Bayerisches Landesamt für Gesundheit und Lebensmittelsicherheit (LGL)

acknowledged by EPIET acknowledged by EUPHEM available for next EPIET cohort available for next EUPHEM cohort
Bavarian Health and Food Safety Authority, Veterinärstr. 2, DE-85764, Oberschleißheim, and Lazarettstrasse 67, DE 80636 Munich

Contact person

Andreas Sing
Tel. + 49 9131 6808 5814
Email: [email protected]

Merle Böhmer (FETP/PAE alumni)
Tel. + 49 9131 6808 5634
Email: [email protected]

Katharina Katz
Tel. + 49 9131 6808 5251
Email: [email protected]

Description of the institute

The German healthcare system is organised according to Germany’s federal structure with the main responsibility for health care and health related intervention measures resting at the level of the federal states. The Bavarian Health and Food Safety Authority (LGL) is Bavaria’s central authority for public health, food safety, veterinary medicine, occupational safety and product safety. The LGL conducts application-oriented research and provides expert advice and support for the Bavarian State Ministry of Health and Care. Both human and veterinary laboratories for virology, bacteriology and parasitology are on site at the LGL. The LGL hosts also the German National Reference Laboratories for Borrelia and Diphtheria and the WHO Collaborating Centre for Diphtheria.

The fellow will mainly be working at the LGL Department of Infectious disease epidemiology, which is located in Munich’s city centre. There is also the possibility of collaborations with the Department for Public Health Microbiology, whose laboratories are located in Oberschleißheim. Oberschleißheim (twenty-minute ride away from Munich’s city centre) and also from the Munich International Airport.

The EPIET fellow would work at the Department of Epidemiology, which is a young team currently comprising of eleven epidemiologists (of which 5 are alumni of the EPIET/EUPHEM/FETP programme), two statisticians and two administrative employees.

The tasks of the department are:

  • Surveillance
  • Communicable disease control
  • Outbreak investigations
  • Epidemiological research
  • Advice and support for local health authorities
  • Education, training and teaching for public health professionals and university students (in the fields of Medicine, Epidemiology, and Public Health) 
  • Policy and strategy advice for the Bavarian Ministry of Health
  • Risk management, including risk and crisis communication
  • Data management
  • 24h on-call duty for infectious disease emergencies.


Training opportunities

Projects for the EPIET fellow:

Projects will cover the whole range of activities listed above, which may be carried out in close collaboration with the LGL laboratories where necessary.

As Bavaria is a large state with over 13 million inhabitants and 76 local health authorities, the fellow will have plenty of opportunities for epidemiological studies (development and/or implementation), outbreak investigations, and the development and/or evaluation of surveillance systems.

The fellow will also have the option to do a week-long internship with a local health authority of their choice to gain additional insights into the local health system.

As the Department of Epidemiology is in close contact to the human, veterinary and food safety laboratories on site, the fellow will be able to experience the daily routine of a range of diagnostic and reference laboratories.

The fellow will also be involved in training, teaching, health communication, and media work.

As an EPIET fellow at the LGL you will also have the opportunity to enroll in the Master of Science in Applied Epidemiology, which is run in collaboration with Charité University Medicine in Berlin.

The following office facilities are available to fellows: one’s own desk (usually in a shared room), all necessary computer and communication equipment, internet access and access to an extensive on-site library including a large variety of electronic and printed media.

Training supervision

Project and day-by-day supervision will be provided by the department’s epidemiologists. Additionally a senior epidemiologist will support the fellow as a mentor during the whole EPIET-training period.

Language requirements

German (working knowledge) and English.

Training history

Number of EPIET and PAE fellows trained at institute: Ten (2007, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2013, 2018 (n=2), 2020, 2021 (n=2))
Number of EPIET and PAE fellows currently under training: One (PAE Cohort 2022)

If you would like an insider’s view, please feel free to contact alumni and current fellows:

Page last updated: 2 Feb 2024