Starting 2025, feministische studien will be transferred to Gold Open Access on a year-by-year basis. All articles will thus immediately appear under the Creative Commons license CC-BY. There will be no publication costs for the authors. The Open Access transformation is based on Subscribe-to-Open, an alternative model that enables the full Open Access transformation of journals through the continuation of existing subscriptions. The prerequisite for successful transformation is that subscriptions are continued to the same extent as before. The editors of feministische studien and the publisher De Gruyter would therefore like to thank all subscribers for their support, which has made the transformation to Open Access possible.
For over 40 years the journal feministische studien has been one of the leading inter- and transdisciplinary forums for Women- and Gender Studies in the German-speaking countries.
The journal feministische studien addresses social changes critically, engages in scholarly and public debates, and gives impetus for current controversies.
One aim is to promote new views but also to give rise to changes in practice: issues with a special focus – e.g. „Zukunftsbilanz: Transnationale Feminismen 25 Jahre nach Peking" [Transnational feminisms 25 years after Beijing] (issue 1/2020) take up relevant topics and social questions or respond to new forms of thinking and new practices, e.g. under the title „Subjektivierungsweisen des Digitalen" [Modes of subjectivation of the digital] (issue 2/2022).
On the occasion of the fortieth anniversary, the issue „Woher wir kommen" [Where we come from] (issue 1/2022) turns to the history of the magazine and the changing generations of its editors. The 41st volume, with both volumes „Feministisches Erinnern: Politiken, Praktiken, Kämpfe" [Feminist Remembering: Policies, Practices, Struggles] and „Feministisches Erinnern II: Kontroversen, Allianzen, Zukünfte" [Feminist Remembering II: Controversies, Alliances, Futures], is dedicated to a broad and explosive topic that is examined from a power-critical perspective.
The printed version of feministische studien is published twice a year, in May and November. Our comprehensive index makes it possible to find specific articles with the help of a list of keywords and authors’ names.
The feministische studien have always regarded themselves as a place for critical reflection of feminist movements and articulations: Our blog (, introduced in November 2014, intends to complement the journal with up-to-date contributions to current issues, to encourage the dialog between different feminist generations and to invite to enter into conversations with our authors and us.
We wish you intellectual and political stimulation reading our journal or the blog and are looking forward to your response.
The Editors
To the current issue