Déjà Vu

Traileri 1

Suoratoistopalvelut (2)


Jokainen on joskus kokenut mystisen ilmiön nimeltä déjŕ-vu – kun tapaa uuden ihmisen, saattaa tuntua siltä kuin olisi tuntenut hänet aina tai joskus voi aistia tulleensa tuttuun paikkaan, vaikka tietää varmasti olevansa siellä ensimmäistä kertaa. Mitä jos nuo aavemaiset tuntemukset ovatkin itse asiassa menneisyydestä lähetettyjä varoituksia tai vihjeitä tulevasta? Jerry Bruckheimerin tuottamassa, Tony Scottin ohjaamassa ja Terry Rossion & Bill Marsiliin käsikirjoittamassa uudessa toimintajännärissä juuri déjŕ-vu johdattaa ATF:n agentin Doug Carlinin (DENZEL WASHINGTON) järkyttävän rikoksen jäljille. Carlin lähetetään tutkimaan tuhoisaa pommiräjähdystä. Pian hän joutuu kuitenkin toteamaan, että moni asia, jonka ihmiset luulevat olevan vain heidän omaa mielikuvitustaan, kumpuaakin paljon syvemmältä – ja niin hän tempautuu mukaan jännittävään ajojahtiin, jossa pelissä on satoja ihmishenkiä. (Buena Vista Int. Fin.)


Videot (3)

Traileri 1

Arvostelut (13)


kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti I won't argue with anyone that the script is total phantasmagoria, but no one can tell me that Tony Scott has no competition in the field of "high-speed". Such visual lipstick, which he paints with cinematographer Paul Cameron, would be the envy of the entire cosmetics industry. The plot moves along briskly and, aware of its simplicity, at times goes so far that you wait for Denzel Washington to wink lasciviously not only at his colleagues but also at the viewer through the camera. The only problem may seem to be the ending, but the way the screenwriter duo navigates the trade-off between choosing between fate and pandering to an audience hungry for uniform outcomes is actually to be applauded. This is a twisted and funnier variation on Minority Report, which wins points over Spielberg for me. ()


kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti Tony Scott abandoned his epileptic camera manias that bogged down the otherwise impeccable Domino and took on a script that may look original, but some of us have had the privilege before, including bending paper to explain a space-time jump (remember Event Horizon?). Some may legitimately find the whole plot terribly wacky, others may not like the incongruous combination of crime and sci-fi, but in any case Scott has made an easily digestible flick that is nice to watch, good for eating popcorn and out of your head before you can say "deja-vu". And it's a pity that, given the development of the plot, I had already figured out the only possible resolution half an hour before the end. ()



kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti Déjà Vu was a very pleasant surprise. At first I was actually thrilled with the idea and the way it’s executed. By the middle, however, the script takes a turn to Hollywood mainstream, the logic gets lost and my enthusiasm waned. When it comes to time travel, it prefers a “whatever happened happened” approach to a “you can change everything” one, but I still think it’s a very well made film that’s worth watching. ()


kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti Old masters Jerry Bruckheimer and Tony Scott created a hybrid of Van Damme’s Timecop and Gilliam’s 12 Monkeys. The great Denzel Washington heroically shoots his way through the film, which can boast precise filmmaking and a great number of screenwriting ideas, but unfortunately suffers from just as many lapses in logic, including the biggest one, connected to the excessively romantic (but emotionally pleasant) happy ending. Déjà Vu is a pleasant, relaxing film that you shouldn’t overthink. ()


kaikki käyttäjän arvostelut

englanti Sure, Scott is able to make a modern sexy thriller and the camera and the directing roll this movie pretty much into the finale. Despite the fact that the theme includes a rather interesting idea of parallel worlds, its realization is very inconspicuous and predictable. More or less up to the point where the characters look through the time of the device and watch its shadows in the present, Deja Vu is a very energetic and electrifying thriller with an element of sci-fi, but the final leap through time is too cheap for me and much like a B-movie. It is useless to look for the type ethical depth that Minority Report offers, because there is no such thing in this film. It's simply dynamic action with a refreshing sci-fi motif, which hardly turns Deja Vu into anything more than just film that is better than average for its genre. That’s too bad. ()

Kuvagalleria (59)