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October 8, 2024

Household heating expenditures expected to remain about the same or less than last winter

October 7, 2024

EIA now publishes additional U.S. biofuel and distillate forecasts

October 3, 2024

Data centers and cryptocurrency mining in Texas drive strong power demand growth

September 16, 2024

Development of new fields in Gulf of Mexico to offset production decline in 2024 and 2025

August 21, 2024

Permian production forecast growth driven by well productivity, pipeline capacity

August 7, 2024

What is the outlook for U.S. natural gas inventories at the end of injection season?

June 13, 2024

Typical residential electricity bills could be slightly higher this summer

June 12, 2024

EIA expands coverage of crude oil and natural gas production with regional forecast

May 30, 2024

Our U.S. summer natural gas consumption forecast for electric power matches 2023 record

May 21, 2024

Guyana becomes key contributor to global crude oil supply growth

May 15, 2024

Higher refining costs could increase summer gasoline prices

April 17, 2024

U.S. natural gas trade will continue to grow with the startup of new LNG export projects

April 11, 2024

Mild winter weather may lead to persistently high natural gas inventories through 2025

April 10, 2024

How accurate were EIA’s Winter Fuels Outlook forecasts?

March 21, 2024

EIA increases oil price forecast following OPEC+ production cut extension

February 14, 2024

Industry to drive tripling of natural gas consumption in India by 2050

February 12, 2024

What is the outlook for the natural gas spot price in 2024 and 2025?

January 30, 2024

Projected zero-carbon electricity growth highly dependent on cost in parts of Asia

January 29, 2024

U.S. coal exports account for larger share of a shrinking market

January 17, 2024

EIA expects average U.S. gasoline and diesel prices to decrease in 2024 and 2025

January 16, 2024

Solar and wind to lead growth of U.S. power generation for the next two years

January 11, 2024

We expect Henry Hub natural gas spot price to average under $3.00/MMBtu in 2024 and 2025

January 10, 2024

EIA expects relatively flat crude oil prices in 2024 and 2025

January 9, 2024

We expect solar will supply almost all growth in U.S. electricity generation through 2025

December 28, 2023

U.S. electric capacity mix shifts from fossil fuels to renewables in AEO2023

November 30, 2023

Global CO2 emissions rise through 2050 in most IEO2023 cases

November 28, 2023

Lower CO2 emissions are partially due to shifts in power generation sources

November 7, 2023

EIA expects U.S. annual solar electricity generation to surpass hydropower in 2024

October 26, 2023

EIA forecasts winter U.S. household expenditures higher on fuel oil and lower on propane

October 19, 2023

Average U.S. natural gas bills expected to decrease this winter

September 28, 2023

Weather events have reduced our forecast of U.S. hydropower generation by 6% this year

July 31, 2023

Natural gas deliveries to U.S. LNG export facilities set a record in first-half 2023

July 24, 2023

Natural gas prices fall in first half of 2023 amid record production and mild temperatures

July 19, 2023

EIA forecasts crude oil prices will increase through 2024 as demand rises above supply

June 8, 2023

Increased U.S. renewable and natural gas generation likely to reduce summer coal demand

May 24, 2023

EIA explores effects of liquefied natural gas exports on the U.S. natural gas market

May 22, 2023

EIA expects lower crude oil prices for the second half of 2023 and for 2024

May 15, 2023

Incentives and lower costs drive electric vehicle adoption in our Annual Energy Outlook

May 11, 2023

EIA projects coal capacity will decrease in our Annual Energy Outlook 2023

May 10, 2023

Mixed water supply condition across western states affects 2023 hydropower outlook

April 27, 2023

U.S. natural gas production and LNG exports will likely grow through 2050 in AEO2023

April 19, 2023

Forecast retail gasoline prices for summer 2023 will be lower than last summer

April 13, 2023

U.S. electric capacity mix shifts from fossil fuels to renewables in AEO2023

April 11, 2023

U.S. associated natural gas production will likely grow through 2050 in our AEO2023

April 6, 2023

EIA explores effects of Inflation Reduction Act on the Annual Energy Outlook

April 5, 2023

Product Highlight: EIA’s Short-Term Energy Outlook

April 4, 2023

U.S. production of petroleum and other liquids to be driven by international demand

April 3, 2023

U.S. energy consumption increases between 0% and 15% by 2050

March 16, 2023

EIA projects that U.S. energy-related CO2 emissions will fall through 2050 in AEO2023

February 13, 2023

EIA forecasts U.S. refinery utilization to average more than 90% in 2023 and 2024

January 25, 2023

U.S. crude oil production will increase to new records in 2023 and 2024

January 19, 2023

Increasing renewables likely to reduce coal and natural gas generation over next two years

January 18, 2023

EIA forecasts lower wholesale U.S. natural gas prices in 2023 and 2024

January 12, 2023

EIA expects U.S. gasoline and diesel retail prices to decline in 2023 and 2024

December 12, 2022

Natural gas consumption in the industrial sector has grown slowly in recent years

December 9, 2022

U.S. dry natural gas production set monthly records in 2022; we forecast an annual record

December 6, 2022

Product Highlight: EIA’s Hourly Electric Grid Monitor

November 9, 2022

EIA now expects U.S. natural gas prices to average above $6.00/MMBtu this winter

October 20, 2022

Households primarily heating with heating oil or propane will likely pay more this winter

October 17, 2022

U.S. natural gas bills will increase in all regions this winter

September 16, 2022

EIA forecasts East Coast gasoline inventories will build by the end of 2022

September 14, 2022

EIA forecasts record U.S. natural gas consumption in 2022

August 19, 2022

EIA workshops explore international energy analysis improvements

August 17, 2022

EIA expects production of global liquid fuels to outpace consumption in 2022

August 16, 2022

EIA expects renewables to account for 22% of U.S. electricity generation in 2022

July 28, 2022

Extending investment tax credits through 2050 increases U.S. solar generation by 10%

June 21, 2022

EIA expects nine new Gulf of Mexico natural gas and crude oil fields to start in 2022

June 17, 2022

EIA forecasts growing liquid fuels production in Brazil, Canada, and China through 2023

June 16, 2022

EIA expects significant increases in wholesale electricity prices this summer

June 9, 2022

EIA expects U.S. natural gas prices to remain high through 2022

June 8, 2022

EIA explores effects of weather projections on energy consumption in buildings

June 3, 2022

NERC assessment highlights potential electricity reliability concern for central U.S.

April 4, 2022

EIA explores effects of not building future interstate natural gas pipelines

March 24, 2022

EIA projects U.S. renewable diesel supply to surpass biodiesel in AEO2022

March 21, 2022

EIA projects U.S. energy-related CO2 emissions to fall in the near term, then rise

March 18, 2022

EIA projects that renewable generation will supply 44% of U.S. electricity by 2050

March 16, 2022

EIA expects crude oil prices higher than $100 per barrel in coming months

March 3, 2022

EIA projects U.S. energy consumption will grow through 2050, driven by economic growth

February 23, 2022

Mixed water supply conditions in the Northwest affect 2022 hydropower outlook

February 17, 2022

U.S. marketed natural gas production forecast to rise in 2022 and 2023

February 16, 2022

U.S. crude oil production forecast to rise in 2022 and 2023 to record-high levels

January 28, 2022

EIA forecasts OPEC production will grow in 2022 despite recent production outages in Libya

January 18, 2022

New renewable power plants are reducing U.S. electricity generation from natural gas

January 14, 2022

EIA forecasts natural gas prices to remain near $4/MMBtu in 2022, slightly lower in 2023

January 13, 2022

EIA expects gasoline and diesel prices to fall in 2022 and 2023 as demand growth slows

January 12, 2022

EIA forecasts crude oil prices will fall in 2022 and 2023

December 16, 2021

EIA forecasts U.S. natural gas production will establish a new monthly record high in 2022

November 18, 2021

EIA forecasts crude oil prices will decline during 2022

November 16, 2021

Solar generation was 3% of U.S. electricity in 2020, but we project it will be 20% by 2050

October 25, 2021

EIA forecasts U.S. winter natural gas bills will be 30% higher than last winter

October 6, 2021

EIA projects accelerating renewable consumption and steady liquid fuels growth to 2050

July 15, 2021

Brent crude oil price forecast to average $72 per barrel in the second half of 2021

June 15, 2021

Growing global production limits crude oil price increases in the most recent forecast

May 26, 2021

EIA lowers its forecast of India’s oil demand because of rising COVID-19 cases

May 12, 2021

EIA forecasts less natural gas-fired electricity generation this summer

April 9, 2021

More gasoline expected to be consumed this summer than last, but not more than in 2019

February 17, 2021

EIA forecasts the U.S. will import more petroleum than it exports in 2021 and 2022

February 8, 2021

EIA projects renewables share of U.S. electricity generation mix will double by 2050

January 19, 2021

EIA forecasts less power generation from natural gas as a result of rising fuel costs

December 18, 2020

Several EIA products show what’s happening in current energy markets

November 2, 2020

EIA forecasts more residential natural gas consumption this winter than last

October 21, 2020

EIA forecasts slightly higher U.S. propane consumption this winter season

July 20, 2020

EIA forecasts U.S. petroleum demand will remain below 2019 levels for several more months

July 8, 2020

Mixed water supply conditions affect summer 2020 hydropower outlook in Pacific Northwest

May 26, 2020

EIA forecasts lower U.S. natural gas consumption in 2020

May 15, 2020

EIA expects lower natural gas production in 2020

May 14, 2020

EIA forecasts U.S. crude oil production to fall in 2020 and 2021

March 30, 2020

Several EIA products show what’s happening in current energy markets

March 13, 2020

EIA projects air-conditioning energy use to grow faster than any other use in buildings

March 9, 2020

EIA projects U.S. biofuel production to slowly increase through 2050

March 6, 2020

EIA’s long-term power plant projections trade off the cost and value of new capacity

February 24, 2020

EIA forecasts natural gas inventories will reach record levels later this year

February 18, 2020

EIA revises global liquid fuels demand growth down because of the coronavirus

January 21, 2020

EIA forecasts crude oil prices will fall in the first half of 2020, then rise through 2021

November 21, 2019

EIA increases U.S. crude oil production forecast for 2019 and 2020

October 8, 2019

Winter energy bills in the United States likely to be lower than last year’s

September 17, 2019

Natural gas and wind forecast to be fastest growing sources of U.S. electricity generation

April 17, 2019

Summer 2019 gasoline prices forecast to be lower than last summer

April 2, 2019

U.S. refinery runs hit fifth consecutive annual record high in 2018

January 16, 2019

EIA forecasts world crude oil prices to rise gradually, averaging $65 per barrel in 2020

October 24, 2018

Resumption of Iran sanctions adds uncertainty to crude oil and gasoline price forecasts

October 10, 2018

U.S. home heating bills likely to be slightly higher this winter

August 13, 2018

U.S. refineries running at near-record highs

August 9, 2018

Higher economic growth in Africa could lead to more energy use, especially in industry

July 26, 2018

EIA’s Short-Term Energy Outlook adds natural gas and hydrocarbon gas liquids charts

July 25, 2018

China’s projected energy consumption mainly depends on its overall growth rate

July 19, 2018

Crossover utility vehicles overtake cars as the most popular light-duty vehicle type

July 11, 2018

Natural gas-fired electricity generation this summer expected to be near record high

July 2, 2018

Coal plant retirements and high summer electricity demand lower Texas reserve margin

June 27, 2018

EIA expects 2018 gasoline prices have peaked

June 18, 2018

Adoption of autonomous vehicles could increase U.S. transportation energy consumption

May 15, 2018

Tax credits and solar tariffs affect timing of projected renewable power plant deployment

May 10, 2018

EIA raises crude oil, gasoline price forecasts for 2018

May 8, 2018

Future of U.S. nuclear power fleet depends mostly on natural gas prices, carbon policies

April 16, 2018

U.S. natural gas production and consumption increase in nearly all AEO2018 cases

April 9, 2018

U.S. crude oil production growth projected to be led by light, sweet crude oil

March 30, 2018

EIA projects that U.S. coal demand will remain flat for several decades

March 6, 2018

Positive U.S. ethanol margins are driving ethanol production growth

February 22, 2018

Tight oil remains the leading source of future U.S. crude oil production

February 12, 2018

The United States is projected to become a net energy exporter in most AEO2018 cases

February 7, 2018

Future U.S. electricity generation mix will depend largely on natural gas prices

February 6, 2018

EIA’s latest Annual Energy Outlook projects rising production, relatively flat consumption

January 25, 2018

EIA expects 2018 and 2019 natural gas prices to remain relatively flat

January 18, 2018

EIA expects total U.S. fossil fuel production to reach record levels in 2018 and 2019

October 12, 2017

Energy-related carbon dioxide emissions expected to fall in 2017 but rise in 2018

October 11, 2017

Winter heating costs likely to be higher this winter than last winter

October 10, 2017

Buildings energy consumption in India is expected to increase faster than in other regions

September 14, 2017

EIA projects 28% increase in world energy use by 2040

August 1, 2017

Maritime chokepoints are critical to global energy security

July 17, 2017

Retail price of regular gasoline forecast to average $2.38 per gallon this summer

July 13, 2017

Brent and WTI crude oil prices expected to average about $50 per barrel through 2018

July 11, 2017

EIA adds small-scale solar photovoltaic forecasts to its monthly Short-Term Energy Outlook

June 26, 2017

Future coal production depends on resources and technology, not just policy choices

May 23, 2017

Fuel economy improvements are projected to reduce future gasoline use

May 12, 2017

U.S. nuclear capacity and generation expected to decline as existing generators retire

May 3, 2017

Power plants’ costs and value to the grid are not easily reflected using simple metrics

April 18, 2017

EIA expects natural gas to be largest source of U.S. electricity generation this summer

March 2, 2017

Projected carbon dioxide emissions are sensitive to factors driving fossil fuel use

January 12, 2017

Crude oil prices expected to increase slightly through 2017 and 2018

October 13, 2016

Winter heating bills likely to increase, but still remain below recent winters

July 13, 2016

Retail price of regular gasoline forecast to average $2.25 per gallon this summer

July 11, 2016

EIA projects rise in U.S. crude oil and other liquid fuels production beyond 2017

July 6, 2016

Clean Power Plan implementation choices by states could affect electricity generation mix

June 28, 2016

Extended policies case shows reduced energy use, emissions, more renewables, efficiency

June 7, 2016

Most natural gas production growth is expected to come from shale gas and tight oil plays

June 2, 2016

Higher renewable capacity additions in AEO2016 reflect policy changes and cost reductions

May 27, 2016

U.S. retail gasoline prices lowest since 2009 ahead of Memorial Day weekend

May 26, 2016

Industrial and electric power sectors drive projected growth in U.S. natural gas use

May 17, 2016

EIA’s Annual Energy Outlook is a projection, not a prediction

May 12, 2016

EIA projects 48% increase in world energy consumption by 2040

April 20, 2016

Expected decrease in Lower 48 oil production is partially offset by rising GOM output

March 24, 2016

EIA reviews and enhances data and projections for wind and solar electricity

October 6, 2015

Household heating costs are expected to be lower than previous two winters

September 21, 2015

U.S. propane inventories are at an all-time high

September 2, 2015

Effects of removing U.S. crude export restrictions depend on price, resource assumptions

August 19, 2015

EIA lowers crude oil price forecast through 2016

June 4, 2015

Increases in U.S. crude oil production are predominantly light, sweet crude

June 3, 2015

Levelized cost comparisons help explain value of various electric generation technologies

May 27, 2015

Under the proposed Clean Power Plan, natural gas, then renewables, gain generation share

May 26, 2015

Proposed Clean Power Plan rule cuts power sector CO2 emissions to lowest level since 1980s

May 22, 2015

U.S. retail gasoline prices lowest since 2009 heading into Memorial Day weekend

May 11, 2015

Projected electric capacity additions are below recent historical levels

April 29, 2015

U.S. energy demand slows except for industrial, commercial sectors

April 28, 2015

Projections show U.S. becoming a net exporter of natural gas

April 21, 2015

Increasing domestic production of crude oil reduces net petroleum imports

April 15, 2015

U.S. energy imports and exports to come into balance for first time since 1950s

April 14, 2015

EIA's Annual Energy Outlook will be released later today

December 16, 2014

U.S. household gasoline expenditures in 2015 on track to be the lowest in 11 years

November 26, 2014

U.S. gasoline prices this Thanksgiving are the lowest since 2009

November 12, 2014

Increased natural gas production would meet most demand from added LNG exports

November 7, 2014

After record injections, natural gas storage levels now within 7% of 5-year average

October 7, 2014

Less severe weather means lower expected household heating bills this winter

September 11, 2014

Despite decline in some regions, world oil consumption still seen rising

September 10, 2014

EIA's forecast of 2014 gasoline use has risen 2 billion gallons (1.6%) in past 10 months

July 30, 2014

Oil prices drive projected enhanced oil recovery using carbon dioxide

July 28, 2014

Natural gas injection season continues on pace for record refill

July 16, 2014

EIA projects modest needs for new electric generation capacity

June 13, 2014

Projected growth in natural gas-fired generation is influenced by resource availability

June 9, 2014

Power sector CO2 emissions sensitive to policy changes and natural gas supply

June 4, 2014

NOAA predicts relatively quiet Atlantic hurricane season

April 9, 2014

Summer average gasoline price expected to be close to last year's level

March 19, 2014

LED bulb efficiency expected to continue improving as cost declines

February 14, 2014

AEO2014 projects more coal-fired power plant retirements by 2016 than have been scheduled

February 12, 2014

EIA releases assessment of short-term uncertainties for global oil supply

February 7, 2014

Reduced water supply forecast affects hydropower outlook in Pacific Northwest

February 6, 2014

Current drought reduces hydro generation forecast for California

January 13, 2014

U.S. energy-related CO2 emissions in 2013 expected to be 2% higher than in 2012

December 16, 2013

Increased tight oil production, vehicle efficiency reduce petroleum and liquid imports

December 3, 2013

Future world energy demand driven by trends in developing countries

October 8, 2013

Heating costs for most households are forecast to rise from last winter’s level

September 4, 2013

Trends in natural gas storage capacity utilization vary by region

August 9, 2013

China poised to become the world’s largest net oil importer later this year

July 25, 2013

EIA projects world energy consumption will increase 56% by 2040

June 4, 2013

Bulk chemicals industry uses 5% of U.S. energy

May 22, 2013

Extended tax credits could raise projected renewable electricity capacity and generation

May 3, 2013

Transportation fuel use is a key factor in the outlook for U.S. oil imports

April 30, 2013

Extending current energy policies would reduce U.S. energy use, carbon dioxide emissions

April 25, 2013

Long-term outlook for nuclear generation depends on lifetime of existing capacity

April 23, 2013

Future power market shares of coal, natural gas generators depend on relative fuel prices

April 17, 2013

Abundant U.S. supply, low demand could cut dependence on liquid fuel imports

April 15, 2013

EIA releases additional Annual Energy Outlook 2013 content

April 10, 2013

Average summer gasoline prices expected to be slightly lower than in 2012

March 22, 2013

U.S. economy and electricity demand growth are linked, but relationship is changing

February 21, 2013

Dry January lowers the Pacific Northwest water supply forecast for April through September

February 15, 2013

EIA now delivers monthly electricity data in interactive data browser

December 20, 2012

U.S. could become the world’s top liquid fuels producer, but how much does it matter?

December 7, 2012

EIA projections for carbon dioxide emissions reflect changes in key drivers

December 5, 2012

EIA projections show U.S. energy production growing faster than consumption through 2040

November 16, 2012

Population shifts across U.S. regions affect overall heating and cooling needs

October 23, 2012

U.S. coal exports on record pace in 2012, fueled by steam coal growth

October 10, 2012

U.S. households forecast to use more heating fuels this winter compared with last winter

September 14, 2012

Projected Alaska North Slope oil production at risk beyond 2025 if oil prices drop sharply

August 27, 2012

Projected natural gas prices depend on shale gas resource economics

July 2, 2012

EIA’s AEO2012 includes analysis of breakthroughs in vehicle battery technology

June 28, 2012

AEO2012 considers three cases for the future of world oil prices

June 25, 2012

AEO2012 has energy projections and analyses of legislation, regulations, and side cases

February 28, 2012

EIA projects U.S. non-hydro renewable power generation increases, led by wind and biomass

February 22, 2012

Pacific Northwest water supply forecast to be near or below normal for 2012

February 10, 2012

Natural gas and renewable shares of electricity generation to grow, coal still largest

January 26, 2012

Domestic supply of liquid fuels projected to increase, resulting in fewer imports

January 24, 2012

U.S. energy use projected to grow slowly and become less carbon-intensive

January 23, 2012

EIA issues AEO2012 Early Release

November 14, 2011

Strong finish to 2011 natural gas storage injection season on Oct. 31

October 25, 2011

High heating oil prices discourage heating oil supply contracts for the upcoming winter

October 12, 2011

EIA projects record winter household heating oil prices in the Northeast

September 28, 2011

Renewable energy shows strongest growth in global electric generating capacity

September 19, 2011

China and India account for half of global energy growth through 2035

July 14, 2011

Colombia's oil production at highest level since 1999

May 27, 2011

AEO Issues in Focus: Effects of different oil price paths

May 26, 2011

Coal likely to remain most prevalent fuel for electricity generation

May 24, 2011

Capital costs have major impact on projected power sector investments

May 13, 2011

Electricity resource planners credit only a fraction of potential wind capacity

May 3, 2011

Continuation and expansion of efficiency programs could mitigate carbon dioxide emissions

May 2, 2011

Additional appliance standards could significantly reduce residential energy use

April 26, 2011

Annual Energy Outlook 2011 contains extensive analysis of side cases

April 13, 2011

The outlook for transportation fuel markets this summer

March 24, 2011

Electric grid planners: demand response and energy efficiency to increase

March 23, 2011

Incandescent bulbs still play a role in the future of lighting

February 10, 2011

EIA projects rapid growth in unconventional vehicle sales