"Very positive and in tune with our needs today." LEO BUSCAGLIA Alan Cohen's story is an inspiration. From his roots as an Orthodox Jew, he took a mind-expanding tour of the teachings of Jesus, Ram Dass, Zen, Jung, the Esalen Institute, and Einstein, to name a few. In this extraordinary collection of lyrical, challenging essays, Cohen synthesizes what he has learned from these masters, and shares his journey with all of us. He discusses overcoming limitations, creating fulfilling relationships, tuning into the flow of life, transformation, finding a personal path, and the greatest gift of all, love. Read it straight through, or essay by essay, for daily meditations on the mysteries of God, love, and the spiritual path.
I loved this book, the first I have read of Alan Cohen's work. To say it was life-changing is an understatement; every evening when I read a few pages of this book, I felt the words speak to me with uncanny relevance to my day.
I needed to read this book, and am now working my way through the rest of Cohen's work. I feel that his writing helps me to clarify that which I know to be true, but which remains buried under doubt, confusion and fear.
Anyone open to the spiritual path and looking for clarification and guidance will love this book, and maybe those who aren't will love it too!
Definitely the best spiritual book I've read to date.
The first of Alan Cohen's books that I read in the late 80's...such an easy read from a great storyteller. Sometimes I still pick this book up- read a couple of pages and my mood becomes happier and lighter! This book has stood the test of time for me!
First read at 21. Has become a core text of my life. Read and reread many times. Have spent much quality time with the author. Sent me in the direction of silver linings no matter what. Positive mental attitude. Take watch got make watcha want. and many many more ongoing transformational life lessons.
I love this book each chapter has its own lesson that can be applied to your life. This is a book you can also pick up and read any chapter and learn something, will definitely be doing this.
The information shared in this beautifully written and well-thought out novel, is as true today as it was nearly 40 years ago. Our 'struggles' as individuals, as a culture, and as a world have not changed - we simply view them through a magnifying glass now. The solution to our problems has not changed either - love, compassion, and service. As true today as it was in 1980 and every decade before.
Siempre es un placer escuchar a Alan Cohen en radio, y leer este libro de él ha resultado igualmente placentero y muy gratificante. El mensaje que a través de sus páginas es que la fuerza de la Luz siempre es más poderosa que la supuesta fortaleza de la oscuridad. De la oscuridad propia, de la ajena o de la colectiva.
A través de sus vivencias personales Alan Cohen nos muestra el camino para trabajar en varios aspectos de nuestras vidas pero siempre tomando en cuenta el aspecto espiritual de las mismas. Y siempre haciendo hincapié en que debemos abrazar nuestra propia Luz y expandirla. Escuchando siempre nuestra voz interior que siempre verá por nuestro bien, más allá de lo que nuestro Ego pueda pensar.
Todo se resume a saber cuando decir "sí" y cuando decir "no" en cualquier area de nuestras vidas, ésta es la verdadera maestría espiritual. Como él mismo lo dice, ser bueno o espiritual no significa decir siempre "sí". A veces lo más espiritual que podemos decir es "no". El camino espiritual es como andar por la cuerda floja, si no tenemos cuidado le daremos nuestra confianza a la persona equivocada. Y esto siempre hay que tenerlo en cuenta para todas nuestras acciones, nuestras relaciones, nuestros trabajos, nuestros proyectos, etc. Siempre hay que buscar la Verdad y aferrarnos a ella, así como al amor incondicional que Dios siente por nosotros. Si nuestro corazón y nuestra visión permanecen fijos en la Luz de Dios no habrá adversidad que no podamos afrontar y vencer.
Éste es sin duda uno de los mejores libros espirituales que he leído y que sin duda vale la pena releer de vez en cuando para no olvidar que sólo estamos aquí para sanarnos y sanar al mundo a través de nuestra propia Luz. Es un libro verdaderamente transformador. Para acabar con la oscuridad tan sólo hay que encender una vela, una simple llama de cerillo rompe la oscuridad. Éste libro enciende esa vela.
I've owned this book as part of a collection of three of Alan Cohen's books for over thirty years. Every couple of years I get it out and reread it. Its an easy read but it's filled with inspiration and deep thoughts about spirituality. It's timeless and deep. Alan Cohen gives much credit and love to a guru of sorts called Hilda; along with A Course in Miracles, Leo Buscaglia & other wonderful teachings and teachers. I will continue to treasure it and reread it until the day I die.
I love this author! But this is not my favorite book. It was okay, but long-winded. His more recent works are more powerful and concise. He presents some excellent concepts, and I'm glad I read it but it's not one to keep on my bookshelf. I will trade it in and continue to collect his newer books.