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The Games are Forever!

It’s one thing to Qualify and Compete… Now she must Win.

Gwen Lark, nerd, geek, and awkward smart girl, is among the lucky ones. She’s one of several million teenage refugees to escape the extinction-level asteroid barreling towards Earth and reach the ancient colony planet of Atlantis.

But Atlantis is a strange new world with higher gravity and a blazing white sun, where nothing is as expected. The new arrivals from Earth will now belong to the majority class of non-citizens who face a lifetime of hard work and limited rights.

To make matters worse, Gwen’s rare and powerful talent, her Logos voice, is viewed as a potential weapon to be exploited by the Imperator, as well as a threat to the Kassiopei Imperial Dynasty and its uncompromising control over the people of Atlantis.

A last-minute heartbreak prior to arrival turns to joy, when Gwen receives a declaration of love from an unexpected source. The Wedding date is set, but before she can be joined with her true love, she is forced to compete in the brutal and deadly Games of the Atlantis Grail to save herself, her family, friends, and everything she cares about. Once again, her intelligence, quick thinking skills, resilience, and creativity are challenged to the breaking point.

The Games are monumental, intricate, lethal . . . and the Games are Forever.

This time Gwen must fight and figure her way through the most difficult and sophisticated contest she has ever faced. Terrifying Ordeals and impossible Challenges, ruthless skilled Competitors, vicious secret assassins, and dubious teammates she must work with but cannot trust, are just the beginning. . . .

Meanwhile, as the Games rage, the fate of two worlds is at stake as a new alien threat looms over Earth and Atlantis.

But Gwen Lark has a secret weapon of her own. It’s not her Logos voice and its untapped power to control orichalcum technology and perpetuate change.

It is Gwen herself.

WIN is the third book in The Atlantis Grail series.

1126 pages, Kindle Edition

First published July 12, 2017

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About the author

Vera Nazarian

78 books1,009 followers
Vera Nazarian is a two-time Nebula Award Finalist, award-winning artist, and member of Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America, a writer with a penchant for moral fables and stories of intense wonder, true love, and intricacy.

She immigrated to the USA from the former USSR as a kid, sold her first story at the age of 17, and since then has published numerous works in anthologies and magazines, and has seen her fiction translated into eight languages.

She is the author of critically acclaimed novels Dreams of the Compass Rose and Lords of Rainbow , romantic Renaissance epic fantasy trilogy Cobweb Bride , as well as the outrageous parodies Mansfield Park and Mummies and Northanger Abbey and Angels and Dragons , Pride and Platypus: Mr. Darcy's Dreadful Secret in her humorous and surprisingly romantic Supernatural Jane Austen Series , and most recently the bestselling high-octane science fiction series The Atlantis Grail , now optioned for film.

After many years in Los Angeles, Vera lives in a small town in Vermont, and uses her Armenian sense of humor and her Russian sense of suffering to bake conflicted pirozhki and make art.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 351 reviews
Profile Image for Rachel.
30 reviews48 followers
July 19, 2017
*sighs* This is a jumble of just-finished-reading thoughts right now, so please bear with me. I'll try to organize later, if I have time (and remember).

Honestly, I'm not sure what to rate this. It wasn't at all what I was expecting (and not in a good way, unfortunately). I'm hovering somewhere around 1.5 stars at the moment. It hurts me to say that because I was in love with the first two books and I can see the series having so much potential...but something was just off about this one. The characters seemed out of character (Gwen and Aeson) and I can think of so many (better) scenarios that could have happened. As it was, it just seemed like a filler and a repeat of the plot of Qualify. Win the Games or die.

I was hoping for something where (even though I know the ending of book 2) Gwen would work as the CP's Aide in the palace and she would slowly get to know the other sides of him as he interacted with his family: doting and smiling and laughing with Manala; loving and kind with his mother; scared of his father. And Gwen would slowly realize that the Imperator is evil and overhear somehow about him wanting to use her as an experiment. Then she could go to Aeson with the news or almost be kidnapped with Aeson saving her and then they get together.

Aeson suddenly being Mr. Sunshine after announcing her as his Bride seemed incongruous with his character and, in turn, made him seem out of character. I hated that Gwen hit Aeson. Yes, she was angry. Yes, she certainly had every right to be. But claiming to love someone and then hitting them? No, that's abuse, I don't care how you coat it. Also, Aeson seemed a bit controlling and Gwen just...went with it. Same with the Imperator. I (hoped) she'd be all riled up about father-in-law being a bully because it was one of the things I loved about her in Qualify: she learned how to stand up for herself - it shouldn't matter who it's coming from. Also, Gwen seemed so lovesick that she wasn't using her brain a lot of the time (yes, I get that she was depressed, but it didn't come across that way to me). Which, if you know me, drove me crazy because I can't stand stupid characters. I loved Gwen for using her brain. At least she did - finally - in the Games. Took over half the book, though. Argh. And what's with that stupid ending? I'm getting real tired of not having any questions answered and having endings just...abruptly...end. Please at least finish out the plot and having a little falling action, not just leaving your readers in the middle of it. It makes us (or me, at least) feeling very disatisfied. And if you must have a cliffhanger ending, there are ways to do it, but not just stopping in the middle of things.

Honestly, parts of this book made me want to just stop reading and I almost did a couple of times: the first bit was WAY too mushy/ooey-gooey lovey-dovey (and when Aeson told Gwen, "I love you," it made me think, "Does he really? Because when you say it like that, it sounds like you're not sure"); and WTF was with the kinky sex ritual??? that just...this series seems geared for young adult (could almost go toward children's/all ages), but when you throw in scenes like that, it just seems to really ruin something and would be more appropriate for adult audiences only; the second half just reminded me way too much of the first book. I think a big part of the problem was that there was way too much telling and not enough showing, and then it seemed like the author was trying to shove too much information into the book...and none of the questions I had got answered. Also, things like this this kept happening: "Oh, wait, I don't like this idea, so we're going back to the original one - haha, tricked you!"...and all it did was make me want to say, "Pick one already!"

I realize all this sounds like I hated it. There were parts I enjoyed: Anu finding out Gwen was the Imperial Lady cracked me up; hearing Anu's backstory; Brie (surprisingly)..and I actually found myself liking her more than Gwen at times when Gwen was being an idiot...and I really don't want to like a terrorist more than the main character..there's something not right there; but Brie was funny; I also loved the Pegasei, much to my surprise; Blayne was funny, as usual; I liked Zaap and the rest of 'Team Lark'; I loved when Gwen pulled down Thalassa's pants and tied her shoelaces together and Gwen's ranting about the Great Pyramid.

As I said, this was just a jumble of post-reading thoughts. I may think things through and change my mind about issues later. So far: 1.5 stars.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for J.E..
Author 7 books64 followers
July 23, 2017
Considering how long I've been waiting for this sequel - a year and a half (due to the author's medical problems), I finished it in record time, but I must admit to feeling conned. The use of Games as a vehicle for the protagonist is well established in other, earlier, bestsellers, although it actually does continue to be interesting due to the author's twists. However, Gwen Lark is rescued frequently by others, which feels a little like a deus ex machina. In her social interactions, she continues to act, bizarrely, like a preteen - example: her annoying vocal tics like Wow whenever anyone says something unexpected - despite being engaged to a Crown Prince and in line to be Imperatris herself. One would expect her to show a little maturity, which, oddly, she does when involved in solving the difficulties of the Games' stages and assuming leadership of her Games' pack. In addition, Nazarian has provided a romance that ends up thwarted at every turn, despite the smoldering glances and kisses. At some point, presumably in Book Three, the reader has every expectation that the lovebirds will progress beyond moony glances. So, yes, to reach the end of the Games and find the two stranded in the middle of yet another plot point was very disappointing. Presumably the wedding, the consummation of their love, and the solution to the alien threat is still to come. Question: will fans wait patiently for another two years for the heroine to grow up and meet her fate?
Profile Image for Lissy.
55 reviews
July 22, 2017
I wanted to love this more than I did. Especially since I devoured the first books in the series. Gwen annoyed me a little in this to be honest. She seemed a little less badass, more like Bella from Twilight. Plus the repetitive phrases (lapis lazuli blue eyes for example). I will, no doubt, read the last book when it comes out. I just hope Gwen doesn't come across as being so helpless. It is possible to be head over heals in love and not lose all sense of self.
July 30, 2017
I am head over heels for this series! I love everything about it. Book three kind of has the feel of the first book Qualify, which initially drew me into the series and made me want more. Book two gives more back stories on the other characters and allows for readers to get to know and really start to like other characters besides the protagonist. I really hope book 4 gives and builds more character insight along with the storyline. I'm sure we all want to have a lot more of Gwen and Aeson's love story, but also want to hear more about Xelio, Oalla, Sangre, and of course the new characters from this book Especially Chihar and Kokayi. I would also like to see more of Kukait since he is aligned with the Rim. Or at least give us some novellas after the series is over.

I cannot wait for book 4!!!!! I know I will be rereading the series over and over for years to come. The Atlantis Grail is at the top of my list as most beloved series!!!
Profile Image for Sally.
204 reviews1 follower
July 19, 2017
I really enjoyed this... Continuation of Gwen & her arrive to Atlantis. The action scenes are great & the relationship between here & Aeson just wonderful. The first half you get some of the characters from the first two books but not a lot towards the middle & end. Hopefully with the last book we will get more of the secondary characters. Loved the new character in this book. The ending seemed to finished abruptly but I guess that's what the next book is for.
Profile Image for Kris Oldaker.
12 reviews1 follower
July 14, 2017

Vera has created an amazing new addition to the Atlantis Grail series! Your favorite characters from the first two books are joined by new characters as Gwen continues her journey from Earth to her new home on Atlantis.
Profile Image for Kylie.
874 reviews17 followers
January 28, 2023

I don't think I have ever rated a book in the middle of a series higher than book one but here we are Ladies and Gentlemen.

Book three is far better than book one and two, it's still VERY VERY VEEEEEERY long but the story is so much more interesting and engaging especially with the history about why and how the Atlanteans left earth.

It's hard not to acknowledge that this book has some serious Hunger Game feels to it, so if you love that series as much as I do I would recommend trying to get through book one and two just to get to this.

But I warned you..... It's ridiculously long......
Profile Image for Paradoxical.
353 reviews36 followers
September 23, 2018
I think I finally get it. Really. Because I keep reading these books and shaking my head, but I continue reading anyway. It's the story. The story compels me to read, but the execution is lacking. The prose isn't very well written--a lot of tell and not show, an overuse of exclamation points (you really, REALLY, do not need that many exclamations points...), so on and so forth. It could be tighter, it could be cleaner, it could be prettier. BUT the story the author is trying to tell is solid. It meanders a bit, yes. It focuses on unimportant things at times. However, the ideas introduced and what the author tries to implement is decent.

There are still downsides. So many downsides. I nearly put down the book after slogging through the beginning. Aeson seemed a different person, what with having emotions and all. You get an answer for the surprise you receive in the last book and it's... not a very good answer because you would think Aeson would manage to get some sort of information across to Gwen. That is not something you spring on someone without talking, good reason or not. I was actually happy with the relationship and how it was finally progressing, but after a while what I was reading was stagnant. Once the Atlantis Grail started and Gwen had a goal things started picking up again.

The Grail games are fun, if ridiculous. Again, the attention paid to different stages of the games is very uneven, with the most centered on the first stage. After that the next few roll around relatively quickly and with strangely not as much conflict as the first stage. There's a lot of sitting around and waiting. Gwen survives by severally really lucky factors (in fact, too lucky, but handwave) and a bunch of people who gather under her because... well, for some reason. The end of the book was really abrupt. It was a cliffhanger, yes, but it was more like the author stopped the book because they couldn't find a decent place to end it and it was getting too long.

They're entertaining books, even if they're not well written. Lots of problems, but interesting ideas to help make up for it. 2 stars.
523 reviews2 followers
July 19, 2017
I got hooked on The Atlantis Grail series when I read Qualify after I received a free digital copy in June 2016. I started reading the book because I was bored and needed a good escape. I finished reading the book because I loved it! Then, I purchased the digital copy of of Compete, the second book in the series. I just got further immersed in Gwen Lark's worlds. And then, I started waiting for the publication of Win. It absolutely lived up to my expectations.

Although some readers will find the book too long (90 chapters), the length is one of the things I really do enjoy. That's because the story is so complex, I don't see how it could be told in a shorter format. Don't get me wrong; there may be some things that could have been tightened up, but the story and characters are so carefully developed, and that requires length. The story of the Earth refugees arrival on the planet Atlantis delivers all that was promised in the earlier books. The characters who are repeats are further developed while the newly introduced characters become very real in my mind. The plot flows smoothly, and although some events are required by events previously set in motion, they are still full of surprises.

So now I am finished my first time through Win. It certainly is not the last time I will read it as I wait for book # 4: Survive!
36 reviews
July 28, 2017
I am really enjoying this series. Gwen Lark is a amazing character. A role model to young adults; to consider those around you even when your life is in turmoil. Someone might just have the answer to your problems. The hope of positivity is the one weapon that Gwen holds on to as she escapes exciting and dangerous trials. Vera you have a wonderful imagination and your personally is written in between the lines . Thank you for creating this series. Keep writing!
6 reviews
July 20, 2017
Wow, I don't even know where to begin. Part of me is like what did I just read?? Vera Nazarian has such a way with words that you are absolutely able to transport yourself into the story as if you were there too. Although It was a long wait for the book I have never longed or been so excited for a book in my life since the Harry Potter days. She did not disappoint. I'm so glad that she told the story the way it was. She could have condensed the story way more but I'm so glad that she didn't!! That is what brings her stories above many others because of the amount of detail and thought that goes into them. She has created the most well thought out world/story. I also love her character development. You find yourself rooting not just for Gwen but all the other members of her team that you grow to love. I am forever changed having read this book. Gwens resilience, perseverance and her compassion, for not just her enemies but all living beings, has made me want to recognize my own strength within when faced with impossible adversity. I can not wait for the final conclusion to this story.
2 reviews
July 20, 2017
Gwen Lark, as resourceful as ever, fights to Win her place in her new world alongside her future husband. As usual, Gwen is faced with seemingly impossible challenges, but help of her friends (new, old and even questionable) she is going to give her all.

I read the first two books in this series a couple of years ago and have reread them about every six months since, while I have been impatiently waiting for this one to arrive. Ms Nazarian did a wonderful job of world building and has maintained her world in this new book. Most of the favorite characters from the first two books are back to update their lives and there are host of new characters to help Gwen Lark meet the dangerous challenges.
Win is #3 in the Atlantis Grail series and it really needs to be read in order after Qualify and Compete. Now begins the long wait for the next book.
Profile Image for Nydia Burdick.
76 reviews1 follower
July 17, 2017
This is the third installment of the Atlantis Grail series and in my opinion these should be on The NY Times Best Seller list. These books leave you wanting MORE. This installment has our earth girl Gwen sentence by the Imperator (the Father of her fiancée) to be in the Grail Games. Originally Gwen wanted to be in them to help her family out back on Earth, but her engagement to the Crown Prince enables the family to be saved from an impending asteroid strike. So when the Imperator wanted to get rid of his son's bride this was the solution. Gwen goes into the games knowing that she has little chance to survive. Remind you of the Hunger Games? Yes there a parallel but the author takes it a step further and requires the participants not only face the guns and weapons of other contender but to survive ordeals requiring courage and stamina. Really love these books! Can't wait to read the next one!!!
Profile Image for Anna.
5 reviews
July 13, 2017
Amazing! Thrilling! Upstoppable

I first found this series 7 months ago, and fell completely in love with it! I have read many other books throughout these seven months, but nothing has held my excitement, or anticipation like this series.

When Very announced Win was finished and ready for download, I stopped everything to purchase this book and continue on with this journey!

And I was not disappointed! I spent the next 15 hours off and on reading Win in utter anxiety! I felt like I was right there with Gwen and the other contenders, struggling with each moment to survive. Witnessing all of the intricate, and sometimes hilarious ideas of Gwen and her teammates. Fascinated with ancient historical information, and spellbound with what was transforming in front of me.

This was a beautifully crafted extension to the other two books, and I wait in anticipation for book four now...all while still trying to come down from this action packed high
Profile Image for Anna Butler.
Author 16 books157 followers
July 15, 2017
This continues to be, for me, the 'must-read' dystopian series--the book that, when it lands on my Kindle, everything else stops while I read it.

Hell, but can Nazarian write gripping action scenes. Fully a third of the book, maybe a half (I was too engrossed in it to count) is an account of the heroine's participation in the Atlantis Grail Games. As with all the Atlantean 'games', the very thin veneer of civilisation covers a deadly, dreadful slaughter. Gwen Lark's ingenuity and courage get her through several days of blood, guts and treachery, all told in wonderful detail by the author. She could teach classes in how to write action.

Really, really, well done. Now I'm looking forward to the next book in the series.
Profile Image for Nicole Hubbard.
Author 16 books2 followers
July 23, 2017
Couldn't put it down

Just as gripping as the others, and it keeps getting better. I literally stayed up all night to read without realizing the passing hours.
Profile Image for Lesley.
399 reviews11 followers
March 13, 2018
4.0. Another exciting entry in the series.

Plot: Before she can marry the man she loves, Gwen must compete for the Atlantis Grail, where she'll be facing the toughest, most dangerous competitors she has ever met.

Gwen is the same wonderful character she's always been: smart, brave, kind, caring, and talented. Aeson, however, is much sweeter this time around, and Compete really showed how vulnerable he is.

Because we have now entered the Atlantian competition, most of the characters we've come to know (Laronda, Gracie, Logan, etc.) aren't featured in Win. However, there are lots of new characters for Gwen to win over.

Nazarian continues to pay a huge amount of attention to details and descriptions, so it's easy to picture everything that's going on. She's also very creative with the plot. There were a few typos here and there but nothing too bothersome. Win has a little more violence than Compete had, but it's nothing unexpected with the situation they're in. There's also a disturbing revelation about how Aeson lost his virginity. If I had to rate the book, I’d probably give it a PG-13.

Bottom Line:
I've liked all three books so far, but this one took me a little longer to read than the previous ones. Gwen faced so many different challenges, and I was relieved to see her make it through, but by the end of the book, we know she still has some major obstacles to overcome. Unfortunately, we don't get to find out what happens until Survive comes out in late-2018 or early-2019.
18 reviews2 followers
August 9, 2017
I read until 3am for two nights because I could not put it down. Enjoyed from beginning to end.

Very good book. I could not put my tablet down. Had to charge a few times, did not eat because of book.
Profile Image for Spencer Telligman.
25 reviews2 followers
August 10, 2017
Great read!

This book was unbelievably amazing. The author made it great. Very good,and very touching. Definitely a must read! Woo Hoo!!!
Profile Image for Sandy Conley.
226 reviews1 follower
August 2, 2017
I was so happy to see this book released I was afraid that the author may not be able to continue the story. After the long wait I started reading it the night I ordered it and finished very early in the morning of the 29th. It picked up the story where it finished in book 2. Gwens early thoughts of the quest for citizenship became mute as the Prince had selected her as his bride. But the story had set the quest for the need to compete in the Atlantis Grail. So by the events that followed Gwen's betrothal they brought her original goal back into the story. Then the excitement comes back into stories continuation along with must speculation and action. My reading pace picked and held to 3:00AM Saturday morning and I reached the last of the 949 pages.
Profile Image for Barbara Eichler-Cline.
293 reviews2 followers
August 7, 2017

Intense and challenging book. I had to put down the book a couple of times due to the story's tension. Wildly creative story and love the Pegasus. Throughout the book a deep and abiding love, an ending I didn't expect. Next book pleasè!
Profile Image for Linda McKeon.
15 reviews2 followers
August 5, 2017
Love this story

I was hooked on the whole series. It is engaging and action packed with just enough romance. The inclusion in the end of the Pegasus creatures brought new life to the story. I am hoping they will be included in the next book in the series.
6 reviews
August 6, 2017
Love it

I am excited for the next book to come out. Can hardly stand the wait. Will be purchasing the set.
Profile Image for Heather.
153 reviews9 followers
August 2, 2017
What a fantastic addition to this series. I love these books and can't get enough of them. I finished this 3rd book and started over with book 1 again. Now I'm back to reading book 3. I anticipate reading it many more times between now and when book 4 comes out.
Profile Image for Teri Effle.
102 reviews
August 3, 2017
Great book

These books manage to use the same themes in new and inventive ways so I find I can hardly put them down. I stayed up half the night to finish Win. Well worth the read.
Profile Image for Ashley.
52 reviews1 follower
July 30, 2017
Well let me tell you now I'm pissed off Goodreads didn't save the review I just wrote.
To sum it up: THIS IS AN AMAZING BOOK. Vera has outdone herself creating this fantastic world and after reading each book I can't stop thinking about them. This is by far one of my top 5 favorite book series ever... so far.
7 reviews
July 21, 2017
Awesome adventure - couldn't put it down!

How I waited and waited for this third book! Lol, just bought it for myself - it's like Xmas in July. I am hooked on this author AND on the AG series, just can't get enough! And Win was SO worth the wait. It was a bit longer because the author added many new characters which she definitely spent some time on developing. I can't really elaborate on them because I don't want to spoil the "friend or foe" surprises. Also, there was a lot of action packed into this book! I could hardly put it down...I was anxious about 90% of the time - wondering how Gwen was going to get and keep herself out of trouble. But I must say that my favorite part is Gwen's change in dynamic. She is more capable and stronger now than in the first couple of books. She has really come into her own and I can't wait to see how she uses her new alliances and skills in the next book.

A million thanks to the creative genius, Ms. Vera Nazarian, for another fabulous book! Especially for keeping your prices reasonable for us fans, posting in Wattpad and frequently giving us updates. You're amazing, thank you!!
Profile Image for Monique Wilson.
37 reviews
July 28, 2017
I love you Vera!

First, thank you for piecemealing this to us on Wattpad. Second, how was ALL OFF THIS in your head?!?! Third, thanks for not following the current killing trend of some authors. Finally, thank you for constantly bringing out aspects of honor and integrity.
2 reviews
July 29, 2017
Finished it wanting more !

Loved the story and all the creations. I could see the whole story come alive in my mind. Hopefully this series can be made into a movie. It took me two days to read and I'm left waiting for the next one to come out. Desperate! Thank you for writing this series.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 351 reviews

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