Digital Team

The Digital Team are responsible for the University's external-facing web and digital presences and managing the University's visual identity online.

Leading on web and digital media development, we provide a professional service to the University, working in partnership with faculties and professional services to support strategic aims and objectives.

Using a content-first strategy, we produce websites to meet user needs, ensuring users can easily find the information they are looking for. Through use of targeted copy, images, video and audio we develop clean and simple websites, accessible across all digital platforms and audiences.

Who we are

The team is made up of highly experienced professionals in digital marketing, communication, web design and content production. Find out more about the digital team members.

What we do

At the earliest stage of your project or request for digital work, involve the Digital Team and we will help you work out who your key users are and plan the structure, content and visual design to meet your audiences’ needs. We will advise regarding governance and provide training in t4, our content management system, to empower you and your team in maintaining and continuing to improve your web presence.

Get in touch: [email protected]

We provide training and support where appropriate to enable you to update and manage your area of the website. Our web support site provides a range of guidance and resources to support web authors across the University with publishing and maintaining content on the University website according to University style guidelines and best principles.

If you believe you need t4 training please fill out the t4 training request form on our web support page and we will get in touch to discuss your requirements.