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EFFecting Change Livestream Series: How to Protest with Privacy in Mind

Deeplinks Blog

Deeplinks Blog

Record Labels Use P2P to Promote CD Sales

Some folks keep asking why more artists aren't breaking into the mainstream through file sharing. This article suggests that they are--but that the record labels are taking all the credit:
"Record-label executives discreetly use Garland's research firm, BigChampagne, and other services to track which songs are traded online...

Listening to Larry

We would certainly be remiss if we didn't point you to AKMA's project to spread Larry Lessig's Free Culture to the four corners of the Internet. He's now in the process of recruiting volunteers to record portions of the book and make them available as digital audio files;...

RFID "Security": Point/Counterpoint

BusinessWeek published an interview last week with Scott McGregor of Phillips Semiconductor. Phillips is a leader in developing radio frequency identification (RFID) technology; Mr. McGregor breezily waves away concerns about the impact RFID use would have on privacy.
EFF's Chris Palmer took a quick look...

Free Speech banner, an colorful graphic representation of a megaphone

Ch.4 on Profanity

At a time when the FCC is working itself into a lather over the notion that the "f-word" might be spoken on the air, it's good to be reminded that not all countries share our obsession with George Carlin's famous list of words. The UK's Channel 4 crafted an...

"Eldred" III

First there was Eldred v. Ashcroft, in which Internet publisher Eric Eldred challenged Congress's power to extend the term of copyright seemingly ad infinitum--and failed. Then there was Golan v. Ashcroft, in which music conductor Lawrence Golan continues to fight Congress's "restoration" of copyrights to works that have...

Privacy issue banner, a colorful graphical representation of a padlock

How PATRIOT Threatens Online Civil Liberties

Under PATRIOT, civil liberties, especially privacy rights, have taken a severe blow:
The law dramatically expands the ability of states and the Federal Government to conduct surveillance of American citizens. The Government can monitor an individual's web surfing records, use roving wiretaps to monitor phone calls made by individuals...

EFF Analysis of the Security and Freedom Ensured Act (S. 1709)

Supported by a bipartisan coalition of lawmakers and advocacy groups, the Security and Freedom Ensured Act (SAFE) seeks to correct some of the excesses in the hastily enacted USA PATRIOT Act, which granted broad new powers to law enforcement. SAFE aims to protect Americans’ civil liberties by making modest but...


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