Merrillville police address concerns about alleged illegal immigrant arrivals

Merrillville police shut down rumors that buses full of illegal immigrants are showing up in town. 

The police department in Lake County, Indiana said there's no evidence to back up these claims.

While some people from different countries, like Central and South America, have been seen around, they're mostly panhandling or setting up small camps. 

While some websites have claimed that Lake County and Merrillville are sanctuary areas, the police department said the Town of Merrillville does not have sanctuary status. 

The police have been looking into online posts and found that many of the pictures are fake or show buses carrying workers who are here legally.

To stop the spread of false information, the police said they are working with federal, state, and local officials to develop a plan. 

Merrillville police said there's no danger to the community from these people. They're keeping an eye on the situation and will take action if needed.