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Metaframe War #2

A Traitor's War

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A Thrilling Dark Fantasy Action Adventure

Hunters and vampires are fighting a secret war for control of the fabric of reality. Whoever acquires mastery of the reality shifting powers of the Metaframe will become the new gods of the universe.

"Imagine if you could change the rules of the game, what rules would you choose?"

After the desperate battle on the Boston docks, Anton Slayne finds refuge amongst the vampire hunters of the Order of Thoth.

Anton discovers the Order of Thoth harbors a traitor who could get his new friends killed. While a secret alliance between the Red Empire, and rogue vampire general, Chloe Armitage, threatens to do the same.

With threats both within and without - will Anton's new powers be enough to save his friends, or will his circling enemies destroy everyone he loves?

"Like Underworld on speed, it's got all the adrenaline and action-packing shots of entertainment you could want, wrapped up in a no-nonsense narrative." - Adam Smith, Cultured Vultures

Be prepared to be blown away by a high-octane, dark fantasy, action adventure thriller, that would be at home in a summer movie blockbuster.

Join the heroes of the Metaframe War, buy A Traitor’s War now.

244 pages, Paperback

First published April 14, 2018

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About the author

Graeme Rodaughan

10 books394 followers
I have one rule: Deliver an immersive reading experience that will transport you from the everyday world into a realm of fantastic imagination - and leave you there until you're forced to come up for air...

I'm in love with character driven high-octane, action packed, thrilling stories with epic heroes and mighty villains. I want suspense, I want characters with depth who I really care what happens to them, and who I will both love and hate. I love fantasy and science fiction and I want both in the same story. I want pace, and more pace, and yet time for emotional intimacy and heart-rending scenes.

This is what I dedicate myself to writing - and why - because I love it.

P.s. I love villains that matter and I loathe poorly drawn villains. I also hate gloat speeches, deus ex machinas, and evil conflated with madness...

If I DNF a book, I normally do not rate it - unless there is an egregious issue with the story. My review ratings are as follows.

5 stars: A book I love enough that I'd happily read it again. It may have some issues, but they weren't enough to disturb my enjoyment.

4 stars: Enjoyed it, but may never read it again.

3 stars: Just made it through, probably considered DNF'ing it more than once.

2 stars: A rare rating. I read this book, it has some very serious flaws and I recommend not reading it.

1 star: Hated this book. This book is garbage and would look good in a dystopian dumpster fire.

Of special note, for authors I know - If I read your book, I will do so silently and in private. If I have something good to say about it, I will add it to my shelves and publish a rating/review. Otherwise, I will remain silent. Also, I won't read your book just because you read one of mine and liked it. I.e. I don't do reciprocal reviews. They create a sense of obligation (a conflict of interest) that interferes with honest and authentic reviews. So, please do not ask me for a reciprocal review.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 42 reviews
Profile Image for Marie.
1,044 reviews356 followers
November 6, 2021
Accelerating heart along with suspense and tension knows no bounds with this second book in the Metaframe War series!


My fourth time around with A Traitor's War snared me again as it seems every time I re-read this story I am always thrown right back into the heat of action. I know it is coming, but I just still get caught up in the action of the moment! A Traitor's War picks up on the heels of the first book, A Subtle Agency pulling the characters in tighter as the book goes into overdrive almost right away!

Factions/Organizations are a plenty in this book and everyone has their own agenda within these factions. The Vampire Dominion, featuring main characters, Cornelius Crane - leader of the Vampires wants everything to go his way without question, suspects that something is amiss with Chloe, but cannot put his finger on what it could be so he decides to keep a better eye on her. Chloe Armitage - General under Crane - expects all her subordinates to obey her no matter what the cost. She has her own agenda as she is trying her best to keep some secrets buried deep and hidden from Cornelius.

Mirovar Force Team (vampire hunters) made their appearance in the last part of A Subtle Agency, but now play more of role in the second book. Main characters include Francis Mirovar, Juliette Mirovar (Francis' wife), Yvette Mirovar, Anton Slayne, Li Wu, Peter Lamb, and Chiara Romano. There are more emotions running rampant between all the members of the team, but they pull together as they make sure that their plans are carried out no matter what the cost.

There are more factions that make an appearance in the book with different roles, but no spoilers here as you will just have to read the book to find out what transpires within these pages and what roles these factions play.

Throughout the book here and there, The Raven appears with an alluding sense of mystery and intrigue.
What role does this person play? What is their agenda?

Action is plentiful in this book as:

Guns are blazing,

swords are slashing,

with blood splattering and dripping,
which makes you wonder if you are really sitting in the middle of an action movie and you just think that you are sitting in a chair reading this book!

Throughout the book there is not only corruption and deception seeping within the factions, emotions run high as everyone tries to complete their own agendas. But the emotions not only lie with the characters they also were bubbling within me as the more I delved into the storyline, the more my heart raced with suspense and tension as this story races along and there literally is no time to breathe as the action keeps escalating from one chapter to the next!

Five stars for this book on the fourth time around!

Highly recommend this book to action adventure/urban fantasy fans!

For more thoughts on this review, please see my blog:
Profile Image for Ginger.
909 reviews513 followers
March 2, 2018
Who's the Raven?!!
God dang it, I'm going to have to get to the 3rd book in this series pretty damn soon.
Awesome sequel to A Subtle Agency: The Metaframe War: Book 1!
Well done Graeme Rodaughan for having the second book in the series be just as strong as the first.

If you're wanting an awesome, vampire series with hidden motives and lots of blackmailing, this is the series for you!

If you're wanting tons of action, sword play and things getting blown up in the middle of the night, this is the series for you!

If you want an inexperienced but big hearted, deadly fighter trying to find his way in the world of vampires, secrecy and revenge, this is the series for you!

Okay, you get the idea. 😉🤣

Really, this is a fun, action packed series that I've enjoyed from the beginning. Some of the questions that I had from the first book were answered in this one.
I can't wait for some double crossers to get the ax soon. *fingers crossed*
Obviously, this series has pulled me in emotionally, made me slightly blood thirsty and I'm definitely invested now.

One last thing, Anton Slayne, you better deliver for me in the future and destroy all of the vampire scum. I'm counting on you, your family legacy and your crazy ramping skills!
Profile Image for Graeme Rodaughan.
Author 10 books394 followers
January 20, 2024
Author Scandal! All His Best Ideas Come From Fictional Characters! "Well, they just won't shut the hell up!!!" - The Unknown Author Chanticleer

So I'm reviewing my second book (just before it is published), and in an effort to avoid any authorial bias, I've decided to consult a bunch of iconoclastic, independent thinkers who never care what I think.

My characters.

So I've asked them to submit a one liner on their assessment of A Traitor's War.

Chloe Armitage: "I'm the real MC, loved it. #Badass #Antihero #Herokiller #BossInWaiting #MyBossSucks. #Winning."

Anton Slayne: "Well apart from being shot, thrown off a cliff and buried alive - I really liked it."

Li Wu: "Thankfully, I dodged the paranormal romance bullet. So, yes, I'm happy with it."

Cornelius Crane: "I've got a job opening for a HR consultant who specialises in 'difficult' subordinants - any takers?"

Dalien Morte, aka "The Red Ghost": "The Red Empire got more page time, and we were able to demonstrate some of our finer qualities, such as deception and murder - so I'm quite satisfied with the progress being made."

Ramin Kain: "[Insert F-Bomb] you!"

Samuel Luther: "What RK said."

Chiara Romano: "Am I the sex kitten? (smiles) I've got great assets."

The Panopticon: "I thought I was signing up for a role as an AI in 'Person of Interest.' I'm so disappointed..."

Peter Lamb: "I've been promised that the 'hero's best friend' is the safest role in the series."

Autonomous ground drone #14: "I want a speaking part next time, and I'm not signing a contract for the next book unless I get one."

James Haley: "I had to smoke a cigarette after the massage I got."

Louise Wesson: "(shakes head) Where's my page time? Two scenes! You're kidding me. Two scenes. (shakes head) (sotto voce) [Insert Cluster F-Bomb]."

Francis Mirovar: "I was very happy with my role as a senior force leader. I always wanted to be in charge of a cohesive team of badass warriors."

Juliette Mirovar: "Francis thinks his in charge?...(smiles knowingly)."

Al Far: "I know it was only one scene - but what a scene. I'm very happy."

Jay Creeley: "You know, I'm in two minds about this book. Sure, I have some good scenes, but I really feel I could be used a lot more, and frankly - I want a light sabre. Please, please, please can I have one? (Sighs!)"

Yvette Mirovar: "I have lovely hair, and I'm a really nice girl, but unless you give me some [Insert F-Bomb] meat in the next book - you can [Insert Cluster F-Bomb] find someone else."

Random Shadowstone Operative: "I hope you rot in hell, you [Insert Cluster F-Bomb] bastard."

Haras Mosule: "An air vent scene? You've got to be kidding me! What on earth were you thinking. You'll never be able to make it work. The critics will pan it. It's such a tired cliche...and - it has a whirling fan in the middle of it!!! C'mon - you can't do that."

Clayton Maze: "Does my bald head shine in the moonlight? Now be honest."

Gareth Nightingale: "I've got a cool name, and I'm mentioned in a couple of scenes, but I don't have a speaking part - I'm kinda concerned that I'll never be seen again."

Captain Tilson: "In, out - now I'm looking for my next job. Not impressed, and the cafeteria was terrible."

Justin Blake: "I'm a badass in real life. So, I just kinda ... just played myself. No real challenge there."

Deon Lamar: "Bummer."

Olgoi Khorkhoi: "I really hope that I'm not going to be type-cast as a blood thirsty maggot. Looking forward to getting a grown up role one day."

The Raven: "My true identity is ... just kidding.... but in all honesty, who do I really work for? C'mon, throw me a bone here..."

Frankly - there's just no pleasing some people.
Profile Image for Terry.
423 reviews106 followers
December 22, 2021
Reread in fall of 2021: I truly enjoy reading this series. Such a great flow to both the story and the character arcs. I can’t recommend it enough!

A Traitor's War is the second book in The Metaframe War series, and an excellent follow-up to the overall story that began in A Subtle Agency. This is a big world with lots of history to the different organizations involved, and we get a little more of a glimpse at the background in this installment. There is lots of intrigue, lots of twists/turns and especially lots of fighting! The characters are great, diverse and interesting and the action sequences are superb, and keep the excitement high throughout. Definitely looking forward to continuing with this series.
Profile Image for Laura.
1,039 reviews72 followers
February 23, 2024
It was a series binge-BR with the cool action loving guys from FBR earlier this year. And now a series binge-read for a challenge over at My Vampire Book Obsession. Because these are awesome books!!

5 blockbuster movie stars!

A Traitor's War is even better than the first book in the Metaframe War Series!

It picks up half an hour after the events of A Subtle Agency.
After the desperate battle on the Boston docks, Anton Slayne finds refuge amongst the vampire hunters of the Order of Thoth.

Why did I love it more than the first? Because of the addition of the extra secondary characters, the deepening of the plot, the fluency of the writing and of the story! No second book syndrome here guys! On the contrary! Everything is better! this one kept me glued to the seat from the beginning to the very end and left me wanting to dive straight into the sequel!

If you were to ask whether this book is character or plot oriented, I'd say both! And Graeme does a brilliant job with both!
Let me take them on turn.

The characters rock! Main or secondary, it doesn't really matter. Graeme writes them all real and strong, and practically leaping off the page.
What I love the most is the deep insight into their feelings and emotions, presented in clear images and little sentences that one may miss if not paying attention. They make these characters completely identifiable with. And particularly because of that, they will make the reader react!

They will either piss you off because you want them to behave in a certain way but they just won't do it or they'll have you glued to the seat wanting to see what they'll decide and how they'll manage to get out of a certain pickle. Only the best of books (or movies) make you rave and react! You wouldn't bother for anything less than that.

Personally, I had the very strong urge to punch one of them straight in the face several times over, and bring out the big sharp mama bird claws and wrap them protectively around another, hissing: "lay off my man, dude!!"

Anton and Li mature. They train and learn and try to find a place among strangers who don't trust them, and perhaps even fear them. Especially Anton that is, who somehow manages to get shot, thrown off a cliff and even get buried alive, because of it.

James Haley and Louise Wesson also make an appearance here, though Louise just breezes through with a promise of more to come, because now she has a new mission she believes in!

James Haley is a tough nut to crack. He is so complex as character and Graeme touches a wonderful depth while writing him.

'The light in his soul was fading and in its place, a creeping darkness had begun to take hold.'
'"James", Chloe said warmly. "You are on a new path now, embrace it, and all will be well."'
'"Yes Ma'am," James said, his heart surging with new life. Here was a real purpose that he could sink his teeth into.'

His path is one to follow. Will he completely embrace the darkness, or choose to return to the light? I love the way Graeme deals with honor in his case, with purpose and determination. Because a life deprived of these is not one worth living and James' choices are the kind any of us might make.

And then we get the addition of a handful of secondary characters that somehow managed to get under my skin. Don't get me wrong, I still love Anton and Li; and Chloe is still a brilliant mastermind and manipulator that one cannot help but root for, despite the dark path she threads on; but the new cast is also awesome and wonderfully complements our trio.

Francis Mirovar, senior force leader of the Order of Thoth - seems like a grumpy old trust no-one and protect your own kind. I didn't warm up to him in this book.

His wife on the other hand, Juliette Mirovar - loremaster of the Order - is another story. A crack combat surgeon, she takes both Anton and Li under her wing the very first moment need arises and is the gentlest and kindest in the team. I just love her! A strong woman behind a strong man. Who do you think is really in charge? :)

Jay Creeley the best, baddest, most dangerous fighter in the Mirovar team - Jay, Jay, Jay - even at a re-read, I still wanted to punch him in the face!

The lovely Chiara Romano badass warrior and sex kitten! She made my hackles rise a bit because I had a feeling there she was trying to take Li's place!! But Li has her own agenda, and it's all guns and blades!

There are a lot more of them but I'll stop here with my new favorite: Peter Lamb! A very apt name for someone build like the proverbial brick wall. Stronger than the strongest ramp-masters, to me he looks like this:

Dreamstime.com - A man holds axe over dark grey background. Artistic portrait of huge shirtless muscular Viking

Despite his bulky size, Peter is sweet and funny. He lightens up the mood and brings fun and cocky banter into play. Now don't get me wrong, he is a badass fighter and a whiz with his axes!

Peter’s left axe caught an assassin’s right sword. His right axe trapped the man’s left sword. He pushed outward, spread-eagling his opponent. Stepping in close, his head jerked forward, his forehead crashing into the assassin’s face.

The assassin went limp on his feet. Blood fountaining from his smashed nose, he started to fall.

Peter’s axes flashed in and across each other. The man’s head sailed away. His body, jetting blood from the severed vessels in his neck crumpled to the floor.

The little excerpt above is only a small taste of what Graeme delivers here in terms of action, fight, blood and gore. Horror enthusiasts will not be left wanting:

'Cornelius whipped the knife from his belt. He passed it through the young man's neck with such violent speed that it splashed blood across the faces of the three shocked men a dozen feet away. G..'s body took another step forward on its own before crumpling to the ground. His head rolled forward end over end, coming to a halt in front of D..'s boots.' - and this is just a taste of it.

There's lots in store for the thrill-hounds too, as they will get chapters full of hot action, peppered with cinematic scenes like this:
The muzzle flashed. The bullet ripped through his left lung before punching a hole out of his back. Anton jerked backward with the momentum of the hit. A second bullet followed the first smashing through his ribs a couple of inches to the left of the first wound....'

We do not get as many fight scenes in this book, to equal those in A Subtle Agency, but the attention to detail and awesome descriptions of moves and spilled blood more than make up for it. The cinematic effect of is hands-down

And then we have the plot. The layers expand and so do the plot within the plot and plan within the plan up to the point you expect all hell to break loose any moment. There are traitors at every corner and double games are played within each faction! You'll need to sort through all of it to find out the culprit. Not an easy task as Graeme's clues are misleading at times and so obvious at others that you wonder if you're being led by the nose! Especially with the Raven lurking around.

Who the heck is the Raven?! The mystery kept me guessing till the very end and I was left with the question unanswered despite all the guesswork thrown in. If you like a good challenge, try finding out who The Raven is! :)

Awesome characters, great action, a solid plot and a challenging mystery, this book has something for everyone!
It is truly a high-octane, dark fantasy, superhero action adventure thriller, that would be at home in a summer movie blockbuster. And I highly recommend it!

Check out this review and more over at The Magic Book Corner
Profile Image for Jody .
211 reviews159 followers
November 17, 2017
Full review now up!

A Traitor's War is another exciting and entertaining book in The Metaframe War series. The story picks up right after the events of A Subtle Agency, and Graeme wastes no time in getting the reader involved with the aftermath of the previous books events.

Chloe Armitage, the vampire villainess, is having to regroup and hunt for a new strategy to usher in her plans to rule not only the Vampire Dominion, but the world. Anton Slayne, the young and talented protagonist, is now with the Mirovar force team of vampire slayers. He begins to continue his training and build relationships with his new team, but is still trying to come to grips with this new world he has been propelled into.

"You are on a new path now, embrace it, and all will be well."

The main story arcs continue with Chloe and Anton just like in the first book, but we get some other POV's mixed in as well. The head of the Vampire Dominion, Cornelius Crane, was probably my favorite one outside of the two main characters. He has been fighting this war for centuries and his grand scheme finally looks within his reach. If he could only keep Chloe in line he may be able to bring an end to this war and claim what he believes is rightfully his...complete control without question.

"Are you still willing to take the battle to our enemies or," Crane thrust his long index finger at her, "are you playing your own game?"

This is positively a character driven story, and anyone who has read my reviews knows how I enjoy great characters. Graeme adds to this with plenty of action scenes and intense moments that help pull you into the narrative. Even in between the action there is plenty going on with all the tension between certain characters, unexpected alliances, and hidden agendas that there is literally no down time when reading this book.

To sum up, I enjoyed A Traitor's War just as much, if not more, than A Subtle Agency. Graeme informed me the third book, The Dragon's Den, will be released in mid-February 2018. I can't wait to get my hands on it, and that title just adds to my anticipation. I urge you all to go out there and give this series a try. I believe all fantasy readers would enjoy it. Especially fans of vampire, urban-fantasy, and thriller genres. You get the best of all three wrapped up in one series.

4 stars ****

Profile Image for Khalid Abdul-Mumin.
299 reviews236 followers
August 4, 2024
Anton Slayne's trials and tribulations continue in this sequel where he learns more about the myth and lore surrounding the Vampire Dominion and The Order of Thoth that his lineage belongs to.

The plot continues and the world-building is expanded to even incorporate many other new elements.

The writing is good (but for some few corrections) and the author paints a very realistic portrayal of the world albeit in a fantastic manner where vampires and upgraded humans have been fighting for the control of reality itself.

I can really see this series as a blockbuster Hollywood offering and it definitely reads as such. Recommended.
Profile Image for Jeffrey Caston.
Author 9 books188 followers
July 21, 2021
This book is part of the Metaframe Omnibus, books 1-3. It's amazeballs. That's all you need to know.

Well, that, and you need to stop reading my review here and go get a copy.
Profile Image for Sheila G.
509 reviews96 followers
June 7, 2017
This full review can be viewed on my blog along with others at: She's Going Book Crazy
"We have become complacent but not anymore.

The second installment in The Metaframe Wars picks up right after the major battle between the vampires and the Order of Thoth went down in Boston. To the reader's dismay, Chloe is back.  

It is apparent that Rodaughan is a master of strategy and writing action scenes (not to mention those group workouts!) 
At two hours and fourteen minutes into the workout, Anton pulled to a halt at the end of a sprint, doubled over and repeatedly dry retched for about fifteen seconds. Peter paused next to him, looked down at the bare ground at Anton's feet and said briskly, "No blood, that's a good sign. Now try and keep up."

He beats his characters up!

This book is quite literally overflowing with backstabbing, conspiracy, and switching teams. 


^^^That applies to a few characters that I won't name for spoilers-sake.

Perhaps this is the reason why this installment didn't resonate with me; while I appreciate the effort behind blurring the lines between the "teams," it was hard to keep everyone straight. There are many characters with close names, and I often got them confused. Because of this, I think I didn't get to enjoy the story because I was so busy trying to figure out who-was-who and who was with what side, and just how many sides there truly were. 

Don't get me wrong, this book is packed full of action. The battle between vampires and humans rages like nothing before. Chloe Armitage, the main antagonist of this series, entered center stage in this installment just a'swingin'---and is she ruthless.


But what is an antagonist without the protagonist? I felt that Anton was left in the shadows. He made his appearances, but they weren't memorable ones, at least for me. I can't help but feel the future is a bleak one for Anton and his newly-found crew. With adversaries like Chloe, Cornelius Crane, the Raven (whoever s/he is), and...several more...I'm not sure how the Order will make it out of this war unscathed.

Violence: Lots.
Sexual Content: Some.
Vulgarity: Too much for my taste.

2.5 stars.

Thank you to the author for a copy of this book!
Profile Image for Annerlee.
253 reviews45 followers
January 14, 2018
I want to finish up by saying how much I've enjoyed the first two books in this series - the intricacy of the world and character building and the amazing choreography of the action scenes!

This is a (vampire - action - thriller - mystery) genre that I have never tried before and the author had the added disadvantage of having to 'sell' the concepts to me first. Despite this, I've found the books much more enthralling and exciting than I would ever have thought possible. Both books (A Traitor's War and A Subtle Agency) are so visual. The double / triple plotting puzzles are complex, but ultimately great fun.

Finally, a note to the author:
"Graeme. Look after yourself. Make sure you look three times when you cross the road. I need to know what happens next, You need to carry on with the series. Please, please - no 'Kingesque' near misses!"

Now to wait for the next instalment...
Profile Image for Adam Smith.
Author 13 books93 followers
June 29, 2017
The Metaframe War is well and truly raging in book two of Graeme Rodaughan’s mystical vampire action series. A Traitor’s War continues directly from where book one left off – and you definitely need to have read A Subtle Agency. The characters are a-plenty, and I appreciate that A Traitor’s War assumes you know who everyone is and doesn’t pander with too much explanation. Straight into the action! (Spoilers for book one follow).

I gave it a 9/10 review here: https://culturedvultures.com/traitors...

Incidentally, loved the little addendum at the end...
Profile Image for Lena.
1,198 reviews326 followers
June 11, 2017

“If you’re expecting a ‘gloat speech’ where I reveal the details of my plan to prove how superior I am... You’re talking with the wrong girl.”

Chloe Armitage is back! Watching this master tactician play four sides against each other is bliss.

Welcome to Metaframe Book 2: Character Building & Character Adding. We jump right into Cornelius Cranes backstory of how he came to be the King of the Vampire Dominion. The revelations about Chloe expand her potential motivations. Is she fighting for simple personal freedom, the environment, or revenge. I could get behind one or all.

Besides the vampires we see Anton and Li making themselves at home with the other young people at the Mirovar Force Cooperative. That part of the book is kind of like The Breakfast Club at the Xavier Institute for Gifted Youngsters. Or in other words:

Ramin Kain, head of The Order of Thoth, has substantial POV and none of it endears.

“Kain has all the characteristics of a Bond villain and none of the charisma.”

This is so true. He and his craven zealots leave a bad taste in my mouth.

Louise Wesson, my second favorite character, didn't have a big role and was pissed about it.

"The situation was intolerable, and she was not going to put up with it."

Do what you have to girl!

There's also more time spent with Red Empire and the author came up with a dope selection of bad ass bad guy handles for them: Nasr al Dam/Blood Eagle, Shabbah al Ahmar/Red Ghost, and Taipan/Just Taipan.

Unlike the last book where there were various fights this book just had one big fight at the end.

What I didn't like about the book was that there was just one big fight at the end and no one died. Ok, so that's an exaggeration but if the good guy has a name you'll likely see them in book three. Seriously though, a team of greater number and experience, with equally vicious training, attacks and it's like if you are Good Guy

But if you are a Bad Guy

It was a little over the top and left me with too many characters I don't care about to remember for book three.

How about Metaframe Book 3: Red Wedding. Or at least make use of X-Ray so I can jump into book three with ease.

Solid read, four stars and looking forward to another.
Profile Image for Sally.
300 reviews71 followers
January 21, 2022
It doesn't happen often that I am this obsessed with book 2 in a series. A lot of times the story falls off a bit or there just isn't as much excitement as the first book. But A Traitor's War was just as good, if not better, than A Subtle Agency.

We started right where we left off in the 1st book, which is exactly where I wanted to start. There is so much action, intrigue, and character building and it is all handled perfectly.

Now for the controversial portion...I am freaking SMITTEN with Chloe Armitage. I know I'm not supposed to be, but she's amazing, bad ass and in my head she sounds like Catherine Zeta-Jones. I know she's a villain but I am weak! Don't get me wrong, I love Anton and Li and am absolutely rooting for the Mirovar team. I also love the character of Juliette with my whole heart.

And who the hell is the Raven?!?!? On to Book 3!
Profile Image for Narilka.
681 reviews47 followers
June 7, 2020
A Traitor's War picks up directly where book one leaves off, dealing with the fallout of events on the Boston docks. Vampire General Chloe Armitage has her own agenda to take over rulership of the Vampire Dominion and the Order's actions are dovetailing nicely into her plan. Anton and Li find refuge with an Order of Thoth team where they continue to train. What no one knows is there is a traitor in their midst, a Red Empire agent who may be what tips the balance of the stalemate for the Metaframe.

This installment is well titled. There is so much betrayal on all sides of what's turning into a highly complicated war. Plots within plots! Who is the Raven? Do they know they're just a pawn and being used by one of the other sides? There are so many splinter factions that it's

The characters are growing on me. Li and Anton are starting to mature, both as people and fighters. Their continued Order training is turning them into a formidable team. I'm quite curious about Li's new "aura" ability and hope it is explored more in the future. Chloe remains as mysterious as ever. I like the two different factions that are starting to emerge in Shadowstone through James Haley and Louise Wesson. Something tells me that Louise will have a bigger role to play as the story progresses. She has potential to be a key ally for the Order if only they knew. I enjoyed getting to know the Mirovar team and having our first look at an Order Loremaster with Juliette. I have no doubt the friendships Anton is starting to forge will serve him well in the fights to come. The insight into Cornelius Crane's background and unique ability are frightening. Luckily it seems to have a limit to it or he'd definitely be ruling the world already.

Once again the story builds up to an exciting climax, one that is breathless with the action and left me wanting more immediately. The authors writing also continues to improve as many of the odd punctuation is gone and the dialog has smoothed out.
Profile Image for Nick.
964 reviews19 followers
January 29, 2018
The story just keeps on giving! Another action packed roller-coaster ride with more guns, infighting, underhand tactics and some new people to get to know. Chloe's plot keeps getting more murky double crossing Crane and trying to keep Anton alive (but sometimes not trying very hard) The Raven takes on a bit more of a role and its a fun guessing game to see who it is (I got it right).

Great continuation of the series cant wait to see where it goes next.
Profile Image for Perry Lake.
Author 27 books96 followers
June 11, 2017
Like the first book in the series, “Traitor’s War” starts with a jumble of names and organizations and sub-organizations and their relationships. Having read the first book some months before, I managed to recall most of the characters and magic artifacts but I had to literally sit down and make out a list with three headings for the three main organizations.

Anyone not having read the first book would be utterly lost.

This time, our hero Anton is less of the focus than in the previous book, but he is present for some long training sessions early on. Traditionally, training sessions are the most boring scenes in any book or movie. While not the worst I have read, those scenes are not nearly as interesting as what follows.

There is a double agent, code-named the Raven within Anton’s group and we are not supposed to know who it is. That’s a clever idea. Some scenes are told from the Raven’s POV, and that’s great. But to hide the character’s gender from the reader, the author refers to the Raven in the plural. Using “they” and “their” every time the character is referenced is excruciating to the reader.

The big action scene features a pitched battle with helicopter gunships and rocket launchers with nary a wooden stake or crucifix in sight! If that doesn’t get your blood rushing, you must be undead.

The writing is good, but I did find a few misspellings and a couple confusing lines, but nothing very bad. Having American character’s say “bloody” in the sense an Englishman might, is a bit jarring but mostly amusing. Oh, and there’s no such thing as a “rusty Coke can”.

This was a hard book to give a rating, as I wafted between three stars and four. The writing is good, the action is great, and the plot—with all the double-dealing and backstabbing—is clever. All that pushes for a four or even a five.

On the other hand, I literally had to sit down and make up a chart to keep track of the characters and their connections. There is an unnamed character referred to in the plural—even in scenes where THEY interact with groups of other characters. Confusing, but mostly irritating.

But I ultimately dropped the score for two simple reasons: this book had no beginning and it had no ending. The reader is thrown into the meanderings of twenty-six characters in the first chapter. Without memorizing the previous book in the series, no one will know who these people are or what the hell is going on. And the “ending” is a cliffhanger. If you want any resolution, you must read the next book.

I’m hoping that book can stand on its own. Graeme Rodaughan is a talented writer and I really want to see where he’s going with all this.
Profile Image for Ramona Plant.
752 reviews23 followers
May 18, 2018
A Traitor's War is the suspensful continuation in this series written by Graeme Rodaughan. The author develops an intricate plot with a lot of deceipt on all sides in this war for the survival of humanity! There are some interesting twists in this second book and a few nice secrets revealed, yet a lot more hinted on that I can't wait to be revealed in the near future! The plot is perfect never leaving me feeling that the story is dragging out nor did I ever feel like the author was rushing me through the story. There were a couple of scenes however that came to a sudden stop and never seem to be picked up again and were just forgotten but other than that the book was just right with how it was moving along.

There are lots of characters old and new that you can't help but love as well as hate. Anton is by far my favorite character and it is great to see how he is starting to grow into his role of what is to come! There are some characters who are not fully revealed yet like the Raven and I am curious to see if my theory is right or wrong about him/her.

This is definitely a very interesting series and I am very happy I stumbled across this one. The books in this series are definitely not stand alone books so I would highly recommend you start with the first one. I can't wait to read the next one and am sure to pick it up soon.
Profile Image for Netanella.
4,534 reviews20 followers
July 10, 2022
The second book in The Metaframe War series finds Anton and Li in midst of some serious training with the Maldovar unit of the Order of the Thoth, as they train to fight together against the Vampire Dominion and a competing secret order of humans known as the Red Empire. The various factions make deals, secret deals, counter deals, and various permutations on double deals. Secrets are created, some secrets are uncovered, and of course there's a big bloody battle at the end. There's enough movement to need a spreadsheet to keep track of it all! :)

Did I love it? Hell yea! It's great fun reading, and the pacing moves quickly. One of my favorite parts was when one of the 'big bads' keeps referring to his lackey, Samuel Luther, as "Brave Sam" who's going to save the day. I'm not sure if the author intended the joke or not, but I had vivid scenes of Sam carrying Frodo to Mordor.

Profile Image for Andrew✌️.
310 reviews22 followers
June 18, 2017
*** A free copy of the book was provided to me in exchange for an honest review. ***

The story continues from where the previous book has been finished. Anton has reached the Mirovar team and begins his training, but serious threats arise on the horizon, coming from the outside, but also from the inside the Order.

I can immediately say that this book has also my expectations. The action is always of the highest level, with exciting and fast-paced fighting scenes, in the action movies style. I like this vision of vampires as an organization of highly trained subjects, with extensive equipment of weapons and technological means, global surveillance and able to operate around the world.

The intrigues and conspiracies are so many in this second chapter, to make you dizzy. Queen of the double game is always her, Chloe Armitage, but the author has tried to outline all the main characters more accurately. So also the king of vampires, Cornelius Crane, acts to a greater extent compared to the previous volume. I was surprised to see that despite from the beginning Anton is pictured like "the chosen", the author doesn’t focus on him all the story, but actually blends it with the context, giving more space to the development of other characters.

Especially in the last part, it's a succession of twists and fast paced actions that prepare the ground for the next book. A series not to be missed and I can't wait to continue it.
Profile Image for Ms. Cyn.
1,544 reviews
January 3, 2018
Although I am not as into military heavy books. I love the mysteries and intrigue found inside all the violence of war. My favorite parts though are from the Mirovar team. Of course Alton and Li are my favorites but I really like Frances and Juliette. They are fair and reasonable. They listen and try to do what is right. The whole team is just starting to work better when all hell breaks loose towards the end. So much chaos and a hefty cliffhanger.

I recieved this free for an honest review.
Profile Image for Timelord Iain.
1,750 reviews5 followers
February 9, 2019
Great to have finally made time to (Buddy) read this, on my dreaded Kindle... I've been meaning to read this for awhile, now, but am terrible at making time for anything but audiobooks, anymore... boy, was I missing out... high-octane is right!
Profile Image for Stephen McQuiggan.
Author 80 books25 followers
June 14, 2017
Yes, Chloe is back!
We have helicopter battles, rocket launchers, all kinds of tech; I fear the author's brain is a very noisy place. The internecine plot is deftly handled - in fact there are times you feel like applauding the originality, the downright cleverness of it all, if you only got a moment to catch your breath. If the book has a weakness then, ironically, it lies in its strength - the action sequences, undoubtedly superb (Rodaughan excels in highly visual, octane snorting excitement), left me yearning for a little less thrust and a little more pathos. A glossary would've been helpful too. Small quibbles though - this series has big screen potential, and is almost ridiculously enjoyable.
Profile Image for Kevin.
20 reviews3 followers
May 30, 2022
An amazing sequel! The plot twists and backstabbing story line is the main focus in this one. I don't believe for a second that the twists end here.

The character's personalities are more fleshed out in this. The action and fight scenes are very well done as they were in the first book of this series.

The progression of the relationships grounds it a bit. It makes you able to relate to or commiserate with them.

Again, great work Graeme!
Profile Image for Yadu Gopal.
2 reviews
July 11, 2017
If a one word review is what you're looking for, it is 'Bloody Brilliant!'. If you're looking for a book to dive into and forget the world around you, and you like action, you'll love this book!

Before the review, I'd like to express my huge gratitude to the author, Graeme Rodaughan for sending me both the books in the series when I won the giveaway! It was so nice of you to do such a thing and the only way that I know of to express my gratitude is through an honest review of your work. Please do note that I'm giving my opinions about both the books in the series here:

This is one of those books which kept me glued to its pages. I hardly moved from my chair once I opened this masterpiece, and I got drawn into the story and into love with the characters.

I'll be honest. When I read Vampires, I got skeptical. My previous encounters with books with vampires wasn't exactly a wonderful experience (Twilight, anyone?). But boy oh boy, the story just rose to a level of impeccable thought and action, which I just couldn't turn back from. Though I got some serious Dan Brown vibe from the way the story is told, I personally enjoyed it a lot. The way the story seamlessly integrate technology with ancient mythology is beyond my imagination, and the author earns every bit of my appreciation in achieving such a feat. I especially like the part where the thoughts of characters are shown out to the reader to analyze the situation from his/her perspective (Chloe and The raven, especially) and the part where the author rewinds the story and starts it from the perspective of a different character is appreciable.

*****To the author*****
I have one complaint though . The fact that there was a line at the end of the second book telling that the story will continue in the next installment made me disheartened. I'm patiently waiting for the next installment. Thank you for showing me the world of Anton and Li, The order, Shadowstone and the Vampire Dominion.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for William Bitner Jr..
577 reviews30 followers
June 30, 2017
Genre: Paranormal Thriller
Pages: 246

Just finished reading “A Traitor’s War: The Metaframe War, Book Two” by Graeme Rodaughan. I would like to thank Graeme for the e-copy of this book. Having just read the first book in this series “A Subtle Agency”, I was anxious and excited to start this read. I must say, I was not disappointed. I feel having just read the first book that I had a bit of an advantage since everything was still fresh and new in my mind. This book begins right where the first one left off. All the same characters and few new ones along the way. The action scenes in this book are just absolutely brilliant and very descriptive. It was, as it was with book one, a movie of words. I was totally sucked in from page one and was engrossed throughout. I am so glad that I had the opportunity to read these books and am so looking forward to the next one in the series. I think you really have to approach these books for what they are, a series. There are going to be unanswered questions and cliffhangers...so, you really must be invested and realize that the answers will come at some point, just not right now! But when they do come, oh my what a treasure trove of entertainment it is. Action packed and full of surprises, twists and turns galore, and a very fast paced and even flowing read. Brilliant!!!

Synopsis: (from back cover): After the desperate battle on the Boston docks, Anton Slayne finds refuge amongst the vampire hunters of the Order of Thoth.

Anton discovers the Order of Thoth harbors a traitor who could get his new friends killed. While a secret alliance between the Red Empire and vampire General Chloe Armitage, threatens to do the same.

With threats both within and without - will Anton be able to stay alive long enough to save his friends, or will his circling enemies destroy everyone he loves?
Profile Image for Eldon Farrell.
Author 16 books107 followers
December 7, 2017
Welcome back to Anton Slayne’s world… or maybe not. The Traitor’s War is book two in the massive fifteen book Metaframe War series planned by Graeme Rodaughan. I enjoyed A Subtle Agency and looked forward to seeing where the story would go from there.

I was disappointed by a few aspects of this book. As alluded to above, our protagonist Anton Slayne failed to make an appearance until roughly the 10% mark, which didn’t really work for me. Given the plethora of characters throughout this novel, I expected the protagonist to feature more prominently than he did. At least the first 40% was spent describing the training regimen of the Order of Thoth at, what I felt was, the expense of the story. Perhaps this story was meant to be slower. Reading page after page of detailed workout regimens though does stretch the concept of slow to a breaking point. After the excitement of book one I wanted to see it built upon but instead it seemed to stall here. I do commend Graeme on his ability to keep the subterfuge in the story straight, because I know I got lost a few times trying to figure out who was with who. A side effect of so many characters, I suppose.

The story also lacked a beginning and an ending. You’re thrown in the deep end immediately after the close of book one at the start and the end leads right into the next book without any resolution. Given its placement as part of a series this can be partially understood. However, many series exist where each book builds upon the overall story while also delivering a complete narrative between the front and back cover. For much of The Traitor’s War it felt to me like the whole point of the book was simply to set up the next two or three books. This often left me finding reasons not to pick up my kindle as opposed to finding reasons not to put it down.

All that said, I continue to admire the long game Graeme is playing here. I believe this series can regain the magic it held after book one. There’s certainly plenty here to like. If you like shadowy organizations and high-level conspiracy, this series has you covered. If you like tradecraft and high-tech gadgets, again, you’ll find plenty to love here. And, if you like complex characters struggling against some vicious and well-drawn villains, then I would for sure recommend this series to you. I know I will be reading The Dragon’s Den to see what happens next.

3 stars.
Profile Image for Nyssa.
854 reviews69 followers
September 21, 2022
Fantastic! A Traitor's War begins 30 minutes from where A Subtitle Agency left off.
There is no rest for the weary or the wicked!

The story progresses rapidly - plans get set into motion. Some succeed, and some - not so much.
One of my favorite aspects of this story is that various characters almost figure out certain truths.
So many realizations are just on the tip of each of their tongues brains.

While for others, reality smacks them firmly in the face! Secrets begin to come to light; confidences are betrayed; enemies become allies become enemies.

Side Note: The epilogue is bizarre but ultimately hilarious.
Profile Image for Michael McLellan.
Author 7 books282 followers
April 30, 2017
Okay, so I read Graeme Rodaughan’s first novel, A Subtle Agency, on a whim. It was simply out of a desire to read something different than I normally would. I was genuinely surprised at how much I liked it. In reviewing it, I stated that it reminded me of a summer blockbuster movie, you know, something with a lot of action and suspense? I even mentioned the fact that while I was reading it, I had this overwhelming urge to eat popcorn. Anyway, when I heard the second book in the series had been released, I picked it right up.

No sophomore jinx here.

A Traitor’s War is everything that A Subtle Agency was, and more. A lot more. More action, more suspense, more intrigue, more twists, more gadgets and techy stuff, more blood and gore...oh, and more characters. There are a lot of characters in this book. The thing is, Rodaughan’s writing is such that it’s never confusing getting to know them all. They’re all unique, and impressively three dimensional. Chloe Armitage is still my favorite...call it my vampire crush. I vote Charlize Theron plays her in the film. My two cents, Mr. Rodaughan.

So here we have a war between a secret society of vampires and two other secret societies who have pledged to fight them for control over an ancient device called the Metaframe. Sounds silly when you say it like that. Funny thing is, it all seems perfectly plausible when you read it. There are alliances and betrayals, there’s a really cool back-story, and it’s the first time that I've heard of science being used to explain the origin/existence of vampires. The story is complex, very well thought out, and super fast-paced. It’s exceptionally witty, and sprinkled with a dark humor that keeps it fun to read. Well done, and there is obviously more to come.
April 26, 2017
One thing I learned is that you can't take people at face value, some who you thought you knew will surprise you with the decisions they make. A fast paced book full of action and suspense, with as the title suggests a traitor (or two) thrown in for good measure. Lots of fighting between factions as would be expected and even some within their own ranks. I enjoyed reading this book and am now waiting on the next to come out.
685 reviews16 followers
October 11, 2017
I enjoyed reading the first book in this series and i loved reading the second one even more. This book has more action, twists and turns, suspense, blood, technology, and focus. There is a war between two factions in this book. A very well written tale i enjoyed reading. A must read for any and all book lovers everywhere.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 42 reviews

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