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Batman: Three Jokers

Batman: Three Jokers #2

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As Batman and Batgirl follow an unexpected thread linking the three Jokers with someone from the Dark Knight’s past, Red Hood dives headfirst into trouble and finds himself struggling to stay afloat without the aid of his allies.

Batman: Three Jokers continues its trajectory as the ultimate examination of The Joker and his never-ending conflict with Batman. Prepare yourselves for the second chapter of one of the most terrifying and personal mysteries Batman has ever faced!

54 pages, Paperback

Published September 29, 2020

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About the author

Geoff Johns

2,576 books2,306 followers
Geoff Johns originally hails from Detroit, Michigan. He attended Michigan State University, where he earned a degree in Media Arts and Film. He moved to Los Angeles in the late 1990s in search of work within the film industry. Through perseverance, Geoff ended up as the assistant to Richard Donner, working on Conspiracy Theory and Lethal Weapon 4. During that time, he also began his comics career writing Stars and S.T.R.I.P.E. and JSA (co-written with David S. Goyer) for DC Comics. He worked with Richard Donner for four years, leaving the company to pursue writing full-time.

His first comics assignments led to a critically acclaimed five-year run on the The Flash. Since then, he has quickly become one of the most popular and prolific comics writers today, working on such titles including a highly successful re-imagining of Green Lantern, Action Comics (co-written with Richard Donner), Teen Titans, Justice Society of America, Infinite Crisis and the experimental breakout hit series 52 for DC with Grant Morrison, Greg Rucka and Mark Waid. Geoff received the Wizard Fan Award for Breakout Talent of 2002 and Writer of the Year for 2005, 2006, 2007, and 2008 as well as the CBG Writer of the Year 2003 thru 2005, 2007 and CBG Best Comic Book Series for JSA 2001 thru 2005. Geoff also developed BLADE: THE SERIES with David S. Goyer, as well as penned the acclaimed “Legion” episode of SMALLVILLE. He also served as staff writer for the fourth season of ROBOT CHICKEN.

Geoff recently became a New York Times Bestselling author with the graphic novel Superman: Brainiac with art by Gary Frank.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 96 reviews
Profile Image for Sam Quixote.
4,667 reviews13.2k followers
October 8, 2020
Three Jokers becomes two in, er, Three Jokers #2! After the dramatic finale of the first issue, Red Hood is on a rampage, chasing down the remaining Jokers with Batman and Batgirl hot on his tail. Meanwhile, a judge is found beaten to death by a weapon covered in Joe Chill’s prints - the man who murdered Bruce Wayne’s parents. But Joe’s been in the Blackgate medical wing being treated for terminal cancer for months - what do the two remaining Jokers (or are there more…) have planned?

I wasn’t expecting to be this impressed with Three Jokers but this is a miniseries that’s turning out to be shockingly good. Besides the enigmatic multiple Jokers conundrum, this is also a stealth Red Hood story with Jason struggling with past trauma that he’s realising he’s never fully confronted before. And I really liked how Geoff Johns continues to throw Jason at the Jokers to keep facing this, but also how he introduces the possibility that this is an elaborate plan to turn Red Hood into the new Joker, kinda like Joker started out as Red Hood himself, and playing into Jason’s continual metamorphoses over the years. It’s a story with a lot of twists and layers to it and I appreciated that.

The B-plot is also interesting as Batman and Batgirl attempt to track down Joe Chill and see what the Jokers have used the vat of chemicals for - perhaps hinting at what the Joker really is: a mantle, passed down from criminal to criminal, via this gruesome ritual. Except now Joker is going overboard with it, perhaps as a diversion. I like that Johns keeps us guessing. And that last page is a tantalising stinger for where this story is headed.

There were a couple of little moments that stood out to me: Batman, facing Chill’s cell, saying “You know who I am” but faltering with the first attempt because he’s momentarily taken back to being a kid again - that was excellent. And Babs kissing Jason - these two always made more sense to me as a couple than Barbara and Dick Grayson. C’mon, girls like the bad boys and Jason is definitely that! I think a relationship between these two would be vastly more interesting than pairing two “good” characters, y’know?

Jason Fabok’s art continues to shine. All of the pages look stunning but I loved what he did with the visual of the Red Hood mask - the painted-on Joker smile and the shattered right eye. It’s so perfectly symbolic of what’s going on in the story. Batgirl kicking down the door with the storm raging behind her looked really cool, as was Batman and Batgirl being swarmed by Jokers. I can’t fault Fabok one bit - his Batman art is superb, full of everything you’d want to see in this title.

The opening scene is creepy but pointless and felt like filler. And, considering there’s only one more issue left and the number of plates Johns has set spinning so far, I’m worried he’s not going to resolve it all in time, or end up rushing it, so things like this feel extraneous. Batman takes Red Hood murdering a Joker much too easily. The dialogue he has with Babs is slightly convincing in this regard - but not totally. And Jason overplays the sad boy role after Babs kisses him, almost whining when he says “I’ve never felt like anyone cared” - no wonder she turned away from him. Nobody likes a sad sack wallowing in self-pity!

Still, Three Jokers #2 is a much better comic than I thought it would ever be and I’m glad to be pleasantly surprised like this. Decent writing, a compelling story, all presented in top-tier art - Three Jokers #2 is a great comic. This miniseries is turning out to be Geoff Johns’ best work in years.
Profile Image for Javier X.
193 reviews3 followers
September 29, 2020
This was great, better than the first issue in my opinion. This issue was focused in Red Hood, while the first one was about Batgirl.

There were two moments that made me gasp, and those two Jokers are so crazy and malicious.

There are still some questions left for the last issue, and Geoff needs to deliver big time because this plot has been in the oven for years.
Profile Image for Nicolo.
2,819 reviews166 followers
November 6, 2021
For someone as meticulous and controlling as the Batman, he has one glaring weakness, Jason Todd. The guilt he feels from his former ward's death and flawed resurrection makes him indecisive when faced with the fact Todd shot a Joker (as the title indicated, there are three) in cold blood from the last issue.

Jason Todd has a lot of anger issues, which only got worse when he died and resurrected as the Red Hood. His hate fuels him, and that last page rejection would only be fuel for his character.
Profile Image for Logan.
1,012 reviews36 followers
September 29, 2020
DC is really knocking it out of the park with this series! Each issue is just so eye-opening and I can't believe some of the things in this book! Props to Geoff Johns for once again telling a compelling story and exploring the Joker and Batman dynamic! Interested to see how this all wraps up!
Profile Image for James DeSantis.
Author 17 books1,176 followers
October 1, 2020
The Three Jokers story gets a little deep into the mind of Jason and honestly gives us one of the best portrayals of the characters in forever. Not only is Jason interesting but the actions he does and the response from Batman and Barbara is great. Also the two Jokers working together is scary as shit and I live for it.

This is even stronger than the first issue. A 4 out of 5.
Profile Image for Kezia.
191 reviews4 followers
September 29, 2020
[stares into the camera like it's the office]

Jason Fabok, your art is perf as always tho, thank you
Profile Image for James.
2,465 reviews67 followers
October 6, 2020
3.5 stars. This issue really focuses on Jason Todd. His relationship with Bruce and Barbara as well as his history at the hands of the Joker. Poor Jason Todd. Always getting captured or done dirty.
Profile Image for Tawfek.
3,084 reviews2,221 followers
June 28, 2021
I find myself while reading this feeling sorry for the arabic translator in the first ever arabic edition, poor woman had to start reading batman with this terrifying title.
this title is truly scary and deep.
jason gets caught by the jokers and beat up a little , they think he will make a great joker.
batman and batgirl find him alone and beaten up and save him.
jason and batgirl share a moment between all this chaos and a kiss.
the victims of the joker in this title are at an all time high.
next issue is the last lets see where this is headed
Profile Image for Anthony.
802 reviews62 followers
December 2, 2020
Here we get into Jason’s headspace and his relationship with Barbra, Bruce and Joker. It also poses the question of if he’ll ever Break Bad (become the Joker?). It’s a decent read. The artwork is the star of the book though. It looks amazing. And I’m still not bored of DC using 9 panel grids in some of their more recent ‘mature’ books
Profile Image for Brandyn.
49 reviews3 followers
September 30, 2020
"We shouldn't of done that. I just wanted you to...know that I care."

Three Jokers continues, this issue being less of an exploration of the Three Joker concept and more of an exploration of the aftermath of the first issue's shocking ending. Batgirl lets Batman know about what transpired last issue so they try to find him, while the Jokers continue to do their thing, and Red Hood is also on their trail.

This might sound like a lot and...it is. This issue is decidedly less focused than the first, which doesn't make it bad by any means, but there's a lot of ideas that are introduced in this issue and none of them get much time to breathe yet, which makes me worried for the third issue, since it now has to wrap up a lot of lingering threads. That being said, I did enjoy a lot of the ideas that were introduced, including this issues cliffhanger, which is a plot thread even more shocking than the end of the first one. Although, this is definitely what Johns and Fabok were talking about when they said this might be one of the ballsiest endings in Batman's 85 years of existence, depending on how much they rock the boat here.

Speaking of Fabok, nothing more to add that I didn't in my original review. He's still amazing, and was given the time to really hone his craft for this series in particular.

Overall a more unfocused book than the first, but I can't bring myself to rate it lower than a 4 thanks to all the ideas brimming within.
Profile Image for Kosta Voukelatos.
24 reviews18 followers
November 1, 2020
The Three Jokers Book Two builds upon the first issue with an examination of red hood and his worsening mental state. The fabulous artwork and story telling continues to impress. I can’t wait to finish this great story!
6,632 reviews74 followers
September 30, 2020
Another good one in this amazing series! Only two at this point , but two good one! Lot of action, wonderful art, good cast, I particularly like the character development job on Red Hood., and strong story! Lot of fun!
Profile Image for Dan Seitz.
434 reviews5 followers
October 12, 2020
Oof this went from intriguing to terrible REALLY fast. Great art from Fabok though.
Profile Image for Fay.
766 reviews7 followers
September 29, 2020
Excuse me. Who gave you the right? I love this run. Wow.
Profile Image for Wasim Mahmud.
292 reviews20 followers
January 12, 2022
কমিক ব‌ই রিভিউ

ব্যাটম্যান : থ্রী জোকারস ইস্যু # ২

প্রকাশক : ডিসি কমিক্স

লেখক : জেফ জোনস

শিল্পী : জেসন ফ্যাবক এবং ব্রেড এন্ডারসন

গতকাল বহুল প্রতীক্ষিত ব্যাটম্যান : থ্রী জোকারস এর দ্বিতীয় পর্ব পড়ে শেষ করলাম। এখানে যতটুকু সম���ভব স্পয়লার ফ্রী রিভিউ দেয়ার চেষ্টা করছি। ডার্কসাইড ওয়ারের সময় মবিয়াস চেয়ারে বসার কারণে জ্ঞানের দেবতার ক্ষমতাপ্রাপ্ত ব্যাটম্যান জানতে পারেন যে তাঁর প্রধান প্রতিদ্বন্দ্বী জোকার আসলে তিনজন। জোকারের হাতে "কিলিং জোক" গল্পে ব্যাটগার্ল ( বারবারা গর্ডন) ভয়ানক অত্যাচারের শিকার হন এবং "ডেথ ইন দ্য ফ্যামিলি" গল্পে রেড হুড ( তৎকালীন রবিন জেসন টড) জোকারের হাতে নির্মমভাবে মৃত্যুবরণ করেন। পরে লেজারাস পিটে জেসনকে ফেলে আবার জীবিত করা হয়। কিন্তু জেসন আর আগের মতো থাকেন নি। ব্যাটম্যান তাকে বাচাতে পারেনি এই ক্ষোভের সাথে সাথে ব্রুস কেন জোকারকে হত্যা করে প্রতিশোধ নেয়নি এই অভিযোগ‌ও জেসনকে তাড়িয়ে বেড়ায়। বারবারা তাঁর উপর জোকারের করা নিপীড়ন ভুলে নি।

এদিকে গথামে তিনজন জোকার এক‌ই সময়ে ঘুরে বেড়াচ্ছে। ব্যাটম্যান, ব্যাটগার্ল এবং রেড হুড নেমে পড়েছেন এই তিন জোকারের রহস্য উন্মোচনে। কিন্তু সত্য সবসময় তিক্ত হয়। গথামে জোকারেরা "জোকার টক্সিন" ছড়িয়ে দিচ্ছে, মানুষজনকে একধরনের "জোকার জম্বি" বানিয়ে ফেলছে। প্রথম পর্বে আমরা জানতে পারি যে এবার জোকারদের প্রধান উদ্দেশ্য হলো আরো একজন উন্নত জোকার সৃষ্টি করা। কিন্তু কে হবেন এই নতুন জোকার? ব্যাট পরিবারের কেউ নয়তো? জেসন, ব্রুস এবং বারবারার লক্ষ‌ও এক‌ই নয়। জোকারের সাথে তাদের তিনজনের অতীত‌ই অত্যন্ত তিক্ত। ক্রিমিনাল জোকার এবং কমেডিয়ান জোকারের মতিগতি বোঝা যাচ্ছে না। ক্লাউন জোকারের পরিণতি কি পরিকল্পিত ছিলো? রেড হুড নিজেকে নিয়ন্ত্রণ করতে পারছে না। একজন দুর্নীতিবাজ বিচারকের হত্যা রহস্য উদঘাটন করতে গিয়ে ব্যাটম্যান এমন এক সত্যের মুখোমুখি হন যা তাঁর পিতা-মাতার হত্যার সাথে বিস্ময়করভাবে সম্পৃক্ত। ব্রুসের বাবা-মা থমাস এবং মার্থার হত্যাকারী জো চিল এখনো জীবিত। এদিকে জোকারদের পাতা ফাঁদে পা পড়েছে ব্যাট ফ্যামিলির একজনের। থ্রী জোকারস এর এই পর্বে জোকারের যে মিথ অর্থাৎ কে জোকার, বা কি জোকার? এবং ব্যাটম্যানের সাথে জোকারের চিরজীবনের দ্বৈরথ কেন এবং ব্যাটম্যানের পিতামাতার হত্যাকান্ডের সাথে জোকারদের কি সম্পর্ক তা অনুসন্ধানের পথ তৈরি হয়েছে।

নিউ ইয়র্ক টাইমসের বেস্ট সেলিং রাইটার জেফ জোনস এবং কমিক বুক আর্টিস্ট জেসন ফ্যাবক, যে লেখক / শিল্পী জুটি জাস্টিস লীগের "ডার্কসাইড ওয়ার" সৃষ্টি করেছিলেন, আবার একত্রিত হয়েছেন ব্যাটম্যান এবং জোকারের চুড়ান্ত গল্প বলার জন্যে। আমার কাছে এই দ্বিতীয় পর্ব প্রথমটির তুলনায় অনেক ভালো লেগেছে। গল্পের প্লট এবং কমিক্স আর্ট প্রশংসনীয় আমার মতে।
Profile Image for Vinicius.
512 reviews6 followers
June 28, 2021
BRABO DEMAIS MEU DEUS!!! Nossa o volume 2 deu um pau no volume 1. Têm as doideras do Coringa; o trauma que o Coringa causou no Jason e na Bárbara foram bem trabalhados e resgatados; o Batman deu para perceber que ele ficou sem palavras frente a Bárbara confrontando-o sobre as ações do Jason... Esse foi top.

ps: teve uma bitoca desnecessária e forçada mas da para ignorar
Profile Image for Jacob Helberg.
152 reviews10 followers
December 31, 2020
This really gave me Killing Joke vibes. It's more of a character study of who Jason Todd is with a side story of whatever else is happening in Gotham. The two jokers left are becoming increasingly maniacal and that is wonderful to see. There are some serious parallels with both Killing Joke and Dark Knight. In addition to Batman, now these two jokers seem to "need" Red Hood. So good!
Profile Image for Monita Mohan.
849 reviews14 followers
October 4, 2020
I still don’t know what to make of this series. What’s it about? Are we finally giving Jason the emotional arc that’s been denied to him regarding his death by Joker, or is this series about Jason’s man-pain, while Barbara is the stoic warrior woman foil with zero personality? Because so far, that’s all I’m getting.

The Jokers so far are really dull, which is rare because he’s often an enigmatic figure, albeit an overused one.

I love Fabok’s art. It’s insanely beautiful. I love his character designs, and for once the men are drawn as affectionately as the sole woman character. Jason in this book is stunning. Wow. I will only come back to this series if Fabok is on it.

My worry is that since we’ve had a few panels of censored naked Jason, I feel like a lot of naked and sexualised women will show up in the rest of the series. That’s how most comic series work. It’s annoying as hell.

I don’t understand how come both Jason and Bruce are covered in scars and Babs has just the one. Male creators keep pushing this fantasy of blemish-free women, and it feeds into the insecurities of real people who, being human, have blemishes, scars and flaws. Normalize making woman human. If only, right?

The writing isn’t that great. Babs and Jason, I don’t know what’s going on, but we don’t need it. Babs needs to be written as a person and not a foil, but I don’t think that’s going to happen. Which sucks, because she’s the only woman in the series and she has nothing to do than be the maternal stand in. Come on!

Let Bruce be the dad he can be to Jason. And, if you’re going to insinuate that Joker has some kind of mentor obsession with Jason then follow through with it. If Joker wants to use Jason to hurt Bruce, then do it. Don’t cop out like in this issue.

Maybe the whole is better than the sum of its parts. But right now this series is falling flat in the writing department. The art is great though.
Profile Image for Adam Spanos.
637 reviews125 followers
October 8, 2020
We’re now two thirds of the way through this series and it’s clear that the triple Jokers isn’t the main plot point of the series. I’d say that the main focus of the story is on the relationship of Jason Todd and Barbara Gordon as well as Jason Todd and Batman. There are clearly unresolved issues between Jason and Batman regarding a feeling of abandonment after Todd was killed. This is, of course, rather silly but it shines an unfortunate spotlight on how goofy death is treated in DC comics since Jason seems to be upset that Batman simply accepted his death rather than… resurrect him???

Jason Fabok’s artwork is so good that it can make almost any story feel superior. I’d say that Johns greatest strength as a writer is dialogue and he’s at the time of his game here. I assume he was writing this at the same time as he was writing Shazam! but the quality of writing in Three Jokers is much much better. Johns is a streaky writer but when he takes his time, he’s one of the best in the business. Johns also delivers another great ending so I’m really looking forward to the final book. I have no idea what the story means to the larger DCU but at this point Three Jokers is probably my most anticipated comic even if there are only three books total.
Profile Image for Ripley.
223 reviews13 followers
October 9, 2020
Three Jokers Book 2

This is the 2nd part of a three issue mini series written by Geoff Johns and pencilled by Jason Fabok. Batman, Batgirl, and Red Hood are on the trail of a multitude of Jokers and this group seems to be plotting to make more.

This issue may be even better than the first. Jason Todd is forced to confront some of his deepest emotions about his past that he's tried to bury within himself. The raw emotion is beautifully written. It tugged at my heart strings. I've read Death in the Family so I'm aware of Jason's past but this made me want to dig deeper and get to know the character better because he's such a troubled and misunderstood soul.

I definitely recommend this mini. Though it'll be up to issue 3 to really decide it's fate. Why there are 3 jokers will be tantamount to making or breaking it. As of now, I'd strongly recommend it. It's a fantastic follow up to The Killing Joke with the sane level of sheer brutality. In my opinion, Joker is at his best when he's that savage in the vein of Killing Joke and Death of the Family.
Profile Image for Guilherme Smee.
Author 26 books154 followers
August 8, 2021
Ah, o hype, esse diabinho danado! Quando ele se instala nas nossas mentes e corações nao tem quem o tire. Quer dizer, tem sim: a própria experiência que você tem com a obra de arte. Nesse caso, ou você se satisfaz com o que lehe foi prometido, ou se arrepende amargamente. Foi o caso dessa minissérie dos Três Coringas em muito antecipada pela DC Comics e os veículos de comunicação do universo dos quadrinhos. Geoff Johns costuma ser um bom roteirista, mas não acho que a sua pegada no Batman seja a ideal. Envolver Barbara Gordon e o meu guilty pleasure, o Capuz Vermelho, na história poderia render muitas coisas interessantes, só que não vai além do óvio. Junte tudo isso a produzir a minissérie para o seloBlack Label, ou seja, fora da cronologia oficial e do Cãnone, deixa tudo ainda mais insosso. Vale bater palmas para a arte detalhista de Jason Fabok, que costumo dizer que é um David Finch melhorado. E é isso. Não valeu nem busacar o número dois em outra banca para poder ler a história completa... Meh.
Profile Image for yara.
1 review
December 5, 2022
i think this comic showcases the red hood/ joker relation story perfectly. i also loved the jason/barbara story line and how their chemistry stemmed in the midst of a personal war. however, i think the three joker plot didn���t make as much progress as i thought it would. everything the audience knew was mostly from book one. i expected one of them to die, revealing the last (true) joker. fortunately, i still think the slight deep dive into one of the jokers personal life was significant to the plot, i hope it’s motive was to tease and/ or foreshadow the outcome of the three joker crisis in the corrupt city of gotham. i’m inspired by the jokers’ motive, it’s fascinating that such a complex character doesn’t actually have one. the way they wreak havoc onto the city just for fun is definitely…something.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Aritra  Dasgupta.
510 reviews9 followers
September 29, 2020
Didn't really vibe with this one. Nothing here really surprised me, in fact most of it felt stale and standard. The emotional tone and focus on Red Hood didn't do anything for me, in fact I cringed at the "You and me, we're not so different" line. Like that's so cliche. I liked that Batman lost his utility belt in the tussle. Also loved that humanitarian award irony. And ofc the art is amazing. But besides that, I didn't like the gaping plotholes here. Batman just forgiving Jason for killing Joker with that bullshit logic. Like really tho, that is such bullshit which just peaks at Barbara asking him why he didn't talk to him through all these years and him replying with " UHH I thought he would be like you." "Can't believe I beat Batman in reaching this place" and instantly being kidnapped after that, just so cliche and cringey honestly. The art is so beautiful I swear because otherwise this would just be so boring and I would have just stopped reading. I am curious how this is gonna end up but I loved that first issue SO SO much and I'm really eating my own words here now. This was cringe ngl.
Profile Image for Laiba.
122 reviews43 followers
October 8, 2020
Spoiler alert! That Jason Todd x Barbara Gordon kiss... was it really necessary? That and the fact that these issues are so short are probably my only criticism, hence the 4 stars. But the story is exciting and thrilling! The art is beautiful - definitely one of the top illustrations I've seen for the BatFam. I may be totally biased though, considering I absolutely love Jason Todd. Seriously. I would protect him with my life. But I can't wait for the next issue.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
5 reviews3 followers
September 29, 2020
This was another great and solid issue, this issue reminded me of Batman Under The Red Hood at times and some ppl might not like the one panel with Jason and Barbara in her apartment but that's been explored before in another Batman series. And again Jason Fabok knocked it out of the park with his art and it and Geoff with his writing, i'm definitely excited for the 3rd and final issue.
Profile Image for Nicko.
122 reviews1 follower
October 1, 2020
Really good issue. Maybe not as good as the first, but, good. Super intense and very character driven. Character moments felt like the priority here, while plot felt like the second. Intrigue not AS good as the first issue, but still effective. Art and lines are still incredible..
Profile Image for David Dalton.
2,676 reviews
December 17, 2020
A Joker series or Red Hood? Seems to be about him mostly. And how he ties into Batman and Batgirl. Each character has a major history with the Joker(s). I will get to issue #3 tomorrow if I can. Now I really want to see where this story goes.
Profile Image for Caitlin.
17 reviews
June 7, 2021
Excellent. A classic in the making, it is such a great, refreshing concept. I can't wait to see what waves this makes in the universe. I have no idea how it will conclude and I'm looking forward to the finale.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 96 reviews

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