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Ondřej Trojan’s comedy, starring Ivan Trojan as a guy with eternal swag. The story is set in Šlukdorf where factories closed after the revolution, giving place to gambling dens. And eighteen-year-old Kamila, angry at everything and at her family above all, works in one of them. Her middle-aged father pushes stolen cars and calls himself Bourák. And the local gangster is wooing her mother. A comedy about what one summer storm, rock’n’roll and one very angry daughter can cause. (Finále Plzeň)


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English I was a little disappointed with the first quarter of an hour, but gradually I started to get a taste for this pleasantly madcap comedy, and from about the halfway point I was having fun. I was lured by the fast, tight rock and roll in all the songs here, and also by excellent actor and eternal comedian Ivan Trojan and his dance moves that could occur only to him. In fact, I was blown away by the whole cast. Not to mention the fact that I just can't help loving a movie set just a few miles away from my hometown. Long live Schlukdorf! Only locals will fully appreciate the misnomer in the town's name. (65%) ()


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English This is like a bad dream... Is it even possible??? Leading Czech director, leading Czech screenwriter, the best Czech actor, a plethora of other great actors, and the result - an absolute mess that lasts almost two hours. I can't explain it in any rational way. It's as if everyone bet that their worst career film would outshine Bourák. ()



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English At times, I felt like I was watching a parody of McBride's Breathless, except that Trojan is a better actor than Gere (even though he approached his role similarly to the ads for Czech Railways). The bizarreness of the stylization and the setting in a land of "brothels and slots" wasn’t as significant an issue as the attempt at humor, which was completely out of rhythm with the oddly written notation. This, of course, does not apply to Matěj Ruppert and his song. Ricky Nelson and Buddy Holly turned in their graves to listen to it. ()


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English Now that I have mercifully given this the one star, I feel like Amon Goeth played by Ralph Fiennes in Schindler's List; I could have easily brought the film down, but, on a whim, decided to save it. If someone had told me yesterday how Ondřej Trojan’s film would disappoint me, I wouldn't have believed it. But this was just too much. Comedy without humor, logic on vacation, a bunch of pretentious stuck-ups, and not a single likeable character. To make matters worse, Elvis managed to learn Czech after his death. Ironically, it brought the only funny moment of the film when Ivan Trojan said an English sentence when talking to him. Pathetic indeed. Petr Jarchovský should really call it quits. ()


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English Is it really that simple that old-school humor has survived? Of course, generations change and each has its own thing, but such a hard rejection was not strictly necessary. Among those contemporary Czech films that are not cheap romantic comedies, The Banger is one of the good ones with a subtle retro touch and good satire. Moreover, the framing of the story into a stylish concert works very well (especially the excellent Černochová and Graves) and Veronika Marková can easily get all the prizes for discovery of the year, because we haven’t seen such a natural young actress here for a long time. ()

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