
Fantomas ist ein genialer Verbrecher. Mit seinen tausend Gesichtern führt er Polizei und Öffentlichkeit an der Nase herum. Dass ihn der Journalist Fandor als Fantasie der machtlosen Ermittler beschreibt, schmeckt ihm gar nicht. Kurzerhand entführt er den Publizisten und will ihn ruinieren. Kommissar Juve weiß bald nicht mehr, wer Fantomas und wer Fandor ist. (TELE 5)


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Deutsch Louis de Funés ist vom Gendarm zum Kommissar aufgestiegen, und diesmal versucht er, seinen Erzfeind, den gefürchteten Fantômas, zu stürzen. Es war witzig zu beobachten, wie die stümperhafte Polizei in einer Reihe von verrückten Episoden versuchte, den durchtriebenen Superschurken zur Strecke zu bringen. Neben dem Comic schätze ich die Maskenarbeit und die Ausführung der Actionszenen, die für die damalige Zeit glaubhaft gespielt sind. ()


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Englisch I don't even remember how old I was when I first saw Fantomas, but it was definitely during my early childhood, and it naturally made a big impression on me as a little boy craving adventure. There are films that I used to like, and years later I can only say that they have aged and simply aren't the same, but that definitely doesn't apply to the Fantomas series. It remains an evergreen that I always enjoy revisiting, even though my perspective on the series and the reasons why I like it have naturally changed over the decades. Today, I look at the series, let's say, like the artwork of naive painters. In short, it requires the necessary detachment. These films don't age primarily because André Hunebelle took the originally serious novel about the elusive villain as a parodic exaggeration and created a comedic series full of crazy chases and wacky gags. Fantomas certainly doesn't belong among the top films of the genre, nor did it at the time of its creation. However, that doesn't change the fact that it always excites me emotionally. The series catapulted the previously overlooked Louis de Funès into one of the biggest stars of French cinema. Producers wanted to continue the commercially successful series, but Funès' financial demands increased to the point that it came to an end after the third installment. Jean Marais was the most relieved, as he complained about Funès' diva behavior. Overall impression with nostalgia: 90%. ()



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Englisch Fantomas is a legend in the best sense of the word. Whether I'm referring to the entire three-part series, which is wonderfully entertaining, imaginative and superbly acted, or the elusive villain character himself, whom I always admired boundlessly in my youth for all the cool disguises, schemes and inventions. But I always feel sorry for poor Commissioner Juve, who can break down and get angry, but he’s always one step behind Fantomas.)) P.S. Thanks a lot, Mr. Filipovsky... ()


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Englisch A classic that has not been damaged by the ravages of time at all. Well, perhaps a little. Some scenes seem a bit naive today and viewers addicted to the action blockbusters of the last few years will probably get bored. However, those who like to reminisce nostalgically about those years when they sat in a totally packed cinema and had royal fun during Fantomas's pursuit will probably like to repeat the mysterious villain. I am one of them. In this case, the only thing left to say is bon apetit. PS: I really loved Fantomas’s submarine :) ()


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Englisch Enjoyable entertainment, with some unsuccessful moments in the action scenes that I can forgive, given the production date. These are, indeed, absolute torture due to some extremely bizarre editing. Fortunately, the verbal exchanges between Juve and Fandor are still brilliant today, the soundtrack is legendary, and the mystery surrounding Fantomas still works. Still, as a whole, the film no longer holds together. An ideal retreat that has aged painfully. ()

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