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کِی: رازهای علمی زمان‌بندی عالی

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دنیل اچ. پینک در کتاب کی؟ راه‌های علمی زمان بندی عالی، آخرین تحقیقات و اطلاعات زمان‌سنجی خود را همراه با توصیه‌هایی عملی و کاربردی برای ساخت یک زندگی غنی‌تر و پربارتر در اختیار شما قرار می‌دهد.

همه شما می‌دانید که زمان‌بندی از اهمیت بالایی برخوردار است. اما مشکل اینجاست که چیز بیشتری از آن نمی‌دانید. زندگی شما جریانی بی‌انتها از تصمیمات «کِی» است. مرتب در حال یافتن پاسخ پرسش‌هایی همچون: که کی شغل‌تان را عوض کنید، کی به کلاس خاصی بروید، کی تصمیمات جدی درباره پروژه یا شخصی خاص بگیرید و مواردی از این قبیل هستید.

دنیل اچ. پینک (Daniel H. Pink) به شما نشان می‌دهد که زمان‌بندی یک علم است. ترکیبی از تحقیقات چند منظوره و میان ‌رشته‌ای که به شرایط انسان دیدگاهی نو و جدید دارد. به علاوه راهنمایی مفیدی برای هوشمندانه‌تر شدن زندگی و ایده‌آل‌تر شدن آن ارائه می‌دهد.

پرسش‌ نخست کتاب کی؟ (When: the scientific secrets of perfect timing) در مورد خود زمان است (مطالعه تاریخچه زمان از نخستین صفحات شاخص آفتاب در مصر باستان تا ساعت‌های مکانیکی قرن شانزدهم اروپا و تا ظهور مناطق زمانی در قرن نوزدهم) و خیلی زود متوجه می‌شوید که چیزهایی را که شما واحدهای «طبیعی» زمان می‌دانید فقط حصارهایی هستند که اجدادتان برای محاصره زمان ساخته‌اند. دوم اینکه ساعت‌ها و هفته‌ها همه اختراعات انسانی هستند. به نظر دانیل بورستینِ مورخ «بشر فقط با تعیین آن‌ها می‌تواند از یکنواختی مکرر طبیعت رها شود».

اما بر اساس تئوری یکنواختی مکرر بورستین، یک واحد زمانی از کنترل انسان خارج است. او در سیاره‌ای زندگی می‌کند که با سرعتی ثابت و الگویی مشخص حول محور خود می‌چرخد و او را در معرض بازه‌های منظم تاریکی و روشنایی قرار می‌دهد.

انسان هر چرخش زمین به دور خود را یک روز می‌نامد. شاید روز مهم‌ترین روش او برای تقسیم‌بندی، پیکربندی و ارزیابی زمان باشد. بنابراین در بخش اول کتاب به تحقیق درباره زمان‌بندی پرداخته شده است. دانشمندان از ریتم روز چه آموخته‌اند؟ چگونه می‌توان از این اطلاعات برای بهبود عملکرد، ارتقای سلامتی و افزایش رضایت‌ استفاده کرد؟ و چرا همانطور که داستان کاپیتان ترنر نشان داد، نباید تصمیمات مهم را عصرها اتخاذ کرد؟

207 pages, Paperback

First published January 9, 2018

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About the author

Daniel H. Pink is the author of six provocative books — including his newest, When: The Scientific Secrets of Perfect Timing.

WHEN has spent 4 months on the New York Times bestseller list and was named a Best Book of 2018 by Amazon and iBooks.

Dan's other books include the long-running New York Times bestseller A Whole New Mind and the #1 New York Times bestsellers Drive and To Sell is Human. His books have won multiple awards and have been translated into 39 languages.

He and his wife, who live in Washington, DC, have three children -- a college senior, a college sophomore, and a high school sophomore.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 2,820 reviews
Profile Image for Mehrsa.
2,245 reviews3,624 followers
January 28, 2018
It's my fault for reading this pathetic excuse for a book. It's not Pink's fault for writing a book that says nothing new at all or the publisher's fault for promoting a book that has absolutely no value whatsoever. I knew what it was when I picked it up. And yet, I am a sucker for self-help books that just regurgitate a bunch of soft science I already read in the New York Times. It's my fault. Don't make the same mistake.

Maybe I made this terrible decision in the afternoon?
Profile Image for Liong.
236 reviews321 followers
February 15, 2024
This is a book about timing.

We can't control outcomes, but we can manage our timing.

I always wanted to know why some people can spend less time to achieve their goals.

Now I know, one of the methods is how you plan your timings.

This book teaches us and shows tons of examples of how to hack our time.

There are methods for Early risers, Late risers, morning time, power breaks, scheduling hacks, naps and breaks, seasons, time perception and many more.

"I used to believe that timing was everything. Now I believe that everything is timing." Daniel Pink.

Profile Image for da AL.
378 reviews421 followers
March 14, 2018
The author does an entertaining job of writing and reading. He does an admirable job of making one contemplate the importance of considering timing -- one's inner rhythms and those of others. Too bad it often rings of glossy pop psychology, though -- an amalgamation of sometimes iffy statistics via sweeping conclusions...
Profile Image for Marianne.
3,876 reviews285 followers
December 26, 2017
When: The Scientific Secrets of Perfect Timing is the fourth book by bestselling American author, Daniel H. Pink. If we’re making an important life decision, what we decide obviously requires careful consideration. But what about when we decide? Could the time of day that we make a decision be significant? Could the time of day affect how well we learn or do our work? Does it really matter when we have that first cup of coffee? According to Dan Pink, it definitely does.

In this intriguing book, Pink examines the importance of good and bad timing. He begins by explaining how our individual chronotype (easily established) determines both our mood and our ability to perform at any given time of the day: how it affects our professional and our ethical judgements, as well as our physical function.

But he doesn’t just pontificate on the best time to do something for future success and happiness. He acknowledges that not everyone can control their work environment or the financial climate as they enter the job market. Pink also gives practical suggestions for dealing with less than ideal conditions, as well as hints and tips to improve everyday life.

Pink supports his points with data and simple, clear graphs. The depth of his research is apparent in every paragraph, and supported by his extremely comprehensive (26-page) notes section detailing references for each chapter. As well as six suggestions for further reading, Pink includes an 8-page index. But the most useful thing about this book is his Time Hacker’s Handbook: salient points from each section are condensed into summaries full of hints and tips and practical exercises that appear after each of the first six chapters.

Pink explains in detail: why having a coffee before a power nap makes sense; why combining a lunch break with an education session at 1pm (as some teaching hospitals do with their Grand Rounds) is counterproductive (ditto 8am lectures for University students); when the worst time to be a hospital patient is, and why; and the reason some people have the so-called “mid-life crisis”.

He looks at the effects of starting one’s career during a depressed jobs-market; why a mid-point (in a project, in a career, in a life) can cause a slump or a spark; how to overcome a bad start; when to quit your job; when to get married; when to exercise; the importance of breaks; and much, much more. Illustrating his points are choirs and rowing teams and basketballers and dubbawalas delivering tiffin tins and Hanukkah candles and the captain of the Lusitania.

Pink’s fourth book should be compulsory reading for bosses, educators, and schedulers, for policymakers, company executives, and performers, but there is plenty in this fascinating book that the average person will find applicable to their lives. This is a quick read that rewards time spent with some excellent insights. Recommended!
Profile Image for David Rubenstein.
829 reviews2,701 followers
February 12, 2019
This book is very engaging, even entertaining. It is all about how timing can affect our lives. I didn't read the book--I listened to the audiobook, and it is read by the author, Daniel Pink. Usually, authors do not make good narrators, but this audiobook is definitely the exception. Daniel Pink is a marvelous reader. He brings a good voice, and remarkable enthusiasm to his narration. So, if you are planning to read this book, I wholeheartedly recommend the audiobook version.

Unfortunately, what Pink has to say is not all that illuminating. In the preface, he writes that the captain of the Lusitania might have averted sinking by a U-boat during World War I, if only he had not made certain doubtful decisions in the afternoon. Really? Yes, the afternoon is a period when many people's intellectual faculties are ebbing, but it is hard to believe that the captain put his ship at risk as a result. And besides that--he had to make decisions in the afternoon--could he possibly have postponed his decisions? I doubt that.

It really is just a coincidence, but while listening to this audiobook, I had been simultaneously reading a print book on a similar theme; The Circadian Code: Lose Weight, Supercharge Your Energy, and Transform Your Health from Morning to Midnight. It is a recently-published book, and Pink probably did not have access to it. But, he could have read the research and results that it describes. If Pink had read the recent research, or had talked to the author who is a leading researcher--perhaps the leading researcher in the field of circadian rhythms, Pink would not have written what he wrote about morning people and night owls. Pink's book simply seems like he is talking off the top of his head. I cannot recommend this book to anyone.
Profile Image for Peter.
763 reviews62 followers
February 20, 2018
I feel I have to stress that the title of this book is very misleading. This book doesn't convey any actual secrets and it also doesn't teach you much about perfecting your timing in any of the various scenarios that it covers. What it does teach you, is that there are certain trends and rhythms in many aspects of one's life, from your daily energy and focus levels to more general feelings and commonalities people experiences during a lifetime. There are also the few obligatory case studies focusing on business aspects and other fields such as education which means that pretty much anyone can find something relatable in this book.

Pandering to the masses aside, it's actually a difficult book to actively dislike. Sure, there's very little here that's particularly new or mind-blowing, but the style in which it's written in is very engaging and very easy to follow. Having interesting, scientific case studies set up an idea and then following them up with concise discussions and lessons on the topic just works really well. The topics are also usually very applicable to one's own life, so you're constantly engaging with every topic and thinking of how it applies to you. I think it's fair to say that the author has got the formula for writing this type of non-fiction worked out pretty well.

There were a few elements I didn't like though. The "practical advice" at the end of each chapter was either very obvious or very 'self-helpy'. What I mean by the latter is that the advice wasn't as practical as it sounded since it required implementing ideas that require a lot of mental effort and aren't very sustainable, much like the advice I've read in many self-help books that very few people can actually follow through on. Another smaller element I disliked was the cherry-picking of data and then using it as the basis for far-reaching theories. This is a common practice in books like this and while I suspect for many cases, the theories actually hold up, making broad generalizations sound like facts is unscientific and annoying.

As the stars say, I liked this book. I'd even recommend it to most people simply for the exposure to some of the case studies and ideas brought up. It's a weird book though in that it's both engaging and a bit boring at the same time. The latter is probably due to some unnecessary repetition and foreknowledge of some of the ideas. The issues I had with it were mostly relatively minor though, so don't let my "average" rating put you off too much. The only warning I'd give to anyone thinking of reading this book is that you shouldn't go into it expecting to learn how to improve your timing, instead, expect to be made aware of timing related theories that are usually quite insightful.

Profile Image for 7jane.
781 reviews355 followers
February 24, 2018
(since my paperback version is not here, I use the hardcover one.)

music: Robert Palmer - "Housework" (like the little twist to the story in this song)

This book is a good one to have when trying to improve one's life, at work and at home. When-decision times come in so many ways: changing jobs, starting a project, running a marathon, when to exercise... it's importantly to do things not in a haphazard way, especially with important decisions.

This book is good when you want to build an ideal schedule, have a fresh start, or see time as a friend, not an enemy. Each chapter has a "time hacker handbook" in the end, where you can learn the best bits of the chapter, and use them in your life. You might want to keep a bookmark in this Place to be able to see what things are mentioned in the text and which are just in the main text. At the end are some suggestions for further reading (just books).

Plenty of studies are included (examples: Twitter's emotion moods during the day, hospital handwashing, student gym attendace, state of well-being in zoo apes, age of first-time marathon runners, and an interesting study of the dabbawalas of Mumbai, how they work every day).

How the text is broken down: Pt.1: the day + breaks in it; Pt.2: beginnings + middles + ends; Pt.3: coordinatings with others + time in language and use.

Some things that appear in the text that are interesting to me:
- biological clock; lark, owl, & third bird-persons
- importance of appointment time
- the ”nappucino” (coffee and a nap)
- recessions impact on the luck at getting work after graduation
- ”midlife crisis” (term since 1965)
- 9-enders (ages of 29, 39, 49…): challenges or destruction (of self, cheating etc.) starting then

This was a good read to me. I found it very helpful – inspiring me, surprising me, making me think. Self-improvement really benefits from good timing, and this book really help you with it. There is certain plenty of ideas for everyone, wherever they are in life. I recommend this :)
Profile Image for L.A. Starks.
Author 11 books714 followers
March 9, 2018
Pink has written a gem of a how-to book that cites and summarizes a huge amount of research on how to get things accomplished more efficiently, despite basic biological/organizational challenges like afternoon lulls and beginning-of-project chaos.

Readers will close the book with several ideas about how to make better, happier use of each day's hours. Don't miss the last section on the joys of synchronicity, from crew to choral singing to the tradition in India of lunch delivery.

Highly recommended.
Profile Image for Brandice.
1,076 reviews
January 30, 2018
I really liked When: The Scientific Secrets of Perfect Timing by Daniel Pink. The book was interesting. I was into it from the get-go but the last chapter was probably my favorite - thinking in terms of tenses.

The book discusses the factor of time, in many facets of life: The impact of one decision and the timing in which you arrived at that decision. It discusses (among other things) the hidden pattern of every day life, beginnings, midpoints, and ends, synching and belonging, and thinking in tenses. There are also interesting studies to support the points made - for example, it’s better to have surgery in the morning than the afternoon (studies show significantly less mistakes are made in the morning). There’s something to be learned for everyone here.

Experiences of awe bring people into the present moment, and being in the present moment underlies awe’s capacity to adjust time perception, influence decisions, and make life feel more satisfying than it would otherwise.

Taken together, all of these studies suggest that the path to a life of meaning and significance isn’t to “live in the present” as so many spiritual gurus have advised. It is to integrate our perspectives on time into a coherent whole, one that helps us comprehend who we are and why we’re here.”

Daniel Pink is, and has been, for many years, my favorite non-fiction author. He does a great job describing social studies and uncovering results and tips that can help people be better - at work and in life. His books are comprehendible but more importantly, really interesting - at least they always have been to me. He’s speaking at a local event about When that I look forward to attending soon!
Profile Image for Yun.
571 reviews29.6k followers
June 13, 2019
When is an exploration of how timing effects everything we do and achieve. Some things covered in this book include the afternoon slump, how starting your career during a recession affects your lifetime earnings, and how working together with others in a cohesive environment produces more positive results than working alone.

This book contains some interesting tidbits, but for me, most of it falls under the category of common sense. Therefore, I didn't feel its points were particularly revolutionary or insightful. The book also feels like a collection of separate ideas, tied together under the common umbrella of time, but they didn't really congeal into a whole. Because of that, some of the conclusions feel forced, as if the author had to stretch hard so that they fit into the concept of time.

In the end, this book was a bit of a disappointment for me. It didn't contain enough original or compelling ideas. As a result, I don't feel I got anything new out of this book that I didn't already intuit myself or have read elsewhere.
Profile Image for Christopher Lawson.
Author 10 books128 followers
December 31, 2017
In WHEN: THE SCIENTIFIC SECRETS OF PERFECT TIMING, author Daniel Pink shares scientific, surprising findings that have serious consequences. Did you know, for instance, that the timing of your surgery is important? Studies show that far more mistakes are made later in the day, so be sure to get a morning appointment! Similarly, if you are in court, the disposition of the judge is a lot more lenient in the morning.

To work the most efficiently, it's important to figure out your own cycle of effectiveness--what the author calls "Waves of the Day." Each day, our disposition traverses three stages--a peak, a trough, and a recovery. So try to tailor your activities to match the best time for that type of task. For instance, most people do analytical tasks better in the morning, and more insightful tasks in the evening. The worst time to tackle serious problems is in the afternoon--that's the "trough" time. That period is your least effective time and "good for very little." Use that time to do trivial things like checking e-mail.

The author provides a simple way to figure out if you are a "Lark" (early bird) or "Owl" (late riser). The cycles are different for each chronotype. Also, not all places are equally good for both types. For example, school schedules, with classes beginning early, are setup to favor the "larks," or early-risers. This is unfortunate, since many teens are at their best much later in the day.

Here's something really scary: A study of parole judges showed a significant difference in their rulings, based on the time of day. If your hearing was scheduled in the afternoon, you had almost zero chance of winning a parole. However, if the judges took an afternoon break, their disposition drastically changed, and parole was far more likely.

The author emphasizes the importance of "restorative breaks." These are especially important in countering the low time of the trough. Just a ten-minute break, such as a nature walk, can have an enormous impact. For school kids, taking a break is especially important. One Danish study showed that if students took a 20 minute break before a test, their scores were substantially higher.

Restorative breaks should ideally be outside, with nature, and away from work. It's best to be moving, and with others: "Consider a short walk outside with a friend during which you discuss something other than work."

When you start a task has a lasting effect on our attitude and our success. The author cites statistics showing the career path of graduates based on when they first started their career: "Beginnings stay with us far longer than we know; their effects linger to the end."

So, starting anew, or a "fresh start" helps us recover from a false start. There are many ways and times to do the reset. In the section, "Eighty-Six Days in the Year when you can Make a Fresh Start" the author provides suggestions for starting anew. You can re-start on the first of the month, for example, or on an anniversary.

I found the "Science of Endings" particularly intriguing. Research shows that we tend to remember events based on how they end. So, we can decide to change the ending to make it more positive and memorable: "If we're conscious of the power of closing moments and our ability to shape them, we can craft more memorable and meaningful endings in many realms of life. . .

For example, if you are on vacation, plan a great close: "You'll enjoy the vacation more, both in the moment and in retrospect, if you consciously create an elevating final experience."

The same priniciple applies at work--end your workday on a positive note. One easy trick is to take a few minutes to jot down your accomplishments for the day. This step of "recording what you've achieved can encode the entire day more positively." Ending the day with a moment of gratitude is another easy trick, and is a "powerful restorative." (Note: The author includes a surprising item of generiosity in the book itself. I hope you find it!)

So all in all, I found WHEN to be a fascinating, fun read. The author is a witty writer, who brings a lot of humor to the subject. His experience as a speech-writer is evident in the quality of the writing. I enjoyed reading about the various studies that illustrated peak times and low times. The statistics showing the correlation of medical mistakes to the time of day was especially alarming. Perhaps the most alarming research was the study showing how parole board judges were stricter later in the day. If I ever have to appear before a parole board, I'm definitely asking the judges to first take a restorative break.
Profile Image for Daniel.
672 reviews90 followers
February 6, 2018
I am a fan of Pink. In this book he talks about timing.

1. Most people do well in analytical tasks and have better mood in the morning, worse in the afternoon, and slightly better in the evening. That is, except the night owls.

2. Breaks are powerful and improve performance. A power nap of 20 minutes is good; it is even better if one drinks coffee just before the nap so that when one wakes up the coffee perks one up.

3. Beginnings are important. Students who start later for school do better. Graduates who start in a lousy economy earn less throughout their lives. So some sort of debt forgiveness should be given to them.

4. Midpoint can be bad or good. People’s happiness dip during midlife. In competitions, the team that is 1 score behind win more.

5. Endings will always be remembered.

6. Working in synchrony with others makes us happy.

7. People who speak languages with poor tenses ( Chinese, German, Finnish) prepare for retirement more, practice safer sex etc.

There are other tidbits of timing: divorce peaks in March and August, 2 months after the holidays. Marry between 25 and 32 is best. Switch jobs every 3-5 years.

Interesting and to the point, I learn much from this book.
Profile Image for Hamad.
1,189 reviews1,531 followers
May 9, 2024
Despite the book having pretty good ratings and reviews. I have come upon it by chance when my brother bought it to read, and I decided that I would give it a chance too. The experience turned out to be satisfying.

I am pretty good when it comes to time management, and it has always been a question that I got asked growing up, so I wanted to improve this even more. Pink actually discusses everything related to time in this book in a very organized manner. I don't think it added very much to my knowledge, but it was entertaining, nonetheless. I also got to learn about "Nappuccinos."

“Coffee-then-nap combination known as the “nappuccino.”

I won't waste your time by expanding this too much -see what I did there- and the book is not long anyway so if you think it is intriguing just give it a chance.

149 reviews22 followers
September 11, 2024
Most of the way through this book I thought it would be a three or four star read like most adequate self help books. However towards the end I read some examples I had never heard of and I thought about things in a new way. Probably this book is 4.5. it's not revolutionary but it's pretty darned good.
Profile Image for Sara Kamjou.
641 reviews403 followers
April 19, 2021
دوست دارین از نظر علمی بدونین بهترین زمان انجام یک کار چیه و بهتره چطوری به زمانمون ساخت بدیم تا بهترین نتایج ممکن حاصل شه؟
این کتاب به صورت علمی و با ارائه‌ی تحقیقات مختلف، به ما یاد می‌ده توی موضوعات متنوعی چطوری این کار رو انجام بدیم.
بعضی موضوعاتش واقعا برام جالب بود و بهم کمک کرد درک بهتری از زمان انجام یک کار داشته باشم. مثلا همیشه توی گوشمون خوندن مهم‌ترین وعده صبحونه‌ست اما اینجا مواجه می‌شیم که ناهاره! برای من بیشتر هم با عقل جور درمیومد. میزان خواب ظهر چقدر باشه، چه مدلی استراحت کنیم، کی بخوابیم و موارد جالب دیگه که همه‌شونم به صورت علمیه.
به نظرم جا داشت بعضی قسمت‌ها رو خلاصه‌تر بگه و یه مقدار کش‌دار می‌شد ولی به خوندنش می‌ارزید.

توی اینستاگرامم یک بخش جالبش رو گذاشتم:
یادگاری از کتاب:
زمان تولد فرد نقش مهمی در این موضوع دارد. احتمال اینکه افرادی که در پاییز و زمستان به دنیا می‌آیند چکاوک باشند بسیار بیشتر است و احتمال اینکه کسانی که در بهار و تابستان به دنیا می‌آیند جغد باشند بالاست.
افراد دارای عملکرد بالا، پنجاه و دو دقیقه کار می‌کنند و سپس هفده دقیقه استراحت می‌کنند.
غالبا تلاش می‌کنیم تا استراحت خود را با یک فعالیت دیگر که به لحاظ شناختی خسته‌کننده است ادغام کنیم (بررسی پیام‌ها، و یا صحبت با همکار در مورد مسائل). این کار اشتباه است.
استراحت بدون تکنولوژی انرژی را بالا می‌برد و خستگی احساسی را کاهش می‌دهد.
نهار مهم‌ترین وعده غذایی روز است.
وقتی خواب از بیست دقیقه بیشتر شود، به بدن و مغز ما هزینه تحمیل می‌شود.
افراد دارای عملکرد برتر یک نقطه‌ی اشتراک دارند: آن‌ها واقعا در استراحت کردن خوب عمل می‌کنند.
شادی این اس��: حل شدن در چیزی کامل و بزرگ!
ویلا کاتر، کتاب آنتونیای من
Profile Image for kartik narayanan.
754 reviews226 followers
February 12, 2018
Read the full review at my blog Digital Amrit

I used to believe that timing was everything. Now I believe that everything is timing.

What is the book about?
When: The Scientific Secrets of Perfect Timing is written by Daniel Pink, famed author of books like Drive, A Whole New Mind, To Sell is Human etc.

Daniel Pink talks about the importance of timing in this book. According to him, Timing is an emerging science and he explores this science further in ‘When’. Some of the themes he covers in this book include when to change careers, deliver bad news, schedule a class, end a marriage, go for a run, or get serious about a project or a person.

What does this book cover?
When is a relatively short book with 7 chapters spread across three sections.

The first section covers diurnal patterns i.e. how to arrange our daily life, when to drink coffee, the benefits of micro naps etc. The second section covers long terms patterns – how do we start habits, how we are influenced by beginnings and endings, how to deal with mid-life crises etc. The last section covers how to get into harmony with timings.

Each chapter is also followed by a time hacking section which has practical advice on timing.

Read the full review at my blog Digital Amrit
Profile Image for عبدالرحمن عقاب.
743 reviews917 followers
October 15, 2018
اسم "دانيال بي��ك" على كتابٍ علامةُ جودة (على حدّ تعبير بلال فضل بخصوص ‏المترجمين). ‏
يشتغل "بينك" عادةً على موضوعٍ يختاره كلّ عامين أو ثلاثة فيُشبعه بحثًا ‏واستقصاءً، قبل أن يضعه في كتابٍ مميّز. ويظهر أثر ذلك في ما يذكره ويحيل إليه في ‏كتبه من أبحاثٍ ودراساتٍ، وقصصٍ وأمثلة. ويتجلّى ذلك أكثر ما يتجلّى في ما يذكره ‏من استثناءات واستدراكات وتعارضات للفكرة التي يطرحها ويدور حولها. لتكون ‏حصيلة ذلك كلّه متعةٌ وفائدة، وقدر عالٍ من الإحاطة. ‏
أضف إلى ذلك ما اعتاد فعله في كتبه من وضع ما يشبه "الوصفة" العملية في نهاية ‏كلّ فصلٍ من فصول الكتاب، بغية وضع المعلومات الواردة في حيّز التطبيق ‏والتنفيذ.‏
جاء هذا الكتاب على ذات النسق المذكور، وكان هذه المرّة عن "التوقيت". عن ‏عامل اختيار الوقت وأثره الخفيّ فينا وفي قراراتنا ونتائج أفعالنا. ويشير إلى أنّ ‏الباحثين والإداريين وواضعي الخطط والسياسات على المستوى الفردي والجماعي ‏يهملون عامل "متى" في مقابل انشغالهم الشديد بـ" كيف" و"ماذا". ‏
ومن جميل طريقة "بينك" في كتابته ما يُحسنه من ترتيب الفصول وتقسيمها ‏داخليًا. وأعيب على الكتاب تكراره لبعض الأفكار في الفصل الواحد. كما آخذ عليه ‏عدم ذكره لمصطلح "تهاوي النفس"* الذي اقترحه "دانيال كينمان" والذي يُفسّر ‏‏"نفسيًا" ما يحدث للعقل والنفس في منتصف النهار، وكيف يمكن علاج أو تجاوز ‏ذلك، والذي ذكر بعضًا منه "بينك" هنا. ‏
ختامًا، فهذا الكتاب هو الأضعف بين كتبه الأخيرة. وربما كان ذلك بسبب الموضوع ‏الشائك "الوقت" علميًا وفلسفيًا ونفسيًا، وما يعتري "التوقيت البشري" من ‏اختلافات مردّها إلى الوراثة والبيئة، وارتباطات الوقت بالكثير من الجوانب ‏الحياتية المتداخلة كالاقتصاد والاجتماع وغير ذلك. ‏
Profile Image for UB.
71 reviews1 follower
December 29, 2017
I picked this up because lately, I can’t shake a sense of panic about time slipping through my fingers (babies becoming biggies will do that, so too will turning 39 in a few weeks, which the author spends some time talking about - “the nines” and how they approach life). No big surprises in this book but a quick and fun read nonetheless. Also, So. Much. Stanford. But I love that place, so...
Profile Image for Howard.
1,683 reviews103 followers
March 14, 2024
3 Stars for When (audiobook) by Daniel H. Pink read by the author.

It seems like to me that the most interesting ideas in this book had already been covered in other books more thoroughly. And the different elements that are focused on aren’t tied together very well. But it’s interesting to see a different view on how things work.
Profile Image for Romans Karpelcevs.
194 reviews54 followers
April 19, 2019
It has some useful tips, but the books is written like a collection of lifehacks and towards the end of the book stops being about time or the 'when' problem at all.

Some research seemed dubiously attributed to the morning-afternoon hypothesis because it originally targeted other problems related to our thinking and I'm not convinced you can just change "before/after mealtime" research into "morning/afternoon" like Pink did without running a new research.
On top of that, somewhere midway it started to seem like Daniel picked a time topic, ran out of research and core material and started to fill the book with whatever was even remotely related, and sometimes unrelated, like tips when you should quit your job. "When your boss doesn't have your back". Thanks, but I hardly think it's a timing problem.
Profile Image for Joy D.
2,552 reviews276 followers
August 3, 2021
Daniel Pink examines the science of timing. He argues that when a decision is made is an important factor that many people overlook. The subject matter includes such topics as circadian rhythms, time of year, beginnings, endings, motivation, restorative breaks, and group behavior. Pink cites scientific studies in general terms but does not provide the details. This may be a negative for those looking for specific proofs, but the positive is that it is easy to digest. Pink offers links to additional information available from his website. Though much of what is discussed is common sense, it does contain information that I found worthwhile, especially the tips to use in structuring the day’s activities.
Profile Image for Anton.
346 reviews96 followers
May 4, 2018
The first 'when-to?' among crowded 'how-to?' book genre

+ brief, enjoyable and clever
+ lots of useful and practical advice
+ plenty of insightful examples
+ well-crafted non-fiction with memorable anecdotes and vignettes

+ does not go into 'scientific' depth behind the phenomena discussed. it stays a quite 'high-level' throughout

Perfect 'commuter companion' for planes or trains ;)
Profile Image for Maciej Nowicki.
74 reviews64 followers
April 7, 2019
The book starts with an example from the World War I when Lusitania was hunted down by a German U-boat, killing around 1200 passengers. Then Daniel H. Pink points out that decisions made by the captain of the cruise ship played a huge role in this tragedy, and coincided specifically with the time of the day.

With an abundant introduction of various research methods, involving sentiment analysis and techniques such as DRM, the author describes why a reader should pay special attention to the time at which decisions are made. Thereafter, he introduces the discovery of circadian rhythms which open a plethora of biological concepts of human (and other species) nature.

Next, he moves to something that I enjoyed the most – efficient resting strategies. A reader can compare how different naps work (different lengths, timing), how to blend them effectively with caffeine etc.

I really enjoyed this chapter as in today’s “busy world” a rest is widely ... (if you like to read my full review please visit my blog https://leadersarereaders.blog/when-t...)
Profile Image for fleurette.
1,534 reviews158 followers
June 10, 2020
I'm not a big fan of non-fiction, but this book turned out to be great.

The author is undoubtedly fascinated by the topic of time in human life and is able to convey this fascination to his readers in an amazing way. I reached for this book because I needed it for one of my reading challenges, and not because of any particular interest in this topic. But as soon as I started reading, I was as fascinated by this subject as the author himself. It's a great feeling.

At least partly it is due to how this book is written. The author uses very accessible language even though he talks about the results of scientific research, and often also has to use scientific terminology. But he can explain everything very simply and easily. I did not have any moment when I would be overwhelmed by the sheer volume of information or in which I would not fully understand what I read. It is also due to the huge number of examples that the author uses. And simple analogies to situations that we know from everyday life.

Despite these simplifications, the author did something for which I think I value him the most. He placed a huge number of footnotes and references to specific research results in the text. Each claim he writes finds confirmation in specific scientific research results, in a specific scientific article or scientific work. Not only does this make the information presented by the author credible, but it also allows us to independently expand our knowledge of a subject that will be of particular interest to us. It seems to me that too often we read simply "Swedish scientists say that ...". Pink gives the names of these scientists, information on what exactly they research and under what circumstances, and a reference to the results of their research. This book is not only a non-fiction item, but a solid monograph. And at the same time extremely interesting. I also liked how Pink tries to relate the results of this research to our daily lives.

This is a truly short book and I would like it to be longer. I will definitely look at other books by this author.
Profile Image for Text Publishing.
659 reviews267 followers
November 6, 2018
2018 Goodreads Choice Awards semifinal nominee

‘He [Pink] offers practical advice in the form of “life hacks,” which feel modern, relevant and timely…Pink’s engaging prose and useful advice make for some entertaining and engaging reading. This is one highly readable volume about a fascinating topic that affects us all in a multitude of different ways.’
AU Review

‘An appreciation of time, some might say an obsession to the fraction of a second, seems to set humans apart from all other species…Despite the subtitle, this book is not about the scientific measurement of time, but about relative time, revealing the regular patterns of people’s lives they so often adhere to, unaware, and with no idea why.’
Otago Daily Times

‘Pink’s fourth book should be compulsory reading for bosses, educators, and schedulers, for policymakers, company executives, and performers, but there is plenty in this fascinating book that the average person will find applicable to their lives. This is a quick read that rewards time spent with some excellent insights.’
101 reviews23 followers
April 5, 2018
فردا روزیست که تنبل ها کار می کنند.

این کتاب در مورد زمانسنجی نوشته شده. اینکه زمان چه تاثیری روی زندگی ما و رفتارهای ما در انجام کارها داره. از تنظیم چرخه خواب گرفته تا درآمد و چیزهای دیگه.
در بخش اول کناب یک روز رو تشریح می شه. تجربه افراد از زمان یک روز یکسان نیست. بعضی ها سحرخیزند و بعضی ها شب زنده دار. زمان رسیدن مغز به بالاترین سطح کارکرد خودش در افراد متغیره. در نتیجه بهتره برنامه خودمون رو به نحوی تنظیم کنیم که بیشترین بهره رو از این موضوع ببریم.
بخش دوم کتاب به شروع ها، میانه ها و پایان ها اختصاص پیدا کرده.
شروع یک سال جدید، شروع یک ماه جدید، شروع یک پروژه، شروع یک شغل جدید، شروع یک رابطه جدید، یک شروع تازه از زندگی توی یک مکان جدید و انواع شروع ها روی عملکرد ما تاثیر گذارند. شروع بد می تونه تا پایان با ما باقی بمونه. شروع خوب می تونه مسیر ما رو تغییر بده. آگاهی از تاثیر این موضوع و به کار گرفتن راهکارهایی که بتونه به ما کمک کنه، مفیده.
همین طور میانه ها و پایان ها هم تاثیر روانی زیادی دارند که نمی شه نادیده گرفت.
برای هر کدوم این اینها راهکارهایی پیشنهاد می شه که در زمان خودش می شه به کار گرفت تا تجربه های بهتری رو خلق کنیم.
بخش پایانی هم در مورد هماهنگی و زمانسنجی گروهی و تاثیر اون روی همکاری افراده که به درد مدریت گروه ها می خوره.
Profile Image for Asia Burnett.
26 reviews3 followers
January 29, 2018
I wish I could do 3.5 stars. This book was a little slow/repetitive to start but the useful tips and exercises throughout have had me quoting it for the past week and gave me some good work ideas: including ending the day with a quick thank you email to someone. Worth the read if you’re looking for ways to strategize your time or make a fresh start.
Profile Image for Becca Noggle.
168 reviews31 followers
January 4, 2019
Interesting! Not your ‘how to book’ but a ‘when’ book. Glad I started the new year with this one. The backing, research and facts within this book were entertaining and intriguing.
Profile Image for Katie.
517 reviews243 followers
May 21, 2018
Unless you’re a night owl, prepare to make your sales calls, schedule your classes, and attend your criminal trial early in the morning because science.

The time of day affects how the brain functions, and early in the day, our minds are more vigilant. For most, alertness and energy levels tend to peak around noon. This means you want to solve all your analytical problems in the morning (when your brain is processing data best), and all your insight problems in the afternoon (you want your filters to be loose).

Here are some things that happen when we don’t allow our brains to do things at the “proper” time of day: People go to jail for longer; doing poorly in school is easier due to fatigue after long hours without restorative breaks; the Lusitania is catastrophically torpedoed by the Germans. How the F do we even function?

Other statements of fact from Daniel Pink:
Lunch is the most important meal of the day.
Workout in the morning if you want to burn more fat.
Naps are zambonis for your brain, they smooth out all the scratches.
Delaying high school start times until 8:30am increased number of high school graduates by 11%.
When we are younger (ie. 7yrs old) we are early-to-rise larks, but teenagers (on avg) are owls and perform better later in the day.

Truly one of the most interesting books I’ve read in a long time. I don’t know how much of this is reasonable for me to believe, but I found it all thoroughly entertaining and thought-provoking!

See more of my reviews: Blog // Instagram
Profile Image for David.
710 reviews315 followers
April 24, 2018
Sometimes an interesting book of popular science writing about time and timing related research. At other times, a not-as-interesting self-help book for the overextended and/or the procrastinator. I recommend you skim over the self-help book and enjoy the popular science book. The popular science book still gives some good ideas about how to behave.

There are some pretty terrifying statistics that should give second thoughts to anyone with an appointment for surgery in the afternoon. However, there are also some reassuring paragraphs about the sort of counter-measures that well-run hospitals are taking to remedy the daily mid-afternoon drop in mindfulness by medical staff.

There’s evidence presented that naps are good for you and teenagers who start school later on the morning do better. There are no instructions on how to beat into submission the mid-level managers and school board who will inevitably fail to be impressed by the evidence.

One chapter said, in summary, that groups of people condemned to work together under deadline never get anything done until 50% of the allotted for the task is wasted. Those of us who loath working as a team will be happy to learn that there is solid scientific evidence to back up our misanthropy.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 2,820 reviews

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