La Rafle

  • Pays-Bas La Rafle (plus)
Bande-annonce 2
France / Allemagne / Hongrie, 2010, 120 min


Rose Bosch


Rose Bosch


David Ungaro


Christian Henson


Jean Reno, Mélanie Laurent, Gad Elmaleh, Raphaëlle Agogué, Hugo Leverdez, Oliver Cywie, Sylvie Testud, Anne Brochet, Denis Ménochet, Roland Copé (plus)
(autres professions)


1942. Joseph a onze ans. Et ce matin de juin, il doit aller à l'école, une étoile Jaune cousue sur sa poitrine... Il reçoit les encouragements d'un voisin brocanteur. Les railleries d'une boulangère. Entre bienveillance et mépris, Jo, ses copains juifs comme lui, leurs familles, apprennent la vie dans un Paris occupé, sur la Butte Montmartre, où ils ont trouvé refuge. Du moins le croient-ils, jusqu'à ce matin de 16 juillet 1942, ou leur fragile bonheur bascule... Du Vélodrome d'Hiver, où 13 000 raflés sont entassés, au camp de Beaune-La-Rolande, de Vichy à la terrasse du Berghof, La Rafle suit les destins réels des victimes et des bourreaux. De ceux qui ont orchestré. De ceux qui ont eu confiance. De ceux qui ont fui. De ceux qui se sont opposés. Tous les personnages du film ont existé. Tous les évènements, même les plus extrêmes, ont eu lieu cet été 1942. (Gaumont)


Vidéo (2)

Bande-annonce 2

Critiques (3)


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais I’m not really sure what to make of this film. While we’ve got war dramas in the Czech Republic that often portray the Czechs in a less-than-flattering light, The Round Up shows the exact opposite. Here, the French, specifically Parisians, come across in the best possible way. Sure, there are moments where some characters grumble about the Jewish population, throw rotten tomatoes, and almost resort to stoning, but there’s this underlying sense of pride in the performances—even in the camp scenes, which feel oddly subdued given the subject matter. That said, it’s hard to judge how accurate the portrayal is, especially since we all know that no country loves to critique itself, and the French aren’t exactly keen on revisiting certain parts of their history. Still, The Round Up is an intriguing film with a unique premise. The issue I had, though, is that no scene really stood out or packed the emotional punch you’d expect. It doesn’t reach the level of something like The Boy in the Striped Pajamas, which was released two years earlier. It’s a decent film, but it doesn’t surprise you—more of a showcase of French pride than a gripping war drama. You can’t help but feel a bit skeptical that a whole nation’s mindset could flip so quickly, seemingly depending on how Charles de Gaulle happened to feel on any given day. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais The Round Up is an artistic reconstruction of one of the most shameful events in modern French history: the involvement in the imprisonment and extermination of over 13,000 Jews, whom the French Vichy government willingly sacrificed in the name of good relations with the German occupying power and racial prejudices that certainly were not foreign to significant parts of the French public, including the social elite. The monstrous racial purge, which also affected several thousand children, was carried out by the French police and authorities. The subject matter is so strong that it tempts me to give it an extra star purely for the theme. While I admit that the film is capable of moving and selling the tragedy of children condemned to death, as well as forcibly separated families, as a whole, The Round Up is merely average. Scenes of raids, arrests, and violent internment in the sports stadium certainly contain a number of powerful scenes, but after the deportation to the concentration camp, the film painfully loses its pace and tension, relying only on the suffering faces of children and Mélanie Laurent. She is a reliable actress, but the script doesn't offer her many opportunities for expression, and her character is uninteresting and dispensable from the beginning for the development of the drama. In the second half, the film helplessly treads water and resignedly waits for the final credits. Overall impression: 55%. ()



Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais Terrible things happened during the war and if I were to automatically give five stars to every film that addresses this painful topic, it wouldn’t help anyone, it wouldn’t improve my karma, nor make me more virtuous. The Roundup is a long-winded, bland routine that several times made me angry or sad, but never managed to hold to either of those emotions. In addition, the portrayal of Hitler is incredibly dumb, all the scenes with him looked like a caricature, which is not suitable for a would-be serious film. A reluctant 6/10 . ()

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