Announcing Flurry Conversion Value Analytics for iOS 14

By: David Lundell, Senior Director of Product Management, Flurry Analytics

We are excited to announce a set of solutions to help publishers manage and understand the Conversion Value they set in order to measure post-install campaign performance. A new Flurry Analytics SDK will be available later this month to support this developer need ahead of Apple’s iOS 14 release.

In last week’s blog we discussed the impact iOS 14 will have on attribution. We also discussed the Conversion Value and how important that will be to growth efforts in a post-iOS 14 world. If you missed it, you can read it here. Many of you told us you’re not sure what to do with Conversion Value. After all, you have 64 values with arbitrary meaning. This is where our new Conversion Value Analytics solution can help.

Flurry Analytics SDK 11.0.0 will enable you to pass your Conversion Values to Flurry as standard Flurry User Properties. With Conversion Value as a User Property, you will be able to use Flurry to analyze your users’ Conversion Values with actual post-install behavior. For example:

  • See new devices broken out by Conversion Value
  • Compare key Funnels by Conversion Value
  • See any usage by Conversion Value
  • Create Flurry User Segments by Conversion Value

Our SDK will also have another option: a utility that maximizes the information you can provide in the Conversion Value. The new Flurry SDK enables you to set your Conversion Values to easily track both retention and key events. We use the limited 6 bit value SKAdnetwork gives you to record both the daily user retention and up to four custom event combinations.

  • The first 2 bits will be automatically set to the number of days since install, so you will have User Property buckets corresponding to 0 days, 1 Day, 2 Days and 3+ Days. Please note that you need to set this on each session to make sure you capture this fully.
  • The second 4 bits will be set to correspond to key event combinations across 4 default key events we have identified: Register, Log In, Subscribe, and In-App Purchase. You can overwrite these default values to represent any events you want. 

So you’ll get 4 days and 4 events which Flurry will automatically set for you in any combination. Just set the event when triggered and Flurry will take care of the rest.

You can simply set the Conversion Value yourself or use this utility. Either way you’ll be able to use Flurry to see what actions these users performed days, weeks and months later. Whichever option you choose, the Flurry Conversion Value offering has 4 distinct advantages:

  1. Conversion Value User Properties are device-level. When your ad network gets SKAdnetwork postback, there will be no device ID. By contrast, setting Conversion Value as a User Property allows you to use Flurry Analytics to tie it back into detailed user behavior beyond the install, all in a privacy-friendly way.
  2. Our reporting will be faster. Apple’s SKAdnetwork postbacks will take up to 24 hours to get to your partner ad network, and then will need to propagate from there back to you. The Flurry Conversion Value User Property will be available in filters, breakouts and other Flurry reporting within a few hours.
  3. We follow SKAdnetwork’s timing logic. Setting a Conversion Value will mirror the Conversion Value your ad network will receive in the SKAdnetwork postback because we will update the value and the 24-hour countdown timer in the same way SKAdnetwork does.
  4. Our Conversion Value reporting can fill in the gaps. Because some SKAdnetwork Conversion Value records may be dropped by Apple due to Apple reporting thresholds, our reporting may be more complete than what Apple provides to your networks.

As a reminder, we’ll release Flurry Analytics SDK 11.0.0 later this month, which will be iOS 14 compliant and will enable you to pass your Conversion Values to us as standard Flurry User Properties. If you have any questions about Conversion Value, iOS 14, or anything else, please reach out to us at [email protected]. We’d love to hear from you.