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Widow Town

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In the future there is no such thing as a serial killer. A breakthrough research project has detected an active gene present in all known psychopaths and developed a vaccine to make it completely dormant. People are inoculated at birth. Society has rejoiced the extinction of the sociopathic mind. There hasn’t been a serial killing in America in over forty years. Sheriff MacArthur Gray resides in the future but lives in the past. His world views have chased him from a large metropolis to his home town, but there is no sanctuary to be found after he arrives. Because people are dying and only he can see the truth. A psychopath has somehow survived and is thriving in the new world. Soon Gray is thrust into a nightmarish race against the killer where no one is safe, and everyone is a suspect.

236 pages, Kindle Edition

First published June 16, 2014

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About the author

Joe Hart

41 books1,257 followers
Joe Hart is the Edgar Award-winning and Wall Street Journal bestselling author of seventeen novels including The River Is Dark, Obscura, The Last Girl, and Or Else. His work has been optioned for film and translated into eight languages. He lives with his family in Minnesota.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 89 reviews
Profile Image for Kelly| Just Another Horror Reader .
480 reviews332 followers
November 25, 2014
***5 stars***

I've read a few of Joe Hart's books recently and this one is definitely my favorite. The premise is unique, it's well written and it had me on the edge of my seat. If you're in the mood for a creepy psychological thriller give it a try.

Profile Image for Jeffrey Caston.
Author 9 books188 followers
February 7, 2025
Widow Town was a great thriller and I don't typically like thrillers.

It has a unique premise to it too. A good chunk of violent crime has been eliminated due to a drug given at birth called "The Line" that works on your genes and changes people to keep them from having certain impulses and become sociopaths or psychopaths. In that way, in the world of small-town sheriff MacArthur Gray, there are no more serial killers. And the world is safer! And everyone is happier!


And that is the tension that sets this up. Mac is one of the few who wonders if the Line might not be foolproof. And when a bunch of people are getting dead and the dumb-ass sheriff in the neighboring county is towing the world's line that "the Line" is foolproof (which is the accepted belief and questioning it leads to being dismissed as crazy) you get some good conflict set up.

You get little hints as the story goes on that But that doesn't really get in the way too much. I figured it out very quickly and just let the details come out as they may.

The book was a slow burn, but interesting. Mac is a good character. I wasn't sure the author was as good creating female characters, at first, but then they felt more fleshed out and multi-dimensional as the book went along. Also had good mystery and build up. One thing that had me rolling my eyes a bit was But that could have just been my perception.

But this was a good book and I look forward to get my hands on some more Joe Hart books.
Profile Image for Reeda Booke.
414 reviews28 followers
August 28, 2014
This is set in the future, the year 2115, and along with some little peeks at future technology, they have also eradicated the gene that makes people into psychopathic serial killers...but does it really work?

I found this book a refreshing twist in the serial killer genre. This one kept me up late wanting to finish it. I definitely recommend it!
Profile Image for Trish R..
1,772 reviews56 followers
May 27, 2019

So, let me clear up a mistaken review. She said; “First, the book is set in the future and while there are a few references to new technology you don't learn how far in the future until about 3/4 of the way. There you learn that it's almost 1000 years in the future and yet there are several things that really don't fit with that time period, such as new trucks still needing a key to start it.” Umm, no! Gray asked Mary Jo when someone died, and he was told 2075 and he said “40 years ago?” That would make it 2115, so not 1000 years in the future.

I really enjoyed this story! It was about a vaccine that was supposed to stop serial killers before they even thought of becoming one. This particular killer wasn’t vaccinated early enough, and he was a series killer, even training his children to be killers as soon as they could understand what he wanted from them. He was definitely a sick bastard.

I liked Gray and Lynn, happy they worked it out. I liked Ruthers and Mary Jo, too. Even the bad guys were written well.

I would have loved to see more books about MacArthur Gray. I will definitely look up more of Joe Hart’s books.

There was no descriptive sex (YAY) and the F-bomb was used 46 times (YAY).

As to the narration: Jay Snyder, the narrator who read The Gray Man series by Mark Greaney, did an awesome job on this book too. His voices and emotions were perfect.

Profile Image for David.
410 reviews
August 1, 2014
I was given an ARC of Widow Town in exchange for an honest review. Widow Town is a story set in the future where a vaccine is given to prevent people from becoming serial killers. Sheriff Gray must find out why people are disappearing and turning up dead. Everyone thinks murderer has been prevented by the vaccinations as murder hasn't happened in forty years. Everyone is so sure that there is another explanation for the disappearances that Sheriff Gray gets little to no help in solving the crimes. Widow Town is another superb story from Joe Hart. Having read all his books, with exception of The River is Dark, this may be his best yet.
The characters are very well developed and Sheriff Gray is great, he is as real as a character can be in a book. The mystery of who is behind the killings and why unfolds nicely as the story progresses. I love a good mystery and found this one to be excellent. There were plenty of times I thought I knew the answers to the clues Sheriff Gray was given only to be surprised. At the same time I couldn't figure out the how and why in many instances and had to wait til the end. This book was hard to put down, the story moves at a great place and I had to know what came next at every instance.
The reveal of the who and why behind the killings is quite surprising and shocking. Joe Hart does an excellent job in writing the evil into his characters and I shuttered at some of the scenes. The setting and scenes are so well described I thought I had been living in this town myself. This was an excellent book by the author and a must read for those who have read his other books. If a murder mystery isn't your thing there are many other great books by Joe Hart.
Profile Image for Terry.
315 reviews19 followers
August 6, 2017
Spoiler alert!

Should've been a short story. Knew who and why by the time of the town's big celebrity. The writing in the first chapter, the dialogue at least, was weirdly stilted. Not like Joe Hart's usual. Don't know if he is a city boy trying to talk country or what, but it wasn't good. Meh, not impressed. Joe Hart has much better fiction published.
11 reviews1 follower
May 25, 2019
Wow! And not a good wow!

First, the book is set in the future and while there are a few references to new technology you don't learn how far in the future until about 3/4 of the way. There you learn that it's almost 1000 years in the future and yet there are several things that really don't fit with that time period, such as new trucks still needing a key to start it.
Second, the battle scenes at the end are too drawn out. Possible spoiler alert, the hero gets shot, stabbed and burned alive yet survived. I've read other books by Joe Hart and felt they were very good. This one on the other hand left a lot to be desired.
30 reviews
January 24, 2015
Who reads Steven King ?

If you read Steven King, ( the master ) then you will love Joe Harts stories as well. He is another master of his craft. Where Steven King is master of the occult, Joe Hart is a great suspense story with a lot of "what if" thrown in. Yet you say to yourself, could this ever happen ? Well read a couple of his books and let me know what you think. You will not regret it!!!
Profile Image for Tulay.
1,202 reviews2 followers
March 14, 2015
Balance between the nature and nurture?

Extinction of sociopaths by FV5 shots, year 2120+, but still breaking down air conditioning not fixable immediately. We insert chip to our pets with all the info, but can't do it to humans, so we can find them? Gary lives through all the injuries, and still fighting to prove he is right. If it's bedtime when you're coming to page 145 stop reading, finish it during the day. Intriguing reading.
Profile Image for Jason Brant.
Author 36 books272 followers
February 1, 2016
My Favorite Joe Hart Novel.

Loved the main character. I plowed through this book in a hurry. Hart did a great job detailing the setting in the future and laying the groundwork for the mystery. Good stuff.
Profile Image for John Wiltshire.
Author 25 books796 followers
October 22, 2023
I can honestly say that this is the best book I've read in a very long time. From the first page it gripped me and it never let me go. The writing is superb. There were one or two passages that I went back to and read again because the descriptions of the landscape were so powerful. But this isn't a literary or lyrical book really, it's a thriller, a crime novel, fast-paced and so action-packed towards the end that my eyes were flying over the pages so fast I discovered I was actually holding my breath.
Set in a slightly future world that's so exactly like ours that you never once feel you're reading 'science fiction' in any way, psychopathy has been eliminated. In an attempt to end serial killing and extreme violence in general, everyone is vaccinated at birth against the gene that causes psychotic behaviour. A sheriff in a small town comes upon a crime scene that makes him question the efficacy of the shot...
The central protagonist, Sherrif MacArthur Grey, is the kind of character I read books for. He is the archetypal hero. His intensity of conviction builds along with the pace of events. Reading this novel is like watching a fuse sizzle towards a powder keg. There's an explosion of violence and when it starts it's beyond containing.
It's not for the faint of heart, I would suggest.
I cannot recommend this book too highly.
I think I'm still reeling.
Profile Image for brianna.
635 reviews
October 6, 2019
Damn, this book was a banger. But if you're sensitive to violence and gore, give this one a pass, because it definitely falls squarely into the slasher-horror genre on that point.

I loved that this was a mashup of genres - it's a classic southern gothic detective story, horror, and sci-fi all in one. Like if the TV show Hannibal was set in the future in the town where Wrong Turn happened, with all the over-the-top violence and ridiculous throw-downs that are extremely enjoyable as they are layers of what-the-fuck. Think the fight scenes in the movie Mandy, with Nic Cage. Throw in some sprinkles of Dr Jekyll/Mr Hyde and you get Widow Town. The morality of the story is very black and white, with the villains being straight-up evil, and the good guys being your regular brilliant but misunderstood and tortured Chaotic Good cops. But I liked that, because the book wasn't up its own ass about anything.

The best character was the mutant-massive metallurgist, Danzig, who makes franken-weapons and other creations. First of all, I want a book just about him. Second of all, I want a book just about him. Hands-down the best character in the entire book.

Thank you Joe Hart for another wild, entertaining ride.
Profile Image for Padders.
232 reviews6 followers
December 8, 2020
Hate feeling like the black sheep, especially with all the glowing reviews, and also because this was the book that completed my yearly challenge. However I just can't justify even scraping a 3.

My main reason being when I read the synopsis I was immediately like 'yeah, this is a bit of me' such a creative and unique idea.. however its just flat and tiresome to read, for a relatively short book it took me longer than usual to even complete as I kept easily putting it down to do other things.

I also totally forgot this was based in the future! Like genuinely forgot... a few little technology hints probably but it was more like I was reading from True Detective rather than a near future sci fi detective. It just wasn't used nearly enough for me at all, so many cool things could have been done with that synopsis and I'm just so frustrated and felt like so many things were under utilised.

Aside from forgettable and one dimensional characters, the writing in itself was more than acceptable and I have no qualms with that aspect. I am feel so so letdown by the story and how it was told.
562 reviews26 followers
April 2, 2018
Good read...

One of the better books I've been fortunate to read.
What if there were no murderers, serial killers, etc? Would we have a better, safer world? Are we kidding ourselves? Have we actually eliminated the murder gene?
Sheriff Gray doesn't think so. Too many fires, too many accidental deaths, too many missing people. He & his deputy feel something is wrong, but haven't quite put their finger on it. When they do everything will explode!
Lots of likeable characters, even the evil few are , well, evil. Good storyline that keeps you guessing until they end. Loved it...😁
55 reviews
December 19, 2023
A bit too much

Being a bit slow, it took me a while to grasp the futuristic bent of this novel and, frankly, I think I would’ve liked it better set in the present. Mr Hart is a gifted writer and a fine story teller and his fans will enjoy this effort. On a critical note, I felt in places—particularly the end—it could’ve and should’ve wrapped up sooner. No one, not even Superman, fights like Sheriff Gray struggling with the bad guy in the midst of a raging inferno. Just a bit too much…
4 reviews
July 30, 2024
thank Jesus for Joe heart.

This book was excellent . I’m not going to sit here and pretend that I’m some new up and coming writer trying to impress anyone and everyone who reads this review for the book;was a fantastic and smooth read . Joes a really intriguing and cut to the chase , non flowery , poetic writer that tends to use his trademark word of “save “ instead of “ in exception “ save the seldomly used typical phrases reminiscent of someone who sounds English but is entirely American .
Thanks Joe
Profile Image for Inara.
93 reviews5 followers
April 22, 2018
It was well-written (like every book of Hart's I've read). Although I predicted the ending from the early beginning, I think that's only because I've read a lot [of books in this genre and otherwise] and when one reads so much, one can predict a general idea of endings & things hidden.
This is no fault of the author's since I find myself able to read between the lines and predict things of a lot of books I read.

4 stars. Another great work from Joe Hart.
106 reviews1 follower
November 24, 2019
Nightmares Among Us

Interesting subject and made for thoughtful reflections. Maybe better humankind accept existence of Evil and acknowledge Fall of Man and pray for Grace to have moral courage to stand against. Just as your Sheriff Gray did. Also grateful this time for ending as book did with measure of hope for all is lost without that.
Will recommend book with warnings regarding some language even though not gratuitous.
Enjoyed and finished 2 evenings.
Profile Image for Tonya OK.
495 reviews1 follower
August 29, 2018
Definitely a gripping, fast-paced novel. I think I would have enjoyed it more had I not read Obscura right before it, which raised the bar high. Unlike Obscura, there is nothing really unique about this book, which is a good representation of the horror/thriller genre but nothing special or exceptional. Very reminiscent of most Dean Koontz novels, but perhaps less disturbing.
Profile Image for Patti.
44 reviews
September 16, 2018
No spoilers! Hell, not even giving plot points away because a good portion of reading this book is solving the mystery along with the Sheriff and Deputy.

I love how Joe Hart writes conversations. It’s compelling to read and flows. His characters are real with very real flaws.

The story is disturbing though, so if you’re not into gory mysteries, you may not want to read. I hope you do though.

This is one of my favorites of Joe’s. I highly recommend.
Profile Image for Christine Bishop.
523 reviews
February 6, 2019
I love reading Joe Hart!

Widow Town is a story set in the future where sociopaths have eliminated from society. The sheriff MacArthur Gray has a gut feeling that something is wrong in his town when 2 families are murdered. The last 100 pages of this book are so intense I couldn’t stop until the last sentence was read. If you enjoy mysteries then you’ll love reading Widow Town.
Profile Image for Debbie Lawrie.
436 reviews2 followers
June 13, 2019
This story was not what I was expected on the premise of the synopsis.
I liked the beginning of the concept however I did not like the way it ended. I felt it relied a little too much on gore gratification.
I liked the way the detective had sufficient flaws but felt it lacked something towards the end
November 5, 2019
Did not disappoint

I first became a fan after reading the dominion trilogy , specifically the last girl. Window town was another great futuristic novel. The future setting is realistic and doesn't go too far into the science fiction realm. This book is believable and holds your interest. I will definitely be reading more from him.
32 reviews
September 18, 2024
Wonderful build up!

I wasn’t sure what I was reading at first, and then the further I read the faster the pages turned. And then towards the end, I just could not read it fast enough. I enjoyed this book.
37 reviews
June 21, 2017

Very Good Read Could Not Put It Down Would Recommend This Book To Every One I Will Continue To Follow This Author !
1 review1 follower
July 22, 2017
Absolutely amazing. Great protagonist, and even some of the events are a little predictable for a voracious reader of thrillers, I'm ready to consume everything this man has written.
11 reviews
July 29, 2017
You never let me down

Great read. Thank you. I'm yet to be disappointed or bored.. Your writing keeps me hooked and on edge. Absolutely love it.
Profile Image for Sheila Waller.
2 reviews
December 3, 2017
Joe Hart is a truly great writer!

It may be a really quick read and a wee bit drawn out at first, but once it gets moving, Damn you're in for a great ride...
26 reviews
February 12, 2018
Great book

I couldn't put this book down once I started it. As I got to the middle of the story I couldn't wait to read the ending.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 89 reviews

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