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Luna Tree: The Baby Project

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Maya is kicking up her heels, living the fabulous and mostly carefree life of a twenty-something young woman. However, in the back of her mind continuous longing for a good marriage and family lingers. How do you find the right man, the one who sticks through thick and thin? Will he provide you with the things you find essential in a relationship? Maya kissed a few frogs before finding her Prince Charming, but what followed was of higher importance. She started feeling chronic pain in her lower back, the pain that wouldn't let her neither sit nor stand. Thus Maya began her relentless quest for diagnosis and healing, which she ends after discovering Energy healing. She travels the globe to receive and raise her own stored Energy, the one that changes everything. Her ultimate desires come true.

212 pages, Paperback

Published December 16, 2015

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About the author

Maya Berger

7 books148 followers
Maya Berger grew up in a middle-class family with a younger sister, her dentist mother and physician father. For the first eighteen years of her life, she lived in a socialist system. She spent the last year of high school in Hawaii and learned how people lived and worked in capitalist countries. After high school she returned to Croatia, where the war was just ending and the country was becoming an independent republic and a capitalist country. At that time Croatia (a small country on the Adriatic in which big productions houses come to shoot Game of Thrones and Star Wars scenes, also the home of Nikola Tesla’s ) began to change slowly, and Maya is still waiting for her country to become a smaller version of the country she once had the privilege to live in – the USA.

She earned her degree in economics and specialized in marketing. She worked as a product manager in three companies before her health problems appeared, which made her change her profession and become a Pilates instructor and Pilates studio owner. She had to overcome many obstacles ( she battled chronic pain for years and was diagnosed with Ankylosing Spondylitis ) to get pregnant, become a mother, and then be the mother she always wanted to be. She felt the need to share her path with other women who found themselves in a similar position.

Maya now lives in Zagreb, Croatia with her husband and their daughter. In addition to teaching Pilates, she promotes Croatia as a tourist destination and she loves to write. In her spare time she plays with her baby girl, Luna, and talks to her husband. She loves to travel, swim, ski and play tennis, and, of course, use every chance she gets to read as many books as she can get her hands on.

Due to her child’s deep gaze and what Maya sees as “silent talks” with the living-room Buddha statue, Maya feels that Luna is a special baby, full of positive energy. But motherhood is challenging and Maya does her best to lead a balanced life – go to work, write, socialize, heal, spend time at the Adriatic seaside where she feels free and unburdened, and be with her family. To ease her pain and restore energy, Maya combines Western medicine with alternative methods. Her pain is relieved and her relationships with others have improved, but she will continue searching for an even better balance and an even better path to self-betterment.
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Displaying 1 - 30 of 34 reviews
Profile Image for Norah Una Sumner.
880 reviews510 followers
March 26, 2016
4.5 stars


Absolutely enjoyed reading this book. The writing is great and it's really easy to connect with the author's problems and her quite hard life. I've never heard of Ankylosing Spondylitis but by reading this book it's almost like I felt pain every time Maya wrote about it. That's what's so great about this book - it's incredibly raw and realistic. This is a story about a brave warrior who never gave up on her dreams and desires. I would definitely recommend it to my friends! Why? Because it's one of those amazing "eye-opening" books.

Thank you Maya for providing me with an e-copy of your book.
Profile Image for Choko.
1,398 reviews2,669 followers
April 27, 2016
*** 3.25 ***

This is the biographical journey of a young woman from Croatia, who found herself faced with a rare autoimmune disease, and her painful, but ultimately successful road to an unconventional way to deal with it and persevere!

Maya Berger, a creative, smart, and unique young lady, finds the love of her life when least expected, and her boyfriend, Luca, surrounds her with love, romance, and attention the likes of which she had never had before. They travel, and during one of their vacations, she falls while skiing and hurts her knee. This is the beginning of her health issues, which by the time they move into their dream house, consist of constant back, hips, and joint pain, as well as chronic fatigue, some depression, and inability to sleep. Her condition spirals out of control, with her going to numerous conventional, as well as alternative doctors, therapists and healers. Nothing seems to help, pain and the wish to rid herself of it become her whole existence. I know something about chronic pain, and I knew exactly what she was going through... It sucks!!!

Maya is a very lucky woman, because despite all the inconveniences caused by her illness and all the consequent difficulties it puts on her day to day life and marriage, Luca is there for her emotionally, supporting her with his love, understanding, and not spearing a dime in the quest to get Maya better. I developed a very healthy respect for him and am so happy for them as a couple!!!

Maya stumbled upon many cold and uncaring doctors, many charlatans, and many well meaning, but unable to help her people in her quest for healing. She even admits that maybe for some of the healing methodologies she was not in the right frame of mind, or just they were not for her. However, she finds a center for a type of healing with Energy, and although there were many difficulties within this path, it is ultimately the one which leads her to success. This book is about how she took this road, why she stayed with it, and what was it that eventually made her get to the breakthrough that allowed her to reform and enrich her life today.

As I said earlier, the author is from Croatia and English is not her first language. This shows in the sentence structure and the melody of the writing, but is in no way bothersome or distracting from the message. It is a self-help book and as such I can't speak of a plot. It is written as a journal of the years she has been struggling with this illness. It is fascinating to see how much she had to go through in order to just get a reliable diagnosis, let alone find the best way to keep it under control...! My heart goes out to her, her family, and all those who are facing similar situations!
Profile Image for Lea ★.
520 reviews151 followers
May 16, 2016
*Arc kindly provided by author*

 photo 5stars_zpscoik3a8h.png

I just read a beautiful story.
First and foremost, I would like to thank Maya Berger for sending me this wonderful book.
I don't know Maya personally, except the fact that we are friends on Goodreads, but I really admire her courage and strength.
I was deeply moved by this book and her story.
I have a huge respect self published authors and this is a self published memoir.
It takes a lot of guts to put your thoughts and experience on paper and reveal them to the world.
Maya's writing is great and I felt like I could easily connect with her and her feelings.
In the begging of her story, she writes about her family and her need to protect them and take care of them, and I just had an impression she was way too mature for her age at that time of her life. It's like seeing a young woman trapped in a body of a child. I myself, sometimes felt like that. Like I had to carry everyone's burdens on my back.

But, let me get to back to the storyline.
Maya is a thirty nine year old woman. She is smart, educated and she finally met a great guy - Luca.
Of course, that was not an easy task. (I feel you Maya. I am still searching for that right one:))
When she finally has it all, she starts experiencing back pain. Long story short, no one knows what is wrong with her. After months of unsuccessful physical therapies and doctor visits, she finally has her diagnosis. Ankylosing Spondylitis, a very rare autoimmune disease.
She starts traveling the world in search of a cure for her condition.
Ultimately, she starts using healing energy. I was not familiar with her diagnosis or healing energy, so thank you Maya for sharing your journey with us readers.
I don't want to reveal too much with this review, so I simply suggest you read it!
Overall, this is an honest portrayal of one woman's struggle to overcome her sickness and finally achieve her dreams.

You can grab your copy here:
Profile Image for Učitaj se! | Martina Štivičić.
753 reviews127 followers
May 5, 2016
Ova je knjiga u moje ruke došla od same autorice, koja me zamolila za iskrenu recenziju.

Moram spomenuti, prije svega, da knjiga zaista izgleda predivno. Tko god da je osmislio naslovnicu, napravio je sjajan posao. Naslov je misteriozan i neobičan, te me odmah nekako vukao da otkrijem o čemu se to ovdje radi. (Neću vam otkriti koja je tajna iza naslova, kako vam ne bih uskratila užitak da pročitate i saznate sami. ;))

Radi se o autobiografskoj priči same autorice, Maye Berger, koja se, susrevši se s rijetkom autoimunom bolesti, odlučila svoje iskustvo o suočavanju s istom te, konačno, i prevladavanju iste, podijeliti s drugima, ne bi li time možda još nekome pomogla ili ga inspirirala ako se on ili ona ikad nađe u sličnoj situaciji.

Na početku, Mayina priča djeluje poput dnevničkih zapisa, u kojima ona priča o svome životu prije bolesti i susretanju s njome, istodobno otkrivajući i dosta toga o samoj sebi, svojim razmišljanjima, snovima i ljubavima. Zbog ovakvog načina pisanja, nekako sam se, čitajući, osjećala kao da zabadam nos u nečiji privatni dnevnik, što ova knjiga u biti i jest, pa ne mogu ne odati respekt autorici na hrabrosti da sve to podijeli s drugima, čak i one trenutke koji ju ne ostavljaju u naboljem svjetlu - trenutke za koje i sama za sebe priznaje da je u njima bila naporna, zahtjevna ili teška. Nema mnogo ljudi koji bi se to usudili.

Moram, ipak, priznati, da mi je u nekim dijelovima bilo pomalo teško skoncentrirati se na priču, jer, pričajući svoju životnu priču, Maya u nju uvodi i iz nje izvodi brojne likove - članove njene obitelji, njene sadašnje i bivše ljubavi, poznanike i prijatelje, koji u tom pričanju imaju epizodne uloge i uskaču po potrebi, često nasumično, dovodeći sa sobom i male mini digresije zbog kojih je lako izgubiti nit koju priča slijedi. Također se nisam mogla oteti dojmu da Maya koristi svaku priliku kako bi ubacila i pokoju kritiku svakoj od osoba u svome životu, što me u par navrata nagnalo da pomislim kako sam se našla na partiji tračanja na kavi, na kojoj mi se povjerava netko koga ne poznajem i iznosi mi prilično intimne stvari i primjedbe o ljudima u svom životu, pri tome ih nimalo ne štedeći. Pomalo čudan osjećaj, ali tek u par navrata, i opet, to sam samo ja, drugi čitatelj to možda ne bi doživio na ovaj način.

Mayina bolest naziva se Ankylosing Spondylitis, odnosno ankilozantni spondilitis, a radi se (prema medicinskom rječniku) o autoimunoj reumatskoj bolesti vezivnog tkiva u kojoj se javlja upala kralješnice i velikih zglobova, što dovodi do ukočenosti i bolova. Ova bolest je rijetka i nisam se nikada s njom ranije susrela, te sam ovim putem dobila priliku mnogo o njoj doznati i naučiti.

Pričajući svoju priču, Maya ništa ne skriva: hrabro iznosi sve detalje svog života, pokušavajući nam približiti i otkriti sve faktore koji su možda utjecali na njenu bolest, i koji su, kasnije, bili ti koji su pomogli da je prebrodi. U Mayinom hrvanju s bolesti mnogi će se čitatelji, bez sumnje, prepoznati: beskrajni posjeti bezbrojnim liječnicima i specijalistima, nemogućnost da se dođe do prave dijagnoze, bezuspješna liječenja i terapije, iskušavanje bezbrojnih alternativnih metoda i onaj krajnji osjećaj frustracije i nemoći kada ništa od toga svega ne upali i ne da nikakve rezultate. Kroz sve je to i Maya prošla, sve dok nije konačno pronašla onu jednu stvar koja je, na kraju, upalila.

Za Mayu, ta 'stvar' bila je Energija, i to Energija s velikim 'E', jer se pod tim terminom ovdje ne misli na energiju koja proizlazi iz fizičke aktivnosti i rada, nego Energiju koja stvara svjetlost i toplinu, onu koja može biti i izvor iscijeljenja. Odmah ću vam reći da nisam baš neki pobornik alternativne medicine niti alternativnih metoda liječenja, iako ih niti u potpunosti ne odbacujem. No, u smislu što ova Energija predstavlja, kako funkcionira i što jest, Maya ju je jako dobro predstavila u ovoj knjizi, te ona i sa znanstvenog gledišta, po meni, ima smisla. U metode kako se njome koristiti u liječenju neću pobliže ulaziti, jer tu nikako nisam stručnjak, ali one su također iznijete u ovoj knjizi i ostavljene na čitatelju da ih prihvati ili promotri sa skepsom.

To je ono što mi se najviše svidjelo kod ove knjige: to što autorica ne nameće svoj stav, odnosno svoj izbor liječenja kao jedini ispravan - ona ga jednostavno predstavlja, iznosi svoja iskustva s njim, njegove dobre, ali i njegove loše strane, kao što je, primjerice, visoka cijena tretmana. Maya nikoga ne pokušava nagovoriti da isproba ovu metodu liječenja, ona samo želi nekome pružiti informaciju o njoj, baš kao što je i njoj ona bila pružena, ta inspirirati nekoga i ohrabriti ga da ne odustane, čak ni kada mu se čini da mu baš ništa ne može pomoći i da nikada neće uspjeti riješiti svoj problem.

Ili, onako kako sama kaže na početku knjige: "My hope is that my story will inspire and encourage others."

Maya želi ohrabriti ljude da ne odustanu od ostvarivanja svojih snova zato jer ih bolest u tome sprečava. I ona je imala san - zasnovati obitelj - pred kojim se bolest ispriječila, ali uspjela je pobijediti i ostvariti ga. Zašto to onda ne bi mogao i svatko od nas?
Profile Image for Brina.
1,154 reviews4 followers
April 25, 2016
Luna Tree is the self published memoir of Maya Berger, a GR friend of mine. In this memoir she details her journey of a fractious family life through her diagnosis and treatment of a rare autoimmune disease to the birth of her precious baby girl.
Her story focuses on the use of healing Energy (as opposed to energy) to ward off the disease she has, which I found interesting as it is not something I am familiar with. I also found as noticeable the insights to medical treatments available to the majority of people in central and Eastern Europe, including Croatia where Berger is from. Imagine having difficulties sitting for more than two minutes and then having to wait an entire day to see a doctor. This is unfortunately the reality for most people in developing, post- Soviet bloc countries.
I also found noteworthy the gulf between the classes in Croatia. Berger notes that both her parents are physicians and that her husband has a good paying job as well as some properties they own. This allows Berger to travel to the United States and New Zealand as well as other parts of the globe seeking treatment for her condition. She points out that many others could not afford what she has, often times asking her for a large loan, practically begging for money. Berger learned over time not to be ashamed of the money she has, but rather to use it in order to find the treatment she needs.
As someone who dislikes doctor visits and unfamiliar with Eastern medicine, I was also interested in Energy. Berger ultimately found Energy to be her ideal treatment even allowing her to carry a baby full term despite her condition. This is inspiring and something that those of us who are blessed to be healthy take for granted.
I give this story 3ish stars. A quick 200 page read, I finished in a few hours and would recommend it to those looking for a lite reading. By lite reading I refer to easy structured sentences that most readers are capable of following. I give Maya credit for publishing her story so that others have insight into her condition and the Energy she uses to treat it. I wish her only happiness in life as a new mother to a wonderful baby girl.
Profile Image for Sandra Nedopričljivica.
732 reviews75 followers
May 16, 2016
Nikad (ali stvarno nikad) ne poklanjam pažnju naslovnici knjige, koja bi me valjda trebala oboriti s nogu da knjigu posudim ili kupim. Ovoga puta napravila sam iznimku jer naslovnica stvarno vrišti: Pogledaj me!!! Nema boljeg nego otvoriti ruke (i srce, ako možete) i prihvatiti energiju iz prirode, najjače energije koja uopće postoji. Zapravo, ako nisi "uzemljen", kao da i ne postojiš.

Svaka čast autorici na hrabrosti što je javno podijelila svoje iskustvo s bolešću i borbom protiv nje, na najbolji mogući način: vlastitim mijenjanjem sebe kako bi promijenio druge oko sebe. Možda nevjerojatno, ali moć sugestije je prejaka stvar, samo se treba prepustiti. Osobno me ova tema jako zanima, vjerujem u Energiju i primjenjujem njene metode. Možda mi je zbog toga nedostajalo više opisa samih tretmana, ali meni ne bi bilo dosta ni da je Maya napisala cijeli priručnik o tome, korak po korak.

Zbog toga mi je drugi dio knjige bio puno zanimljiviji od prvog, u kojem autorica više opisuje svoj život, obitelj, dečke... s obzirom da je istinita priča malo mi je bilo neugodno "viriti" u njenu intimu, opisanu poput dnevničkih zapisa.

Hvala Mayo, što si mi poklonila knjigu na čitanje, podijelila svoje iskustvo i potvrdila ono što i sama mislim o energiji, s velikim E!
Profile Image for Tonkica.
702 reviews136 followers
May 31, 2016
Tema o kojoj volim citati je trebala biti zastupljenija u knjizi, dok se razno nabrajanje trazenja pomoci moglo svesti na manji obim. Voljela bih da se moglo nauciti nesto o Energiji. Nacini i vjezbe ili sugestije kako ju pribliziti pojedincu.
I sama sam jedno vrijeme posjecivala centar za iscjeljivanje - Rejuvenation centar u Rijeci i uvidjela dosta slicnosti s cijelom pricom. Isto kao i teorija privlacenja.. Sve to ima zajednicki nazivnik - VOLJETI SEBE i ne ici protiv svojih uvjerenja i unutarnjih smjernica.
Misljenja sam da bi knjiga bila bolja da je pisana na hrvatskom jeziku, jer ovaj engleski je vrlo suh i prejednostavan za osobu koja ima dovoljno iskustva da recenice budu puno bogatije i ljepse napisane.
Profile Image for Love Fool.
328 reviews104 followers
August 2, 2016
Maya is kicking up her heels, living the fabulous and mostly carefree life of a twenty-something young woman. However, in the back of her mind continuous longing for a good marriage and family lingers. How do you find the right man, the one who sticks through thick and thin?

This felt like a blog, one that was angry and whiny.
Profile Image for Nikki LeClair.
Author 9 books71 followers
May 31, 2016
This was a beautiful story.
I was given a copy for an honest review and I am SO happy that I accepted it.
What a fantastic story of hope, love, courage...I was blown away by this. If you're looking for a inspiring, yet at times grueling, biography then this is it.
Luna Tree is a biography of the life of Maya Berger, a woman in her late thirties who was suffering
horrible back pain and was ultimately diagnosed with Ankylosing Spondylitis. A rare autoimmune disease, I had never even heard of. We begin to read her struggle as she travels the world looking for different kinds of treatment, eventually stumbling upon Energy Healing. Maya has a way with words and in no time you begin to feel everything she feels, you root for her. There was truly something admirable about this story, and something so enticing about the power to live. I absolutely adore tales that inspire you, and although I am in good health, inspire Maya's story did.
Just Fantastic.
Profile Image for Carrie Kellenberger.
Author 2 books113 followers
June 25, 2016
Luna Tree: The Baby Project is a quick and easy read about a young woman with a rare autoimmune disease that causes chronic pain. The author kindly provided me with a copy of her book. I suffer from the same disease that she has and I am always glad to hear from anyone who finds something to help with their pain.

This is a very real, honest story about a young woman's struggle to find comfort and happiness. I enjoyed reading it and I felt that many of the passages in this memoir reflect how I feel at times. Maya offers some very practical advice about pain management that we can all benefit from. I would certainly recommend it to anyone who suffers from autoimmune issues as we can all learn something from Maya's journey. Thank you for sharing your story, Maya!
Profile Image for Mirna.
13 reviews2 followers
June 23, 2016
Somewhere between a diary and a self-help book..sometimes a bit confusing..something bothered me all the way..negativity coming out of every statement..I'm glad it all worked out for them at the end, but this story wasn't the most enjoyable I've read ..I prefer different kind of literature, so maybe I can't be objective here
Profile Image for Samanta  .
194 reviews47 followers
June 30, 2016
I received this book from the author in exchange for an honest review.

In the book, the author, tells the story of her struggle with an autoimmune disease and how she managed to heal herself using Energy. Always a skeptic, until proven wrong, I wasn't moved into believing in going into these kind of treatments (especially given the money required to attend them), but I do believe there is merit in this theory about Energy, since I always feel the effects of other people's negative energy on me. I am glad the author managed to heal herself in this way, because I can't even imagine living the life she had to live.

The best parts of the book for me were the story from Thailand (that was truly hilarious) and the ending, when the baby girl finally came. Congratulations Maya, on your baby girl and I do hope she grows up to be healthy and happy.

The only thing that bothered me a bit, and the reason I rated this with 4 stars, was the style of writing. English is one of my favorite languages and I'm very sensitive when it comes to language issues, and I felt that the story could have used a bit more editing. I am sure, though, that this can be solved without problems.
21 reviews4 followers
March 17, 2016
Luna Tree is a book that takes you on a journey of one person quest to find the answers within herself. The book goes into great depths about balancing ones energy. I think people don't realize the importance of having balance of energy in oneself. Maya Berger writes wonderful book on how this can be done and how you are responsible for your own happiness. I would have to recommend this book to anyone what is looking for an eye opening book
Profile Image for Marina.
24 reviews
July 21, 2017
I usually dont read non-fiction. But I loved this book.
After I read it I felt happy and filled with joy. It also made me wondering "Would I be brave enough like the author? Or would I just disconnect from life and become antisocial?"
Autor took me to an amazing journey and made me learn something.
Because of this book I want to live my life to the fullest and travel around the world.
I will not say what is in the book because people need to read it to really feel it.
Profile Image for Yin Chien.
182 reviews115 followers
May 14, 2016
This is an honest diary of a young lady who faced a lot of negativity in her life despite being blessed with a good life and marriage, and how she rose above this problem and discovered a new side to herself.

I can feel her hopelessness at the beginning of the story - imagine a twenty-something young lady being plagued by a disease that makes it painful to stand or walk. It is pure torture. And the fact that after consultation and medication with so many doctors and healers, there is no improvement. I would have gone crazy in her situation.

A great part of this story concerns her pursuit of health and once again, happiness. It is interesting that Maya finally found Energy healing, an expensive but useful method to find balance in her health and life. The idea of surrounding yourself with positive people and positivism in general sits very well with me. I believe that you have to pick the right people to be with. If you stay together with negative people all the time, they will suck all the positivism out of you, and vice versa.

There is also mention of Chinese energy healing. I'm not sure if Maya meant qigong or something else, but it certainly intrigues me. However, I believe a great part of it comes from her willingness to embrace change and her efforts to be a better person emotionally. So yes, I think it concerns psychological change, and you need quite a sum too (because she mentioned the fees were exorbitant).

I really agree with Maya's thoughts that a child is what his or her parents are. The Chinese believe that children mirror parents' actions, and I think that is true. Kids learn by imitation, and if there's something wrong with your kid, you should reflect on yourself.

In conclusion, this is a really positive book to read despite the sickness and hardship suffered by the author, and it really inspires me to show more kindness and understanding to those around me. It is easy to follow the author's storytelling/memoir - it is sincere, open and relatable. She did not disguise the pain and despair suffered, but instead shared her story in a positive manner.

It is really uplifting to read how her health improved a lot following Energy healing, and that she finally conceived and gave birth to a healthy baby girl. Blessings to this little one, and I pray that your lives continue to grow in the direction of a greater balance, happiness and health.
Profile Image for Cindy.
144 reviews7 followers
May 6, 2016
This true story chronicles first time author Maya Berger’s deteriorating health, struggle for diagnosis, and quest for healing.

Insomnia followed by wide spread sudden on-set pain left many doctors without a solid diagnosis. Many made guesses and offered ineffective treatments, but her pain continued. A chance encounter offered a possible diagnosis, which was finally confirmed by a physician. Unfortunately, effective treatment was still unavailable. After spending much time and money seeking treatment across Europe, Maya finally receives some relief at a Relaxation Clinic using Energy techniques led by a Chinese healer.

Over the course of several years, Maya continues to learn and grow in the ways of Energy, realizing she needed healing for more than the medical condition. Because she never gave up, always believed she could once again live a normal, fulfilling life, Maya has now learned what real happiness is, and is eager to share her story to encourage others who may be living less than fulfilling lives, and especially those who are ill and have been told by their doctors that there is nothing more they can do.

Maya urges everyone to keep an open mind, learn to relax, and accept the healing energy that is available to us all.

This story is written with honesty, sharing much about her personal and family relationships, although it is not clear until the ending chapters why much of the information is given. I also struggled at first to find a rhythm in the writing, finding some of the phrasing awkward and sometimes repetitive. Once I realized English is not the authors primary language, this made sense and as I became engrossed in the story, less of a concern.

I recommend this book to anyone looking for hope, or feeling like they have run out of options.

** I was sent a copy of this book by the author in exchange for a honest review.
Profile Image for Anja.
324 reviews5 followers
May 27, 2016
Author kindly sent me a book for a review so this is 100% honest and true review.
This isn't the type of plot that would make me instantly grab a book, and I have to say that I am a very religious person so I believe that everything comes from God and his Spirit. Energy is something different, and definetly interesting. I don't deny that it isn't true just because it's not my religion. Author herself found a healing in that and I think it's beautiful. The story is very detailed, it starts from the very begginings of author's life and I can definetly see she had a rough time growing up. I am happy with the outcome of the book, but I can't give it a higher rating. One of the reasons is that the actual story was a bit long and sometimes boring. The describtion of some stuff was unnecessary so I caught myself flipping a few pages to get to the interesting parts. I am aware that the author's mother language is Croatian so it can't be perfectly written in English, but sentences were really short and could be expanded. Also the word order in them was sometimes wrong, but I have never written a book and I can only imagine how hard it is.
Overall, I give the book 3 stars (I'd give it 3.5 if Goodreads had that option). The ending was very inspirational and I would recommend it to anyone who has a little interest in that.
Profile Image for Sue .
1,917 reviews122 followers
April 12, 2016
I don't read a lot of non-fiction and was a bit reluctant to read this memoir by Maya Berger but I am really glad that I did! Maya takes us on the journey of her life starting as a twenty something student living a carefree life at university and hoping to one day have a successful career and a happy family. Her life at home hadn't been happy and she longed for a future that was totally different. After several bad relationships, she ended up with Luca and they got married. Not too long after their wedding, she started to have terrible back pains that no doctors could diagnose. After numerous doctors, she found out that the pains were caused by an auto-immune disease and she started looking into alternative treatments to ease her pain. Luca was extremely supportive as she tried various treatments and traveled to several countries to see doctors and healers. Even with all the pain and difficulties, she never gave up hope that she would be healed and that she and Luca could have a baby. This is a beautiful story about a life changing journey to find healing and hope and acceptance. This was a very motivating read and I am definitely glad that I read it.
(Thanks to the author for providing a copy of the book for a fair and impartial review.)
Profile Image for Kelly.
24 reviews1 follower
May 4, 2016
I won this book in a giveaway in exchange for an honest review...
And honestly I didn't enjoy it. I wrote a few notes that came to me while reading it...
*Make sure you are into alternative medicine or this is not the book for you
*Sounds spoiled & ungrateful
*Feels better because she has warm feet??
*Why "the baby project", it more about healing with only a few pages about the baby
*Why does she continue to go to the center if they are unorganized, gossip, pressure everyone, & really don't help her? Waste of money!
*Can help your sister by actually be there for your sister instead of going to a therapist to talk about helping your sister
*Luca is a saint
Profile Image for Kitica Kekic.
1 review1 follower
February 23, 2016
I swallowed this book in three hours. Maya Berger let me into her world and lifted up all boundaries. Standing there emotionally naked, she gets vulnerable, ill, lonely, but never loses faith, which ultimately leads her to fulfilling her ultimate desires. The book has many insights, but not told in a boring and usually trivial "self-help" way, but more like a travel guide in a sense, filled with humorous dialogues and fresh insights. It certainly opens the mind and leaves one feeling good.
Well worth reading and passing on.
Profile Image for Kerry.
605 reviews40 followers
May 24, 2020
Luna Tree is Maya Berger’s personal story of her struggle with chronic pain, depression and her desire to get well so she can fulfil her wish to become a mother. I can’t say I could relate to Maya as I don’t suffer from chronic pain, enough to affect my everyday life, as in her situation, and I was lucky enough to have two healthy children, in my early twenties, without too many problems (other than gestational diabetes with my second pregnancy). I can fully appreciate how disheartening it must be for couples who struggle to conceive though, for whatever reason, as I know I would have found this extremely stressful. I do count my blessings daily.
I did find Maya’s story quite fascinating. Her determination to get well is admirable as I imagine it is only too easy to fall into the trap of depression, when things seem hopeless, and find it impossible to find a way out. She seems to quite literally try everything going to attempt to improve her situation. Her ultimate focus on positive Energy as a means to achieve physical wellness is quite inspiring. There is a lot to be said for having a positive mental attitude, although this is all too often easier said than done.
I’m glad Maya achieved her dream and I loved the ending where we learn the relevance of the Luna Tree.
Many thanks to Maya Berger for my review copy.
Profile Image for Jackie.
72 reviews3 followers
January 23, 2018
I was given this book via Good Reads to review.

As much as I enjoyed the outcome of this book and felt for Maya through her painful struggles over the years - a lot of the content was quite repetitive. It was lovely to read how she achieved her dream of having a baby.

I felt her frustration with all the doctors she saw and medication she took that didn't work! Then as simply as changing your mindset - her goal of better health was slowly reached.

Profile Image for Rachel.
157 reviews8 followers
June 11, 2021
I could not finish this book. I stopped just shy of the half way mark. This was just too negative for me. There was a lot of complaining about relationships and health. I love to read books about others with autoimmune issues, but this book didn’t draw me in like others have.

I received this in a giveaway.
Profile Image for Sharon Martin.
374 reviews48 followers
October 10, 2016
An inspiring true story following the authors journey and determination to improve her health and life of constant pain, giving the reader hope and understanding of what positive thinking and actions can have on your body. Yet this is a light read even though it must have been the darkest of time for her and her husband in search of a answer.

Her honest feelings on the relationships in her life, her mysterious illness that brought her so much pain, enables the reader to grasp what she has endured and the strength of her character that pushed passed the number of certified professionals who could not fully diagnose or help more with her condition. Never giving up, she explains what worked for her and the positivity it brought in more ways than one. The support from her husband allowed her to follow through on her new healing process and way of life,

If inspiration is needed to carry you forward then the authors account will help you.
Profile Image for Ishita.
149 reviews5 followers
July 18, 2016
I don’t usually read non-fiction so I wasn’t sure what to expect. I really liked the cover of the book and the synopsis so I wanted to give it a try.

This is an account of Maya’s struggle to live with and overcome the once debilitating chronic back pain – more specifically – Ankylosing Spondylitis. We are taken through all that she faced to get through the uphill task of not just finding a treatment but also a correct diagnosis. Maya’s first language isn’t English, so the writing wasn’t the most effective to convey some aspects of her life, emotions and personality. The attempted humor and witty repartee fell flat in a lot of places and I wonder if it is because the gist and essence of it was lost in English. She also speaks about her strained relationship with her parents and while I connected with whatever she recounted about her childhood, I was a bit confused about how exactly her relationship with them (especially her father) changed over the years. I mean, for a while I got the feeling that she wanted to cut off from her dad (who is mentioned as being a control freak), but later we see that her dad (who is a doctor) does help her by recommending specialists who might be able to help her. This is just one small example, but I guess what I am trying to say is that I found it hard to follow just what exactly she was going through in her personal life – especially her early days with her parents, sister and former boyfriends.

However, the most important person in her life is her husband Luca, and damn, he seems to be a gem of a guy! He is with her every step of the way, supporting her through all her treatment options and the financial stress. It is a long journey to find a cure (or at least something to let her function normally through her daily routines). From physiotherapists to healers, she is constantly researching and trying. It isn’t easy, and all the hospital appointments and callous attitude of doctors takes a toll on her. One aspect that Maya describes really well is how it is to live with constant pain and how it isn’t just about dealing with the physical discomfort, but also how it takes away your freedom to go through your daily to-do list. She finally finds a relaxation center that devises and works on techniques entirely derived and based on positive thoughts and energy. It is here that I felt the narration meandered a bit, and at times I felt like I was reading a dry account of week-to-week happenings at the center. There were also a lot of references about gossip and politics at the center. Thought I understood the thought behind incorporating it into the book – to talk about positive/negative thoughts – I found it a bit unnecessary and out-of-place.

I wasn’t exactly convinced or sure about how Energy worked to overcome intense physical pain, but the core principle of positive thoughts having positive effects in all aspects of your life is a pretty relatable. It also helped Maya recognize and deal with her own shortcomings. The book is sprinkled with some nice observations, on not just about self-worth and positivity (which one would expect in a memoir anyways..) but also health care and people’s outlook towards it.
I believe it is very important that we understand that we are not giving birth to “just another living creature” but that we are creating a better version of ourselves as well as our partner

Overall, I did find the book pretty underwhelming. But it is an inspiring journey to read about and ends on a bright note – with Maya’s steely nerve and resolve to give her new-born daughter a better and different tomorrow – different from and a better version of her present.

I received a digital copy of the book from the author in exchange for an honest review. Originally posted on bookmyopia/wordpress
Profile Image for Kaisha (The Writing Garnet).
655 reviews183 followers
May 30, 2016
Fast forward to now and the book has been read and time has been spent thinking about the contents of the book. With other books I wouldn’t spend a couple days thinking in detail about what I had just read, but this book was different. It’s about Maya’s life, the paths she has taken to get to where she is now, and the hurdles she has fought to get over.
In the book, Maya describes her relationship with her family as well as her personal relationships in her bid to find ‘the one’. She tells the readers her ups and her downs and how life for her was ‘normal’ until one day she woke up, and her whole life changed.
Maya started to have physical struggles that left her in chronic pain, and despite going to all the ‘best doctors’ as recommended by family or friends, not one of them could give her a definitive diagnosis.
The way that Maya approaches her story with such honesty is refreshing. She explains how she rubbish she felt and how frustrated the situation was for her. I am quite aware that a lot of people reading this will probably be able to relate to the frustration of no diagnosis, constant pain, life limits and severe frustration. Yes? Thought so, myself included.
Maya even explains how and why she turned to alternative therapies, despite being aware of how people would say that she is ‘paying for air’. The thing is, it seemed to help for her and put her in a more comfortable state and the life limits not being as rigorous as before.
Who is anyone to judge? Firstly, Maya lives in a completely different country which has different cultures and beliefs as opposed to the UK. Secondly, it’s her money, her life. She found something that worked for HER and she grabbed it. I personally find it admirable that Maya had the confidence to stick to her guns and carry on with what she felt was right. It takes a lot of guts to do that, especially where chronic illnesses are concerned because you’re not only fighting with your own body, you’re fighting with other peoples misunderstanding of you.
Luna Tree is just one story of a persons battles through life, not only in terms of finding her diagnosis, but finally becoming a mother. Everyone has a different story and a different approach to whatever their life throws at them. This story is an honest, admirable, and a very powerful account of reality for Maya. The strength that one person can have is very commendable, especially when she has found a way to turn it around.
Nobody fights the same battles, nobody jumps the same hurdles. As long as you jump your own hurdles and fight your battles in a way that is right for you, who is anyone to ask for anything different?
Thank you Maya for sharing your honest story.
Profile Image for Brie Lajada.
Author 5 books41 followers
May 20, 2016
Luna Tree: The Baby Project by Maya Beger

I have to say autobiographical, healing, and inspirational books are not really my cup of tea. I tend to enjoy works of fiction. So, when I first got this book I was very hesitant to start reading it.

I am very glad to have read this book. I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to keep my focus on the book out of boredom. But, I found it interesting. To say that I can relate to Maya is kind of too much but I can understand what it's like to let negativity pleg you life to a point that you just can't get through the day. I had a similar problem in my life where I couldn't stop myself from thinking about the worst possibility. I was depressed and angry all the time. I started to find it hard to get up in the morning even though I was sleeping horribly anyways. I felt sick and I worried about everything. It wasn't until I found my peace that things changed. When I found the way to relaxing and thinking positively about things. Though I found it differently then Maya I understood a lot of what she was saying in this book. Even the pressures of falling back into your old negative ways. Reading this book reminded me that though I haven't fallen all the way back I have taken a few steps back to that horrible me. She completely tells you how it is with so many people and herself was included. People today are so negative and while reading this book I felt more positive about life. This book is not so much about the story of her life but more about how she wants people to find their positivity and their strength to get through life.

I would definitely recommend this book to anyone battling depression, anxiety, health issues and even a negative outlook on life. I know a few people I might just give a copy to. I completely recommend this book.
Profile Image for ~Gen hearts books.~.
149 reviews51 followers
July 19, 2016
I received a free digital/eBook copy of Luna Tree: The Baby Project to read and give an honest review. I will start with the cover of the book, it caught my eye because it is different and interesting. I love the blue (one of my favorite colors). I also love the tree with the different symbols within the branches.

Luna Tree was a memoir about author Maya Berger's time being sick and her path to healing while sometimes traveling to seek treatments. Her healing led to her journey to becoming a mother.

I thought Maya and Luca had a good marriage and relationship. I loved how her husband stood by her. I loved how Maya kept pushing towards being well and becoming a mom. I liked the name Luna. It was a little different, but it had a good meaning. And, I really enjoyed the story and history of the Luna Tree. The history and story of the tree explained the book cover well. I now get why the tree and symbols were on the book cover. Very interesting... Last but not least, I admire how the author responded to small complaints from some reviewers on the book. She was humble, kind and understanding. Definitely traits of her good character...its not easy to respond kindly when someone is being critical of you or your work. Thumbs up to the author! :) Thank you Maya Berger for the free copy of your book. :)
Profile Image for Vesna.
433 reviews82 followers
April 5, 2017
I can't remember the last time I have read a non-fiction book. The reason for this is simple; I have enough of real life in my actual real life to ever want to add more through my TBR list.
But from time to time a situation happens where something interesting catches your eye and you just have to follow through. In this case that thing was the author describing herself as an autoimmune disease warrior. For I am one as well. And I know how difficult that kind of life is.
So I just had to find out which roads Maya took in her journey, what answers did she find that I may have overlooked. Was there indeed a happily ever after for autoimmune disease warriors?
Well, you'll have to read the book to find that out for yourself!
As for me, I definitely found parts of my own story, I recognized some of the behaviors that I must change and I found pointers where to look for balance.
So, thank you, Maya, for giving us an honest inside look into your life. Without pretense, without hiding anything, you showed us strengths and vulnerabilities of a true survivor and winner.

* Kindle copy kindly provided by author in exchange for an honest review
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