Contact Us

Contact DREMC

Email us at your convenience at [email protected].

Please note: DREMC’s normal business hours are weekdays from 8 AM until 5 PM. Outages are reported automatically via your advanced meter, and you can report details related to an outage (fallen tree across the power line, visible equipment damage, etc.) by calling any DREMC office. Outage locations can be viewed here or with the mobile app. 

Our Locations

DREMC Headquarters

P O Box 89
1411 Madison St.
Shelbyville, TN 37160
Daytime Phone: (931) 684-4621

Chapel Hill 

P O Box 286
4637 Nashville Hwy.
Chapel Hill, TN 37034
Daytime: (931) 364-4700
After hours: (931) 364-4747


P O Box 1226
798 New Lewisburg Hwy.
Columbia, TN 38401
Daytime: (931) 388-3131
After hours: (931) 388-3482


P O Box 467
1738 Decherd Blvd.
Decherd, TN 37324
Daytime: (931) 967-5578
After hours: (931) 967-5579


P O Box 1099
991 South Ellington Pkwy.
Lewisburg, TN 37091
Daytime: (931) 359-2536
After hours: (931) 359-2537


P O Box 179
697 South Main St.
Lynchburg, TN 37352
Daytime: (931) 759-7344
After hours: (931) 759-7371


P O Box 1139
209 East Fort St.
Manchester, TN 37355
Daytime: (931) 728-7547
After hours: (931) 728-7548


P O Box 70
13083 Sollace M. Freeman Hwy.
Sewanee, TN 37375
Daytime: (931) 598-5228
After hours: (931) 598-5129


P O Box 89
1411 Madison St.
Shelbyville, TN 37160
Daytime: (931) 684-4621
After hours: (931) 684-4623