Strategic Planning
The Strategic Planning team support strategic planning for senior management, faculties and professional services, providing high quality, relevant information to internal and external customers, and provide analytical briefs across a range of themes.
Fiona Spence
Assistant Director of Strategic Planning
What We Do:
The strategic planning team run a number of tasks and projects:
- The Annual Planning Process is led by the Provost on behalf of the Vice-Chancellor and supported by the strategic planning team; working in collaboration with Faculties and Professional Services. The process ensures that Faculty and Professional Services plans are developed in alignment with the University’s Strategy 2030.
- Our team is responsible for the analysis, monitoring and reporting on Key Performance Indicators, Global and UK Rankings, plus other additional statutory returns.
- The UniForum project is a UK and international benchmarking exercise run by NousCubane Consulting. It is a tool that helps to benchmark the effectiveness and efficiency of Exeter’s Professional Services. The programme helps us to understand the cost and effectiveness of all services that support teaching and research. It informs important decisions regarding which service areas need further investments or improvements.
- Academic Workload Planning aims to balance workloads in an equitable and transparent manner, as well as allowing us to plan the use of our academic staff time to ensure we achieve our strategies for education, research, impact and innovation. By doing this, workload can be distributed strategically to maximise capacity and be shared across the faculty in ways that build on the strengths of all colleagues.
- The Enterprise Portfolio Management Office is charged with setting priorities, standards and goals for the University of Exeter's portfolio of projects which forms the basis of strategic investment planning.
Resources for Staff:
Please visit our Info Hub SharePoint site to learn more about the University's strategic planning process. Here you will find a wealth of information, guidance, templates, key documents, key dates, KPI dashboard, performance framework, planning framework, meeting outcomes and guide forward agendas for the Strategic Investment Committee meetings. You can also find on this site further details about members of our team, their roles, and also a link to our team charter.
The Business Intelligence team have developed a range of tools on the MI Hub to help managers at the University make informed strategic decisions based on data. This site pulls together these tools and also provides useful information and links.
Additional links to Academic Workload Planning, Enterprise Portfolio Management Office and UoE NousCubane sites are also below.
Visit our Academic Workload Planning SharePoint site