Our Policies

Our Policies

English Heritage, including our subsidiary, English Heritage Trading Limited, (also referred to as “we, “us” or “our”) is fully committed to the protection of your rights and your privacy. 

English Heritage cares for over 400 historic buildings, monuments and sites – from world-famous prehistoric sites to grand medieval castles, from Roman forts on the edges of the empire to a Cold War bunker.  Through these, we bring the story of England to life for over 10 million people each year. We are a charity, no. 1140351, and a company, no. 07447221.

English Heritage Trading Limited (Registered company no. 02970369) is a wholly-owned subsidiary that carries out a range of commercial trading activities to generate income for English Heritage, including retail, catering, and sponsorship.

Privacy Policy

English Heritage, including our subsidiary, English Heritage Trading Limited, (also referred to as “we, “us” or “our”) is fully committed to the protection of your rights and your privacy.

English Heritage cares for over 400 historic buildings, monuments and sites – from world-famous prehistoric sites to grand medieval castles, from Roman forts on the edges of the empire to a Cold War bunker. Through these, we bring the story of England to life for over 10 million people each year. We are a charity, no. 1140351, and a company, no. 07447221.

English Heritage Trading Limited (Registered company no. 02970369) is a wholly-owned subsidiary that carries out a range of commercial trading activities to generate income for English Heritage, including retail, catering, and sponsorship.

Our Privacy Promise

We are committed to protecting the privacy of our supporters. We take your privacy seriously and treat all the information you give us with great care.

We value and respect all the people whose support helps us to care for over 400 historic sites across the country and to keep the story of England alive for future generations.

Our Privacy Policy explains how we collect, store and use the personal information you give to us. If you have any questions about how we look after it then please contact  our Data Protection Officer at  [email protected] 

If you would like to update how you would prefer to hear from us please use our Preferences Form 

We are recorded on the ICO Data Protection Register under registration number ZA111846. 

English Heritage Trust
6th Floor
100 Wood Street

Registered Charity 1140351

We Promise

  • To be clear about why we need to collect your personal information and what we are going to use it for.
  • To make it easy for you to tell us how you would like us to keep in touch.
  • To only collect the information we need to make sure we deliver the best service.
  • To never sell your personal information nor share it with other organisations for their own marketing purposes.
  • To take good care of your personal information, and make sure it is up to date, safe and secure at all times.
  • To make sure that any suppliers or partners who carry out work on our behalf meet the same high standards that we adhere to when handling your personal information.


Policy Overview

We collect information about members, visitors to our historic sites, supporters, customers, website visitors, owners, tenants and other site stakeholders such as neighbours and key-holders.  We do this in both digital and paper formats.

In addition, we also collect details automatically about the pages you visit on our website. Please see our Cookie Policy for more information.

We use the information you share with us to:

  • Make sure you receive the product, service or information you have requested or bought.
  • Carry out reasonable administration of your membership, donations, bookings, and volunteering.
  • Manage our sites effectively and to deliver community involvement.
  • To keep in touch with you in the way that you want. 
  • To better understand our supporters so that we can personalise and improve the services we offer.

For details of how we do this please see the full policy.

We will need to make changes to this policy from time to time, to make sure that we are always providing you the latest information about what is happening to your personal information.  The current version will always be posted on our website

For supporters who use our mobile applications, please refer to our Blue Plaques App Privacy Policy and Days Out App Privacy Policy.

This policy was last updated on 23/02/2024

What information do we collect and how?

We collect personal information about you that helps us to deliver and improve our services. This includes:

  • Name and address
  • Email address and telephone numbers
  • Date of birth
  • Payment information such as bank details 
  • How you would like to hear from us
  • English Heritage historic sites you have visited
  • Details of purchases, membership, Gift Aid Declarations, donations and gifts in your will
  • Details of job applications and your volunteering activity
  • Enquiries and feedback including via web forms, call centre recordings, emails and webchat
  • Interaction with our digital channels including website members area, public Wi-Fi and social media pages including any log in via a social media account
  • Site surveillance footage such as CCTV and Body Worn Video recordings

Under our membership scheme we also ask for details of the children you would like to include in the membership. We use this information to better understand how to provide the best service to your family in terms of offers and events, and we will not contact your children directly.

If you have provided details for someone else, for example by purchasing a gift for them, we will not contact that person until they have been given the opportunity to let us know their communication preferences.

If you have contacted us on behalf of an organisation, for example making an Educational Booking or a Travel Trade enquiry, we will also store details of individuals in their professional capacity. 

When visiting our website, we also collect information about your IP address and the pages you visit. This helps us to understand which areas of our website are most useful to our supporters and to make decisions on future improvements. This does not tell us who you are and where you live unless you choose to provide us with that information. Please see our Cookie Policy for more information.

We also buy anonymous external data (such as census data, Experian’s Mosaic consumer data) and may combine it with personal data to help us assist customers in finding the services and products that they are looking to receive from us.

Where people have been involved in the creation, excavation, conservation or use of historic objects, sites or buildings that we manage, we may gather information about them without contacting them to facilitate current or future historical and scientific research. The information we gather may include, date of birth, family relationships, education and employment information.

How we use your information


We will make sure that: 

  • You receive the product or service you have requested. 
  • We process any payments and send you information relating to that service.

If you have joined as a Member this will include sending you confirmation of your purchase and membership materials such as membership cards, information on how to use your membership, regular magazines, handbook and email newsletters. We will also send you information about membership renewal and information relating to your Direct Debit payments.


If you have purchased tickets to visit one of our sites on a particular date or attend one of our events, either via our own website or via any of our approved partners who share data with us, we will use the information collected to administer your booking, if required contact you about any change of arrangements that are necessary, and to gain feedback on your visit experience.


Receiving direct marketing information from English Heritage will always be your choice, and you can choose how you would like to receive that information from us.

You can also change your mind at any time, and we will keep your preferences up to date. If you would like to update how you would like to hear from us please use our Preferences Form

We limit the number of marketing communications we send to make sure we are not sending you too much. 

We may at times invite you to support fundraising initiatives which may include attending but only if appropriate and in line with this privacy policy.

We will only contact you for marketing purposes by telephone or text message (SMS) if you have told us we can.

We will only contact you by email for marketing purposes if you have told us you would like to hear from us this way, or to let you know about services you have previously bought.   Every email will have a link to help you unsubscribe if you wish to stop receiving this information.

We may contact you occasionally by post if you have told us you would like to hear from us this way. We may provide your email address and name to digital advertising or social media platforms, such as Facebook, Instagram and Google in accordance with their own terms and conditions. This is so we can reach you and others like you to enable us to tailor any advertising and to show relevant information about how you can support our cause. This data is always provided in an encrypted format so individuals cannot be identified and the data will not be used by social media companies for their own purposes.

If you don’t want to see targeted advertising from us on social media, please refer to the instructions provided by the social media site directly.
Below are some examples of the types of organisations with which we may share your data:

  • Advertising partners – to enable us to ensure our advertising is relevant to the recipients.
  • Analytics partners – to enable us to track the effectiveness of our website or mobile apps.
  • Social media partners – so that we can effectively communicate with our supporters on social media platforms.
  • Website and app partners – to help us develop websites and apps that give our customers the best possible online experience.

For further detail on the processes used to share your information please refer to our Cookie Policy.


In addition to respecting your communication preferences, we know it is important to our supporters that we use our resources in a responsible and cost-effective way. For this reason, we use automated profiling and targeting to help us understand our supporters and make sure that:

  • Our communications and services are relevant, personalised and interesting to you
  • Our services meet the needs of our supporters
  • We only ask for further support and help from you if it is appropriate
  • We use our resources responsibly and keep our costs down

To do this we will analyse how you interact with us and use both geographic and demographic information to let you know what is happening in your local area and understand your interests.

If you have agreed that we can contact you we may also gather additional information about you from external sources, for example updates to address and contact information, or publicly available information regarding your wealth, earnings, or employment. We may use this information to assess your capacity to support us and invite you to do so. If you would prefer that this did not happen simply let us know.

This analysis may be carried out by English Heritage or by third party organisations working for us.


Your support (including by donating, fundraising, taking part in our campaigns and events) enables us to create inspiring visitor experiences that bring the story of England to life. It also supports us in making sure our historic sites and artefacts are expertly cared for, so that they can be enjoyed by future generations. When you support us and we engage with you, we will often receive and use your personal information.

If you make a financial donation, we will use the personal information you share with us to record the nature and amount of your gift, claim gift aid where you have told us you are eligible, and thank you for your gift. For donations over £1,000, we will also acknowledge your gift in our Annual Report, unless you ask us not to. 

If you interact or have a conversation with us, we will note anything relevant and store this securely on our systems. We may also use your personal information to update you on our projects through our annual impact report, to send you a Christmas Card and to invite you to exclusive events.

If you donate objects, we will process your personal information to thank you for your support, let you know how your contribution has helped us, manage the custody of our collection and to carry out due diligence to meet our compliance obligations.

Donor Due Diligence

Like many charities, we need to undertake checks on individuals who give or propose to give large donations to us, so that we are complying with our duties to protect charity funds, assets, and reputation, and to comply with the “know your donor” principles further to Charity Commission guidance and to prevent fraud.

Charity Commission rules require us to be assured of the provenance of funds and any conditions attached to them. We follow a due diligence process which involves researching the financial soundness, credibility, reputation and ethical principles of donors who have made, or are likely to make, a large donation to English Heritage. As part of this process we will carry out research using publicly available information and professional resources. If this applies to you, we will remind you about the process when you make your donation.

Donor Profiling / Donor Research

We undertake research on a limited number of individuals who we believe may have an interest and the means, or the expertise and experience, to become actively involved with English Heritage including financially through philanthropic giving or other areas that support English Heritage activities. We only do this where we feel there is a legitimate interest in doing so.

We may use the following public sources of information to undertake this research: Companies House (directorships, shareholdings and company accounts), the Charity Commission register, the Electoral Roll (Open Register), the Land Registry, directories (such as The Sunday Times Rich List) , reliable print and broadcast media (including newspapers, magazines and online publications), and information that individuals have put into the public domain such as company websites or on professional networking sites.

The information we gather may relate to career and business networks, voluntary roles including trusteeships, work or residential location, family (not including information about children unless given personally or made public by the individual concerned), indicators of wealth and assets, hobbies and interests and previous philanthropy.  

Our research helps us understand current and prospective major donors and influencers, their areas of interest and likelihood of their supporting or engaging with us. This allows us to decide whether and on what basis to approach you and ensure our communications are delivered in the most appropriate way. We do this to meet the legitimate and regularly expressed expectation that supporters have of charities; that is to minimise the cost of fundraising administration where possible and focus resources on our charitable cause in order to maximise the public benefit we are able to deliver.

You can opt out of your personal information being used in this way. If you do not wish English Heritage to undertake donor profiling on you or to contact you about donating to us, please let us know by contacting [email protected]. You can also register with the Fundraising Preference Service, operated by the Fundraising Regulator.

Legacy Pledgers

If you inform us that you are planning to leave us a gift in your will, we will use the information you share with us to record your pledge, including the purpose of your gift if you tell us this. If we have a conversation or interaction with you (or with someone who contacts us in relation to your will, for example your solicitor), we will note these interactions throughout your relationship with us, as this helps to ensure your gift is directed in accordance with your wishes.

We will also use your personal information to send you a legacy pledger badge, update you on our projects through our annual legacy pledger newsletter, to send you a Christmas Card and to invite you our exclusive legacy pledger events.


If you tell us you want to fundraise to support our cause, this will include using the personal information you give us to record your plans and contact you to support your fundraising efforts.

We run several Challenge Events throughout the year via the Enthuse platform to help us raise funds to support our vital work in preserving England’s heritage. If you participate in a Challenge Event to fundraise for English Heritage, we will use your personal information to administer your entry into the Challenge Event and send you a Challenge Event pack containing a vest in your chosen size and tips on how to reach your fundraising target. We will also send you regular communications in the run up to your chosen Challenge Event to provide you with additional fundraising tips and other information we feel will support you as you prepare to take part in the Challenge Event.

To secure your place in the Challenge Event, we will share your name and email address with the Challenge Event Organiser. This is to allow them to register you for the event and communicate with your directly to obtain any additional information they require and to send you any additional materials you may need for the Challenge Event, for example a run pack which may include an electronic chip to record your time.

On the day of the Challenge Event we may take photographs of our supporters for use in our promotional materials. This may include promotion of future Challenge Events, our website articles and features, our membership magazine and our social media accounts. If you would prefer not to be photographed for small group or individual shots, please inform the photographer or a member of the English Heritage Team when attending the event. Please be aware that we are unable to honour such requests for crowd shots and whilst you are participating in the Challenge Event.

After you have completed the Challenge Event, we will contact you to thank you for your participation and to invite you to attend to a celebration event where one is being held. Celebration events may be catered in which case we may ask you to confirm any dietary requirements you have.

Enthuse will transfer the registration fee you have paid and the donations you have received via their platform to us. Upon receipt payments shall be reconciled and this may involve limited processing of your personal information to ensure the amount received is accurate and that it is correctly allocated.

In order to understand the effectiveness of fundraising via Challenge Events and identify the events which are of greatest interest to Challenge Event participants, we use participant data to produce anonymised statistical information. This helps us to understand participation rates, the Challenge Events that attracted the largest numbers of participants or raised the most donations and average donation amounts.

When registering to participate in a Challenge Event we will ask for your permission to keep in touch with you. If you give us your permission, we will continue to keep in touch about our work and the different ways you can support us for example, future fundraising campaigns and challenge events that may be of interest to you. You can opt-out at any time by clicking the unsubscribe link in our emails or emailing us at: [email protected].

If you have sponsored a participant via the Enthuse platform, the personal information you provide may be shared with English Heritage. If you choose to opt in to hear more about our projects and fundraising, we will use your contact details to keep you informed about our work and the ways in which you can support us.


Throughout the year, we run several events for our donors, prospective donors and local and political stakeholders and representatives. We use the information we hold about you (either collected from you, our mutual contacts or obtained through our research) to invite you to such events and to administer your attendance. This includes managing RSVPs and our guestlist, communicating with you about the event (for example providing event joining instructions) and supplying name badges for event attendees. If you attend a catered event, we may ask you to let us know about any dietary requirements you may have.

We also photograph, and in some cases film, our events. If you would prefer not to be photographed, please inform the photographer or a member of the English Heritage Team when attending the event. When photographing or filming our events, we display notices at the venue to inform you of this, and how you can notify us if you do not wish to be photographed/filmed. Images taken may be used in press releases, printed publicity and published on English Heritage’s website and social media channels. They will be stored securely and may be shared with other event attendees for their personal use.


We will process the following personal data when considering a proposal for a new Blue Plaque and for the administration of the Blue Plaques Scheme.

  • Personal identification and contact information: your name, email address, telephone number, postal address and if you are acting on behalf of an organisation, the name of that organisation and your position within it.
  • Your relationship or interest in the proposed subject: your relationship to, or interest in the building or person being proposed for a Blue Plaque, and where applicable whether you own the proposed property.

We will process the following personal data if you are the owner or tenant of a property which has been nominated for a Blue Plaque.

  • Personal identification and contact information: your name, postal address, email address, telephone number, and where different, the address of the property nominated for a Blue Plaque.
  • Views and Opinions: If you choose to share your views or opinions about the installation of a Blue Plaque on your property.

You are under no statutory or contractual obligation to provide your personal data however we may not be able to consider you proposal for a new Blue Plaque or install/replace a plaque if we do not hold some of the above information.

In general, we collect the above information to operate the Blue Plaques Scheme in accordance with our legitimate interests to help highlight buildings with historic associations, support their preservation and to progress a nomination for a new Blue Plaque. Below we have provided further information about the purposes for which we may process your personal data and who it will be shared with.

If you submit a proposal for a new Blue Plaque, your personal data will be used:

  • By our Blue Plaques Team to communicate with you about your nomination, including keeping you updated about its progress;
  • By our Blue Plaques Team when validating your nomination to ensure it meets the conditions for acceptance by the Blue Plaques Scheme and deciding whether to accept your nomination.
  • By the Blue Plaques Panel (if your nomination is accepted) who will review your nomination and decide whether it should be shortlisted. The Blue Plaques Panel includes experts outside English Heritage, and we will only share your name and the capacity in which you have made the nomination.
  • By the Blue Plaques Historians who may wish to work with you in conducting further research to support your nomination. Blue Plaques Historians may include experts outside English Heritage, and we will only share you name, contact information and your connection to the nomination, with them.
  • By the Final Panel (if your nomination is shortlisted) who will review your nomination and any further research conducted by the Blue Plaques Historians to decide whether to approve your nomination. The Final Panel includes experts outside English Heritage, and we will only share your name and the capacity in which you have made the nomination.

If you are the owner or tenant of a property nominated for a Blue Plaque, we will use personal data to:

  • Contact the property owner using information sourced from public records to seek consent to install a Blue Plaque and to maintain a record of such consent or objection.
  • Communicate with the property owner and where applicable the lease holder or tenant to keep them informed about the process, including making lease holders or tenants aware of the installation of a Blue Plaque and details of an unveiling event where such an event is to take place.
  • Arrange the installation of a Blue Plaque. Your name and contact information will be shared with our contractor so they can communicate with you directly about the installation.

If you submit a proposal for a new Blue Plaque or are the owner or tenant of a property nominated for a Blue Plaque, the following will also apply:

  • In the event of a dispute, we may process your personal information to establish, exercise or defend English Heritage’s legal position.

Personal data processed for the purposes of the Blue Plaques Scheme shall be retained indefinitely.


When contributing to our Oral History Archive, we will ask you to provide us with personal data such as your name and contact information to allow us to contact you and administer, manage and record your contribution to our collection(s). The information you provide for this purpose, will be held securely and will not be shared with any third parties unless they are a supplier acting on our instruction or we are obligated to do so for legal purposes. For example, evidencing ownership or demonstrating we have a valid agreement in place with you in respect of your contribution to the Oral History Archive.

The personal information you choose to share with us during the recording of your oral history interview and in the historic photographs you allow us to copy, will be collected, catalogued and made available by us in the public interest to promote the knowledge and enjoyment of our heritage assets and collections. This includes making our collections available to researchers, academics and members of the public who access oral history content at our properties, on our website or through our social media channels, for historical research and education. You can request partial or complete closure of your interview to public access using the Oral History Recording Agreement which you will complete after your interview has been completed. You can limit how we use any historic photographs you share with us using the Oral History Archive Agreement to Copy Historic Photographs.

We will keep the above information in perpetuity, so as to preserve the oral history of historic properties and collections in the care of English Heritage and inform the research and understanding of future generations. As this information is archived in the public interest, you will not have the right to request such recordings, images and associated personal data, are deleted.

We may also ask you if we can take a photograph of you at the time of your interview. We will always ask for your consent before we do this and ask you to complete the relevant forms authorising us to proceed. These photographs will be stored in perpetuity and linked to the oral history you have contributed to English Heritage’s collection(s), unless you withdraw your consent. You can do this by contacting us at [email protected], in which case they will not be used in future publicity of English Heritage’s collection(s), although they may continue to appear in online content already in circulation.

Please note: If you use the personal data present in our Collections as part of your research, you become a Data Controller in relation to that data, and are responsible for using that data fairly, ethically, and in compliance with the law. In particular, personal data which is used for research purposes may not be used in order to make decisions about or take actions in relation to the data subject in question and may not be used in ways which would cause substantial damage or distress to them.


From time-to-time we may request information from you via surveys, feedback questionnaires or contest entries. Participation is completely voluntary, and you therefore have a choice whether to disclose any information requested. We process your response to any survey or feedback questionnaire you participate in for research, evaluation and statistical purposes including to improve our services and products and the functionality of this website.


Some of our sites are protected by CCTV.  You may be recorded when you visit them.  We use CCTV to help provide a safe environment for our members, visitors and staff, to help protect and detect crime.  We may also use CCTV to monitor visitor flow and help us improve our movement strategies.  The systems are operated in accordance with our Security Manual and will only be viewed when necessary.  We use signs to notify people that they are in an area where CCTV surveillance is being carried out.

Use of Body Worn Video

At some of our sites, our employees may use body worn cameras on our premises for the purposes of crime prevention and public safety. The body worn cameras are used to record incidents involving a member of the public which in the opinion of our employees is confrontational and may involve instances of aggression, threats, or physical or verbal abuse. Body worn camera footage is recorded on the basis of our legitimate interest in deterring and detecting crime.

Experience of using body worn cameras has shown that they are useful at helping diffuse confrontational situations and provide a reliable version of events, which can be help us to clarify any dispute or serve as evidence in the event it is believed a crime has been committed.

In addition to signs informing you that body worn cameras are in use, such devices shall be worn overtly by our employees and are not used for continuous non-specific use. Prior to the commencement of a recording, our employees will, where possible, make a verbal announcement that recording will be carried out. Body worn cameras may record video and audio, and do not include facial recognition technology. Recordings are retained for thirty days after which they are deleted unless specifically selected for retention. We have taken appropriate steps to ensure that the data recorded by the system is stored securely.

Recordings may be retained if they are required for further investigation. In that case, recordings will be retained until the investigation and any consequent legal or other remediation action has been completed. We will not share the recordings with third parties unless we are permitted to do so under UK Data Protection Laws. Such disclosure may include sharing recordings with the police or our legal representatives.


If you are a tenant of a let estate we will use your information to fulfil our contract with you and to keep in contact about issues or activities relating to your lease.  


If you have applied to work for English Heritage, your personal information will only be processed for the purposes of recruitment, including processing your application and tracking recruitment statistics. You will not receive marketing communications, but you may receive job alerts by email if you have signed up to this service.


Volunteers are part of our collective movement to ensure the past is protected for future generations and the historic environment is understood, valued, cared for and enjoyed.  If you volunteer with English Heritage, we will keep information about you to ensure we provide you with the best volunteer experience we can.  


If you live locally to an English Heritage property, we may use your contact details to keep you up to date with local activities and to provide you with the opportunity be involved. 

We will do our best to keep your information up to date. This includes monitoring returned mail to let us know if you no longer live at the address we hold for you. We also use information from the Royal Mail’s National Change of Address database, the telephone preference service, the mailing preference service, the Bereavement Register and other similar suppression lists to make sure we do not send communications to the wrong place or person.

Please do let us know if your details have changed.

Who will have access to my information?

Your information will be only be accessible to our staff, volunteers and contractors appropriately in order for them to carry out their role in line with this Privacy Policy.

We will never sell your personal information and we never share it with other organisations for their own marketing purposes.  We will only share your personal information where:

  • We are legally required to, or as a result of a lawful request by a governmental or law enforcement authority.
  • We have engaged a supplier or contractor to carry out services on our behalf, such as:
    • Building and managing additional websites for our site and event ticket sales
    • Fulfilling website orders or sending our communications 
    • Providing IT support for our systems
    • Carrying out research and analysis to help develop our services

We only work with trusted suppliers and partners who have agreed to treat your information as respectfully as we do and in accordance with data protection legislation.

English Heritage is subject to Access to Information Legislation, including the Freedom of Information Act (2000) and the Environmental Information Regulations (2004). In order to comply with our legal obligations under these legislations, it may be necessary to disclose your personal data, unless an exemption applies. For more information please refer to English Heritage's Freedom of Information page: https://www.english-heritage.org.uk/about-us/our-people/freedom-of-information/.

Our website may contain links to other websites that are outside our control and are not covered by this Privacy Policy. If you access other sites using the links provided, the operators of these sites may collect information from you that will be used by them in accordance with their privacy policy, which may differ from ours. This includes where an additional external web page or site has been built for English Heritage to provide e.g. site or event tickets. 

How do we keep your information safe?

The security of your information is paramount to us. We use encryption for transfer of data and our networks are monitored regularly to ensure they remain secure.
We also regularly review our measures to ensure they are up to date and in line with latest developments, particularly when we are handling payment information.
If you have a password to allow access to certain parts of our website, you must keep that password safe and not share it with anyone or your personal information could be at risk.
We store most of your data within the United Kingdom. Some organisations which provide services to us may transfer data outside the UK but we’ll only allow this if your information is adequately protected.
We will keep your personal data for no longer than is necessary for the purposes for which it is processed, in accordance with our internal policies.
If we dispose of your information, it will always be done securely.


How to get in touch and understanding your rights

We want to ensure you remain in control of your personal data.  Part of this is making sure you understand your legal rights, which are as follows:

  • the right of access to a copy of the information we hold about you (this is known as a subject access request)
  • the right to have your data erased (though this will not apply where it is necessary for us to continue to use the data for a lawful reason e.g. HMRC and Gift Aid auditing)
  • the right to have inaccurate data rectified
  • the right to object to your data being used for marketing or profiling
  • Where technically feasible, you have the right to personal data you have provided to us which we process automatically on the basis of your consent or the performance of a contract.  The information will be provided in a common electronic format.

Please bear in mind that there are exemptions to the rights above and though we will always try to respond to your requests there may be situations where we are unable to do so.

If you would like further advice or information on your rights, or wish to exercise them, please write to the Information Governance Manager at English Heritage Trust, The Engine House, Fire Fly Avenue, Swindon, SN2 2EH or email [email protected]

You may wish to use our template subject access form which includes guidance on how to make your request.

If you are not happy with our response or you believe that your data protection or privacy rights have been infringed, you can complain to the UK Information Commissioner’s Office which regulates and enforces data protection law in the UK.  Details of how to do this are available at the Information Commissioner’s Office website at www.ico.org.uk.


Our Cookie Policy explains what Cookies are and how we use them


We aim to conform to accessibility level AA of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0, which help make the web more user friendly for all people.

Our website should display correctly in the current and previous two versions of Firefox, Chrome, Internet Explorer, Safari and Opera. There may be some areas that require you to have JavaScript turned on to work.

While we strive to adhere to standards for accessibility and usability, there are areas we are still working on to improve such as providing video and audio transcripts, audio captions and audio descriptions. If you have concerns or issues you wish to raise please contact our customer services team at [email protected]