Peter BergPhotographie:
Brendan SteacyMusique:
Matt MortonActeurs·trices:
Matthew Broderick, Uzo Aduba, West Duchovny, Dina Shihabi, Taylor Kitsch, Sam Anderson, Carolina Bartczak, Jack Mulhern, John Rothman, John Ales (plus)VOD (1)
À l'origine était le vice (E01)
Ceci est mon âme (E02)
La Tempête du siècle (E03)
Potentiellement (E04)
Super chaud (E05)
Qu'y a-t-il dans un nom ? (E06)
Relatant des événements réels sous le prisme de la fiction, Painkiller explore les origines et les répercussions de la crise des opioïdes aux États-Unis. Elle se penche sur les responsables, les victimes et les personnes en quête de vérité dont la vie a été à tout jamais bouleversée par l'invention de l'OxyContin. (Netflix)
Vidéo (1)
Critiques (1)
Peter Berg and Matthew Broderick were the big draws for me, but the real hook turned out to be the story itself — a tale so absurd it could only happen in America. It's a place of unlimited opportunities for those who know how to seize them, and the mastermind behind the commercial use of OxyContin definitely did. At times, it felt like the series was nothing but the repeated mention of this drug, a name I'll never forget after watching. But it's also unforgettable for its six episodes full of absurdity and shocking moments that highlight the unbelievable actions people are capable of. It's a crazy story from the pharmaceutical world, and it makes you wonder how many similar stories are out there, waiting to be told. ()
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Photo © Netflix