Tisha Marie Payton, MHR

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Tisha Marie Payton, MHR

Goodreads Author

The United States



Napoleon Hill, Deepak Chopra, Miguel Ruiz, Mae West, Wallace Wattles, ...more

Member Since
May 2016


Tisha Marie Payton is a certified life and relationship coach. She holds a Bachelor's and a Masters Degree from the University of Oklahoma. Her education is in human relations with and emphasis in art therapy. For over (12) twelve years Ms. Payton provided service to her community as a Girl Scout, has competed in pageants, fitness and swimsuit modeling and landed the cover of Playboy Magazine. Throughout her collegiate career she found that many people live dependent upon others and aren't truly living happily. She began a non-profit organization called Building ME in Texas to build enlightened minds in youth and provide pertinent life skills to stop the cycle of dependency. This is a twelve-step guide to personal growth, self-love, health ...more

Average rating: 5.0 · 1 rating · 0 reviews · 1 distinct work
Live Self-Sufficiently: The...

it was amazing 5.00 avg rating — 1 rating — published 2014 — 2 editions
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Quotes by Tisha Marie Payton, MHR  (?)
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“Stop caring about what other people think of you, how they perceive you, or if they approve of you. Start to focus on your inner peace.”
Tisha Marie Payton, Live Self-Sufficiently: The 12 Step Living Guide

“You have to evaluate your relationships and eliminate the relationships that are not bringing you positivity and growth. We need to be around people who encourage us, uplift us, and promote positivity.”
Tisha Marie Payton, Live Self-Sufficiently: The 12 Step Living Guide

“When you are in harmony with love and positivity, everything you want will be pushed in your direction and given to you.”
Tisha Marie Payton, Live Self-Sufficiently: The 12 Step Living Guide

“I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best.”
Marilyn Monroe

“Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.”
Oscar Wilde

“We accept the love we think we deserve.”
Stephen Chbosky, The Perks of Being a Wallflower

“You cannot be happy if you constantly compete with others for public approval.”
Tisha Marie Payton, Live Self-Sufficiently: The 12 Step Living Guide

“Even the media has a twisted image of reality. Magazines have photoshopped images of men and women models and celebrities on their covers. We are flooded with images of perfection and material things. Those influences can take over your mind, causing you to want to keep up with those celebrities on television and in magazines in any way possible. You cannot be happy if you constantly compete with others for public approval.”
Tisha Marie Payton, Live Self-Sufficiently: The 12 Step Living Guide

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