Publicación en el diario más reciente (80)
Superman: Up in the Sky
Po pár letech jsem dostal chuť znovu si přečíst tento klenot od autora Toma Kinga a znovu se mi rychle potvrdilo, že Up in the Sky je vskutku jeden z nejinspirativnějších a nejkrásnějších příběhů o Muži z oceli, jaký byl kdy napsán. Příběh, který jde až na úplnou dřeň každého aspektu jeho charakteru a přesně definuje, kdo je to Superman. Co to znamená být Supermanem. A proč je a vždy bude ztělesněním naděje, dobra a nezlomného lidského ducha.
Tenhle monolog v Up in the Sky nezazní, ale když už jsem na něco tak pěkného narazil, nemohu se o něj nepodělit. Prý ho někdy během dlouhé historie vyřkl Hal Jordan:
He was born on another world and there were times, I admit, when I found
him too good, too perfect, to be believed. And perhaps he was. Yet as I
came to know him, as our bond deepened through the years, I saw that
what made Superman great was his ability to both reflect and inspire the
best and brightest in all of us. He gazed, with clear eyes, at all of
my flaws and imperfections and accepted me. And somehow, that's helped
me to accept myself. With his extraordinary powers, He could have set
himself up as a god. And I suspect we would have gladly let him. But
what he wanted most of all was to be human. Superman was possessed of a
humility I found astonishing. He truly saw himself as an every-man.
James Stewart in tights and a cape. He didn't believe that he was
special. That he deserved special treatment. Maybe that was a
psychological trick: A way of dealing with his true nature. Maybe the
only way to function as a god, to carry out a god's responsibilities and
remain sane, was to deny that he was one. To assume the modest persona
of a Kansas farm boy. But here's the paradox: He was a Kansas farm boy
AND a god. More than that: He was my friend.