was when she said that her husband tells her not to take her depression meds because he "likes her crazy". Ma'am. No. We're not going to advocate for leaving mental health untreated to impress a man.

I don't know what audience she's trying to reach, but it's going to be a no from me.
16 reviews
April 7, 2023
I had the pleasure of getting an early digital review copy of Tough Titties. I started reading yesterday evening and reluctantly went to sleep after getting halfway done and finished this morning. This memoir is a peek behind the curtain of how Laura Belgray became who she is now. It's laugh-out-loud funny. Her personality shines throughout the book, and the reader gets an unapologetic, real, and raw look at her life. I will forever be a fan because of her authenticity.

My favorite passage from Tough Titties by Laura Belgray is: "Being different and unapologetically "you" has a ripple effect. It gives others permission to be more "them," and so on."
Profile Image for KarnagesMistress.
1,167 reviews11 followers
December 31, 2022
OMG, Laura Belgray, thankyouthankyouthank you for this book! Every time I run across a book like this, it's written by a Millennial. It is just so nice for a fellow member of Gen X to come out as less than the epitome of cool. Now, there are a lot of things you've done that I never had the chance to do, so you're better than you think. Thanks to your candor, though, I can rest assured that I am not a complete and total loser. In putting yourself out there, I feel like I have met a potential friendly acquaintance. (Not full-on friend, only because I fear we may both be too introverted for that.) It's funny, you spend so much of the book discussing your employment failures, but reading this book has convinced me that if I needed services like Talking Shrimp's, and could afford them, I would beat a path straight to your list. (Maybe I can afford them, I don't know, I'm not the one who just made one million dollars.)

Ah, this review is nothing but silly, but I hope it conveys the glee with which I devoured your tales. I hope they make you another million. I received this book for free through the Grab-A-Galley promotion with Hachette Books and Publishers Weekly. It is an uncorrected proof.
1 review1 follower
April 25, 2023
Laura could be writing about me! Well written and humorous. Easy to read. Finished within hours of getting the book.
Profile Image for Terri Trespicio.
12 reviews13 followers
March 20, 2023
Finally! A success story without: hustle, preciousness, or self-deluded nonsense about what it means to win at life. Tough Titties is a refreshingly real read that reminds us that we basically all want the same thing: To fit in and to be noticed; to crush it without killing ourselves. And with all the BS-addled drivel out there about "living your best life" and "showing up," Laura says, yeah, sure, I'll show up--just maybe not on time. You can keep your prayer-hands emoji, and be prepared for your green morning smoothie to come shooting out your nose.

And if you think this is just a series of funny stories, don't be fooled: There's an incredible amount of craft under the surface of its hilarious prose, making pointed commentary about what we think is important, and what really isn't.

I'd say "Look out David Sedaris" but that isn't even what I mean. Because my dream now is for Laura Belgray and David Sedaris to meet for lunch and I want the booth behind them.

Cannot recommend highly enough.
Profile Image for Laura.
380 reviews7 followers
January 2, 2023
Thank you to the publisher for an ARC to review.

Don’t let the title fool you, folks - there’s not a whole lot of advice in here. But there are a whole lot of stories about how being very mediocre and privileged can get you places!

I’m not trying to bash on Laura Belgray - she would probably say the same thing about herself.

If you do want advice - skip to the last chapter for how to achieve your best life.

If you want funny life stories (in the same vein as Jenny Lawson) - this will probably tickle your fancy.

Nothing about it stood out to me, really, in a sea of humor essays/memoirs.
Profile Image for Victoria Cook.
2 reviews3 followers
March 14, 2023
I loved this book so much! Laura’s voice is so funny and insightful. She shares stories of her life growing up in NYC as a decidedly not cool kid, her insecurities, her embarrassing moments, her big mistakes, her oddball family, all in service of finally accepting herself and finding her voice and her success. Her writing style feels like you are talking to your best friend except she’s so much funnier than your best friend. While it’s hilarious, it’s also deeply moving and inspiring about how much self acceptance is really the key to self-discovery. Read this book!
Profile Image for Elisabeth Prueitt.
1 review5 followers
March 14, 2023
FIVE STARS - I absolutely loved Tough Titties!
Laura Belgray is a fresh voice in the memoir genre and is incredibly funny; the book is conversational and relatable and a just-one-more-chapter page-turner.
Like all well-written humor, the stories are very specific (growing up in nyc in the ‘70s), yet universally relatable. Highly recommended. I only wished I’d saved it for a summer read, but I’ll have it for a re-read which it probably the first time I can think of having done that.
4 reviews4 followers
April 6, 2023
So refreshing! If you’re tired of self help cliches or typical memoirs, get this immediately. Eat, Pray, Love would have been enhanced by a chapter about obliging bjs and finding your passion via Bewitched re-runs. Thankfully, Laura Belgray includes all these details plus many more hilarious stories about slowly finding your place in the world, “adulting” milestones be damned.
February 22, 2023
Such a great read! You really get in Laura’s head and I honestly walked away feeling like I was her close friend/feeling like she was my older sister. Can’t recommend enough!
4 reviews
April 26, 2023
Tough Titties is addicting and Brutally Honest!! With an underscore! (I even wrote this next to: "What I did was, let my face turn red, butter a Joey roll, and continue to wedge myself into that same table as if no one had said anything. Baller!"). My first thought was... how does she dare to share this much information?? But then it was, Laura is so daring and spot on! Echoes of growing up! Junior High was rough, counting calories is rough, dating was rough! I can visualize every interaction, every side eye. I can see Jill's mouth open in horror when her mom tromped into Studio 54! I barked out loud (a laugh with a question mark at the end!)! Your writing is discerning and absolutely precisely dead on descriptive! I don't think I have read another book that is so riotously honest, funny and cringe worthy (in a good way!) at the same time! There is no sugar coating or pushing the ugly to the side. At times it made my heart hurt for the teenage you, but I know it is cathartic! I think a good author is one who allows you to see the story, and you do that! Thank you for writing your book.
1 review
February 12, 2023
Thank you to the author and publisher for the copy of the book.

As the author herself would admit, she had the luck to fail upwards in life and is indeed successful because of it. However, I made it through parts one and two (out of three) before I ultimately decided not to finish. The book reads like a diary of life events that the author attempts to make interesting with shock tactics (e.g. swearing, sex, gossip, etc.). There are rare moments that actually made me laugh, but they are surrounded by extremely wordy stories padded with repetition. At nearly 300 pages for the review copy I cannot recommend the time investment to read this.

My rating system:
5: something special
4: would actively recommend
3: average; forgettable, but would recommend if asked
2: finished and would actively recommend against reading
1: couldn’t finish
Profile Image for Heather.
23 reviews
March 26, 2023
I really enjoyed reading this book! It gives you a different perspective of life and that it's OK if you've messed up or that you don't always push yourself to be "the best". My favorite chapter was Baby Fever. Despite having a child myself, I loved this chapter and felt like I could still relate. Even though I have a child (ONE child), I'm always told I "should have more" or asked "why don't you have more" when I'm with people or some relatives. It's obnoxious and annoying!!! I agree with Laura 1000000000000% on that chapter. And most of the book. But that chapter really hit me. Great book. I'm glad I was able to be one of the few who got an advanced copy!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 395 reviews

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