
Discover the story of Stonehenge: the Stones, the landscape, the people and its meaning, through a powerful combination of cutting-edge audio-visual experiences and incredible ancient objects.

Over 250 archaeological objects and treasures discovered in the landscape, are displayed together at Stonehenge for the first time. Ranging from jewellery, pottery and tools to ancient human remains, many of these items are on loan from our museum partners, Salisbury Museum and Wiltshire Museum.

Come and see the face of a man who was here 5,500 years ago - a forensic reconstruction based on his bones found near Stonehenge.

We also have regular special exhibitions in the visitor centre.


  • Stonehenge exhibition

    Over 250 archaeological treasures, the reconstructed face of a 5,500 year old man and hands-on exhibits telling the story of Stonehenge. 

  • Objects on display

    Discover some of the incredible artefacts on display at Stonehenge Visitor Centre.

  • Stonehenge and beyond

    We recommend a visit to Salisbury Museum and Wiltshire Museum, Devizes to find out more about the prehistory of the Stonehenge area.