
Spot TV
Japon, 2010, 10 h (Durée : 50 min)


Vidéo (11)

Spot TV

Critiques (1)


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais So this is the ending I've been waiting 12 months for? I'm both disappointed and satisfied. His eyes at the end were great, I could probably fall for you, Shichika, but... The anime impresses with its unusual artwork, which adds to the atmosphere – it fits the story. The latter is interesting, with forward movement and a clear goal. Unfortunately there were moments, entire episodes, where I got bored and didn't really enjoy it. But the ending was truly... Just see for yourself. I’m recommending an anime "from the Middle Ages" with good music, artwork, ideas, and characters. For me a weaker 4 stars. ()

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