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Agona Apell Agona Apell > Quotes


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“It is not courage that makes us speak the truth, but it is a hunger for truth that makes us courageous”
Agona Apell, The Success Genome Unravelled: Turning men from rot to rock
“I have this feeling that immigrants unwittingly help to keep peace between nations by being scapegoats for national ills that would otherwise be blamed on neighbours.”
Agona Apell
“The highest form of worship is to answer God's prayer.”
Agona Apell, The Success Genome Unravelled: Turning men from rot to rock
“Happy homes are filled with the noise of children; unhappy homes the noise of their parents”
Agona Apell, The Success Genome Unravelled: Turning men from rot to rock
“A book is the only true land of the free: within its borders, anything is possible”
Agona Apell, The Success Genome Unravelled: Turning men from rot to rock
“It used to be that a man could keep out of trouble if he behaved himself. Now he will only keep out of trouble if he behaves himself, the police behave themselves, and court behaves itself.”
Agona Apell, The Success Genome Unravelled: Turning men from rot to rock
“Global warming will not end by Earth finding a shade under the trees but under our hands joined together”
Agona Apell, The Success Genome Unravelled: Turning men from rot to rock
“The fortune that you feel you don't deserve is heaven's compensation for the misfortunes she feels you didn't deserve”
Agona Apell, The Success Genome Unravelled: Turning men from rot to rock
“The world would sooner bury a live rat than it would a dead lion”
Agona Apell, The Success Genome Unravelled: Turning men from rot to rock
“In sweetness nothing surpasses love reborn”
Agona Apell, The Success Genome Unravelled: Turning men from rot to rock
“The quality of a conqueror is to be judged as much by what he spears as by what he spares”
Agona Apell, The Success Genome Unravelled: Turning men from rot to rock
“Some instincts are best left uncivilized”
Agona Apell, The Success Genome Unravelled: Turning men from rot to rock
“One of the great pains of peace is to see the heroes of a thousand battles retreat to a thousand bottles at the doctor's and the barman's. In the snares of alcoholism and PTSD, they who survived the battlefield now fall in the bottle-field.”
Agona Apell
“The choice is ours to make whether the stars in the night sky shine upon us as headlights of an approaching paradise or as tail-lights of receding fortunes”
Agona Apell, The Success Genome Unravelled: Turning men from rot to rock
“To be laughed at draws more profitable attention than being smiled at”
Agona Apell, The Success Genome Unravelled: Turning men from rot to rock
“In the roughness of the way lies the
smoothness of the journey —
for only amid coarseness can footholds form
and only to jagged rock can a grip bond fast.”
Agona Apell
“A frequent favour is soon a debt”
Agona Apell
“Men who attain great heights always have few friends but many admirers, while those who ply the lower reaches of fortune often have many friends but scarcely an admirer in sight”
Agona Apell, The Success Genome Unravelled: Turning men from rot to rock
“It is only in grammar that the mighty can be bound by rules made by the humble”
Agona Apell, The Success Genome Unravelled: Turning men from rot to rock
“A rain forest springs from the droppings of animals and grows greater than any cultivated garden; likewise, a great mass of literary skill springs from the droppings of writers that cross our minds through the reading we do.”
Agona Apell
“Gender equality remains meaningless until we consider it to mean that femininity and masculinity, when we consider the full scope of capabilities that they each afford humanity, are of equal value to society. Therefore, women who attempt to act out equality while suppressing their femininity do not prove equality but only the advantage of masculinity.”
Agona Apell, The Success Genome Unravelled: Turning men from rot to rock
“The most intelligent members of the animal kingdom are human beings; so are the most stupid”
Agona Apell, The Success Genome Unravelled: Turning men from rot to rock
“The low suffer most the blow of the law”
Agona Apell, The Success Genome Unravelled: Turning men from rot to rock
“Those who won't seek their fortune in a haze must find it in a maze for fortune nests in one or the other”
Agona Apell
“A true champ is never a star aloof in the heavens for atop lamp-posts they have made a home to warm, to brighten, the paths we walk”
Agona Apell
“Nuclear war we should avoid lest we turn Earth, our star-lit room in the universe, into a cauldron and a new star henceforth stands and twinkles where our eyes once shone in the skies of paradise.”
Agona Apell
“To fly strong with broken wings, to wax eloquent with but a pinch of words, to race into hearts and history with one leg less is to be perfect in defect -- the highest perfection under heaven.”
Agona Apell
“While reason steers a man, it is faith alone that moves him”
Agona Apell, The Success Genome Unravelled: Turning men from rot to rock

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