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Revolution and oppression have caused Esther Cerfbeer and Armand de Delacroix to flee their homeland of Alsace: Isabella does not know her origins and is the ward of Raphael McAlpine, the owner of Crow House. Their lives coincide in 1794, against a background of witchcraft and treachery, in North Devon, where young women are disappearing and two men have been killed, their eyes pecked out.

312 pages, Kindle Edition

First published June 16, 2015

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About the author

Carol Anne Dobson

4 books75 followers
A qualified teacher and librarian with a B.A. in English, French and Russian.
Author of three books:
Storks in a Blue Sky, a historical romance which won the 2009 David St John Thomas Fiction Award;
Hecate's Moon, a historical novel, the sequel to Storks in a Blue Sky, again featuring the Delacroix family.
Freedom, a sci fi story for teens/YA, set in a futuristic New Mexico.

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Displaying 1 - 8 of 8 reviews
Profile Image for Toni Osborne.
1,527 reviews47 followers
November 7, 2015
Set in North Devon at the end of the 18th century “Hecate’s Moon” is a colourful story of love and treachery based on legends and the goddess Hecate. It is also the sequel to “Storks in a Blue Sky” another wonderful read I enjoyed immensely.

As in the first book, the literary style reflects the period and is the old fashion romance type with all the frou-frou we can imagine. I noticed from the start that this latest follows the same pattern and beat as its predecessor although with new players and a fresh plot. I admit at one point wondering if I
was rereading “Storks in a Blue Sky”.

Don’t expect sex scenes we have none but what we have is a strong plot written with passion, a steady flow all through, a mystery to intrigue us and characters to love and hate. The obligatory witchcraft, poisonous plants, moon and magic are not forgotten and the mention of the French revolution is also a topic that runs throughout. The author doesn’t stay there she has injected a bit of Jewish folklore and some pretty powerful images of smugglers, pirates and kidnappers….This story covers quite a range of activities.

“Hecate’s Moon” has a less mushy approach than its prequel but nevertheless has a romantic side to soften the hearts…..aw …..

My thanks to Ms. Dobson for providing a copy of her book.

This is the way I see it, my thoughts have not been influence in anyways.
Profile Image for Shomeret.
1,100 reviews250 followers
February 11, 2017
The title of this book intrigued me. I knew it was a historical romance. I have read and reviewed a few of them. So I accepted a free copy of Hecate's Moon from the author in return for this honest review.

When the hero Armand arrived in the town of Ilfracombe after fleeing revolutionary France to take up residence at his family's Devon estate he found missing girls, witchcraft hysteria, smuggling and shipwrecks. He also discovered that his house had been named after his estate manager, and mysteriously never even objected to that. I intellectually understood why he was obsessed with returning to France to fight in the royalist cause, but I didn't think it made him sympathetic.

I thought that Esther was the most interesting and best developed character in the book though she is not the romantic heroine. There is a requisite HEA for the romance, but I didn't like Armand. I kept on wishing that the heroine had a more sensible alternative.

For the blog version of this review see http://wwwbookbabe.blogspot.com/2015/...

85 reviews5 followers
December 29, 2023
An enjoyable sequel to Storks in a Blue Sky, following on the next generation of the family. I liked the overall plot and the historical setting.
1,511 reviews9 followers
December 21, 2017
I had lent my kindle to someone working abroad so restarted this. So glad I did. Set near Ilfracombe in the aftermath of the French Revolution the tale rattles along at a good pace! Good sense of time and place. Hope there will be a sequel!
Profile Image for julie young.
392 reviews12 followers
November 23, 2023
Really enjoyable historical fiction. Set at the time of the French Revolution, nobleman Armand escapes to the family estate on the rugged South coast of England. Full of intrigue, it has everything a good adventure story needs from night time smugglers, mysterious old herbalist, young woman in danger, and secret plots. I really enjoyed it.
Profile Image for Kamini Mehta.
504 reviews10 followers
December 28, 2023
I enjoyed this as the second book in a series, knowing some of the back story. I did feel that the connection between Armand and the other characters was a little lacking. The other story lines were really what kept me interested, with Isabella's mysterious past, disappearing girls and murder.
508 reviews20 followers
December 13, 2023
A lovely book set in Devon during the 18th century. A historical romance. An enjoyable sequel to the storks in a blue sky.
Profile Image for Liz.
114 reviews1 follower
January 7, 2024
Another great read full of well researched history. The sort of book you can escape into and disappear!
Displaying 1 - 8 of 8 reviews

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