
En Bullet Train, Brad Pitt protagoniza como Ladybug, un asesino con mala suerte decidido a llevar a cabo sus cometidos de manera pacífica tras demasiados “trabajos” que han descarrilado. El destino, en cualquier caso, tiene otros planes para él al colocarle en su última misión en una vía de colisión con adversarios letales venidos de alrededor del planeta – todos con objetivos conectados, a la vez que enfrentados – en el tren más rápido del mundo. El final del trayecto es solo el comienzo de este viaje un salvaje y trepidante viaje a través del Japón más moderno. (Sony Pictures Esp.)


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español Bullet Train es una película de acción bien lograda sin demasiadas ambiciones, en la que el dispar reparto de peculiares personajes se divierte y Brad Pitt, en particular, saca buen partido de su «suplente». Solo la revelación tanto del villano principal como de sus motivaciones parecía ser de una película de calidad mucho más baja. Con el exuberante estilo wannabe cool y numerosos flashbacks, es un poco demasiado complicada y desenfocada a veces, pero esa era probablemente la intención, lo que a fin de cuentas no importa, de todos modos es entretenida. ()


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inglés Finding a good action movie these days is like spotting an oasis in the desert — rare and refreshing. Bullet Train hits the mark as an action-packed thrill ride. Brad Pitt faces a relentless onslaught of assassins, all while trapped on a speeding bullet train slicing through the Japanese landscape. The film blends action, humor, and Japanese culture under high pressure. This is what top-notch movie entertainment should look like. ()



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inglés Rather than Tarantino, this is closer to a shabby Ritchie, unfortunately after a slight lobotomy. Too bad about the dumb explanation at the end, too bad about the repetitive dialogues between Tangerine and Lemon, which often weren't actually very funny, even though they tried to be very cool. Ritchie wouldn’t make those mistakes. But, given the director's name, you shouldn’t expect a new John Wick, the full-contact fights don't have that much juice and idea, and I could certainly do without the overdone conclusion with the shinkansen, where I just expected Tom and Jerry to come out of somewhere and start hitting each other with frying pans. But otherwise, the story was brilliantly conceived, it had a surprising twist, it all made sense by the end, and some of the scenes were so incredibly absurd and absurdly plotted that they were actually fine. Interesting postmodernism, which I wouldn't expect from a former stuntman. Of the actors, Aaron Taylor-Johnson shone the brightest, he's walking masculinity with acting talent. ()


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inglés David Leitch and an incredibly awesome ride. I was really looking forward to Bullet Train from the first announcement, it's right down my alley, but my expectations were even exceeded. Leitch hasn't just made a straightforward action ride this time, he's taken something from Tarantino and something from Ritchie, and together he mixed a genre-complex cocktail, one that reminds me of my favorite Kingsman, which the film comes damn close to in its stylishness, over-the-top intelligence, and fierce nature. Brad Pitt is a great choice, and as he's winding down his career, he's picked a terrific film for one of his final projects. He is a hired assassin suffering from bad luck, a very interesting element itself. He is tasked with stealing a briefcase on the world's fastest train, the Shinkanzen – the modern setting of the train itself is also a great asset to the film. But there are other dangerous people on the train, each with different but similar intentions, and their clash is royal fun. Bullet Train has incredible style, insane pacing, well-dosed black humor, a bunch of crazy but original and clever ideas, great actors – every single character here has plenty of room to show off and most of the time has a very impressive flashback background, which I appreciate, and the viewer can form a relationship, both the good and the bad, with each character. The soundtrack is also good, there are a couple of unexpected cameos that are meta. Plot-wise, the film is unexpectedly mature, there are a bunch of solid twists and turns, each better than the previous one; the whole thing is incredibly cleverly interwoven and everything fits together nicely in the end – I have a soft spot for this kind of stuff and on top of that there's great fun R-rated action – the finale is pretty brutal (a train derailment scene that even Emmerich would approve). The last time I had this much fun was with Suicide Squad and Kingsman, all three films have R-rating, proper fun and tremendous style in common. I look forward to going again. Ps: I was really blown away by the water bottle scene – which has its own story here!!! Story 5/5. Action 5/5, Humor 4/5, Violence 4/5, Fun 5/5 Music 4/5, Visuals 5/5, Atmosphere 4/5, Suspense 4/5, Emotion 4/5, Actors 5/5. 10/10. ()


todas reseñas del usuario

inglés Ladybug is an assassin in need of an easy job, so she boards a Japanese express train to find and steal a seemingly ordinary suitcase. Little does she know she's walking into a trap. There are more killers on the train, and soon blood is flowing. David Leitch delivers a very wild action comedy which, apart from the great action, offers an interesting and above all very attractively told story that alternates humour with drama and lots of crazy twists. Bullet Train is reminiscent of Guy Ritchie's gangster movies peppered with lots of shootings and fights. And although it loses a bit of pace towards the end, it's definitely worth getting on this train. ()

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