The Octopus

Italia / Ranska / Itävalta / Espanja, (1984–2001), 68 h 23 min (Pituus: 52–114 min)

TV-sarjan luojat:

Lucio Battistrada, Massimo De Rita


Michele Placido, François Périer, Paul Guers, Remo Girone, Patricia Millardet, Nicole Jamet, Florinda Bolkan, Jacques Dacqmine (lisää)
(lisää ammatteja)

Kaudet(10) / Jaksot(48)


Michele Placido stars as Chief Inspector Corrado Cattani, who arrives in Sicily full of resolve for the task of investigating a pair of high-profile murders. When the Mafia starts to push back, his convictions erode and he ends up compromising to save his life, and that of his family. What will prevent him from taking his own ruthless revenge against the Sicilian Mob? (jakelijan virallinen teksti)


Arvostelut (2)


kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti Even if for no reason, out of pure nostalgia I must give the Octopus the highest rating. As a little boy in kindergarten, I was only Cattani, no one else had the right. After years, when I completely forgot the whole plot, I saw the Octopus again and the tooth of time left no marks on it. A timeless work about the futile battle with the mafia and pointing out the fact that only a person without a family, who does not care about the lives of others or his own, can stand up to it. ()


kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti If someone says Italian series, The Octopus automatically springs to mind first. And why not, indeed. Neither the almost indecently impoverished appearance, nor the rather plodding take-off do anything to change that. You know the deal. Of course, it takes a while before a locomotive gets up to speed, but try stopping it once it is cruising. And almost all negatives are compensated for with the “ominous" musical motif, the uncompromising screenplay and excellently written dialogs typical of the eighties. ()


Kuvagalleria (59)