The prosecution of El Caudillo del Mar-a-Lago wrapped up in Manhattan, but not before things got lively again. The defense called as its first witness one Robert Costello, who once advised prime prosecution witness Michael Cohen. (Costello was a close associate of Rudy Giuliani, which figures.) Costello has been a critic of the state’s case in the Stormy Daniels payoff case, and of Cohen, once the latter hit the silk on the former president*. There was extended legal wrangling over whether Costello could testify at all and, at least, about the limits of what he would be allowed to say. Once he got on the stand, however, he put on a very impressive show. Judge Juan Merchan was not amused. From The Guardian:

Judge Juan Merchan ordered the courtroom cleared of reporters after warning Robert Costello about his responses to sustained objections. “I want to discuss proper decorum in my courtroom,” Merchan said. “So when there’s a witness on the stand and you don’t like my ruling, you don’t say ‘jeez,’ and you don’t say ‘strike it.’ Because I’m the only one who can strike....You don’t roll your eyes, do you understand that? Do you understand that? Are you staring me down right now?”
“Clear the courtroom,” he then ordered.
The media have been allowed back inside after Judge Juan Merchan ordered to clear the courtroom. Court officers and Merchan would not let an attorney for the press make an application to argue for the right to stay in the courtroom. Under the law, a representative for the media or even a member of the media is allowed to petition in open court for the opportunity to stay. Trump’s non-lawyer entourage was allowed to stay.

Monday’s “non-lawyer entourage” included Bernie Kerik and Alan Dershowitz. I guess we’re down to the U-Team now.