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Ecuador, Mexico rift unveils complex puzzle

Approaches to organized crime and political empathies collide

In the late hours of April 5, an Ecuadorian police squad entered the Mexican Embassy in Quito to capture a former vice president who, hours earlier, had been granted political asylum. In the immediate aftermath, Mexico severed diplomatic ties.

Storming an embassy is a diplomatic no-no of the highest order. So why does Ecuador risk international condemnation from its Latin American neighbors, whose support it needs as it fights well-organized criminal groups?

The answer highlights the ways in which Ecuador and Mexico are taking different approaches to drug trafficking. Mexico has been dealing with cartels for decades, while in Ecuador, the fight, at least in the open, is new.


Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador was outraged after the embassy raid. He is seeking sanctions at all available international forums. None have obliged, but they have condemned Ecuador’s actions.


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Was this sloppy diplomacy or a political gamble? Probably a bit of both. It is not the first time that Ecuador’s young president, Daniel Noboa, has reacted viscerally, and without a career diplomat in his inner circle, he probably didn’t weigh the consequences. But it was a short-term political win in the days before a national referendum, last Sunday, that granted him more constitutional tools to fight the drug gangs.

Noboa, 36, had reason to be outraged, too. Mexico was using an asylum treaty that, in theory, should not apply to someone who has been tried and sentenced.


The politician claiming political persecution is none other than Jorge Glas. The former vice president has been sentenced twice in separate bribery trials and was serving his time in jail. But then a judge released him from prison. Glas, 54, is also former Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa’s closest ally. Correa himself was also sentenced in a bribery scheme and is considered a fugitive. He lives in Belgium with refugee status.

But let’s press rewind here. To understand the events of April, we need to go back to Dec. 14, when Diana Salazar, the Ecuadorian attorney general, executed an operation known as Metastasis that led to the arrests of high-profile politicians, judges and lawyers, all linked to a drug trafficker. Among the arrested were a former police chief, the president of the Judicial Council in charge of naming judges, and Emerson Curipallo, the judge who had freed Glas.

Metastasis was based on information gathered from cellphones belonging to Leandro Norero, a drug trafficker who was murdered in prison in 2022. The information revealed a complex network in which the drug trafficker bribed judges, lawyers and police officers. It also unveiled the degree to which drug trafficking had penetrated the political sphere, including legislators. The cellphone chats, and one witness, revealed that Norero was actively seeking Glas’ freedom.


There is no way to establish a direct link between Correa and the drug lords, but there is plenty of room for suspicion. They usually have the same lawyers, and the same judges that freed presumed drug traffickers also benefited Glas. The day Metastasis was executed, Correa warned his allies using his X account, and at least one of the suspects was able to escape authorities. In the days after Metastasis was announced, Glas asked for asylum at the Mexican Embassy.

Drug trafficking in Ecuador thrived during the Correa government (2007-2017), taking advantage of policies that dismantled a special police unit, stripped autonomy from an agency in charge of controlled substances and declared that only low-level drug trafficking would be a priority. Correa also ended an agreement for a U.S. base in the port of Manta that helped in drug surveillance. In 2009, Correa was photographed with Norero during an event leading up to a peace process with two gang groups, led by his government. Correa’s political party remains strong with a majority in Congress.

In the 2000s two Mexican cartels, Sinaloa and Jalisco Nueva Generación, established agreements with Ecuadorian gangs that allowed for a boom in the cocaine trade. The cartels take advantage of Ecuador’s geography, next to top cocaine producers Colombia and Peru, a dollarized economy, weak law enforcement and corruption.

Metastasis was a coup against the drug gangs, and the reaction was expected, as Salazar warned Ecuadorians. On Jan. 9, the gangs took to the streets wreaking havoc all over the country, including kidnappings, car bombs, police killings and a rampage of misinformation on social media. The prisons, where the criminal operations are orchestrated, were also rioting. A group stormed a TV channel in Guayaquil during a live newscast and kidnapped dozens of people, including journalists.

Noboa, who ran on a platform of job creation and economic growth, had to pivot to national security. He swiftly declared the nation under internal armed conflict, naming 22 gangs as terrorists. This move allowed the military to intervene and empower the police. The kidnapped journalists were freed after swift police action and, in the following days, the Ecuadorian armed forces regained control of the prisons.

Since January, joint military and police operations have captured several gang members and seized enormous quantities of cash and weapons. The U.S. announced a $93 million package to help Ecuador in its security crisis by providing intelligence and military equipment, including helicopters.

Ecuadorians have mostly applauded the military’s presence in the streets. There is some relative peace, but extortions continue and the gangs remain powerful. Just this month, the mayors of two mining towns were murdered. These killings took place days before the national referendum in which voters approved, among other things, extradition. The timing of these murders seems to indicate they were meant as reminders of the reach of the cartels. Indeed, the referendum failed in one province where drug traffickers hold sway.

Los Lobos, a powerful group allied with the Jalisco Nueva Generación cartel, is known for using illegal mining of gold to launder drug money. Los Lobos is also believed to be behind the murder of a presidential candidate last August. Fernando Villavicencio was the most outspoken politician against corruption and the Correa administration. His investigations led to Salazar’s inquiries against drug traffickers, but also against high-profile politicians like Glas. The Metastasis cellphone chats revealed that Norero also tried to silence Villavicencio, who was murdered at a campaign rally.


In the days before the Mexican embassy incident, López Obrador mentioned Villavicencio in one of his daily press conferences. He espoused one of Correa’s twisted theories, that Villavicencio was killed by his own political allies.

AMLO’s provocation led to the expulsion of the Mexican ambassador from Quito. López Obrador responded by granting asylum to Glas.

The embassy incident gave some credibility to Correa, who has argued that Ecuadorian authorities have been using “lawfare” to discredit him. Also, Ecuador is not exactly known for its independence of justice. But Glas and Correa’s trials presented abundant evidence of corruption.

On April 10, in Miami, during a federal trial against Carlos Pólit, a former official of the Correa administration, a key witness who worked for Brazilian construction company Odebrecht revealed that he bribed Glas to the tune of $18 million. So much for “lawfare.”


The same day, in Quito, in the proceeding against Wilman Terán, the former president of the judicial council, a witness revealed that Terán was working with Correa to free Glas, but also to oust Salazar, the attorney general. Correa’s party has been leading efforts to impeach Salazar, the first Black woman to be attorney general in Ecuador, and likely the most respected public official in Ecuador, with the ultimate objective of nullifying Correa’s trial.

There are no proven links between Correa and the drug lords, but they clearly share the same objectives. For the criminal groups, having Correa or one of his allies back in power benefits their business.

This brings us back to López Obrador, who has openly aligned with Correa. Regarding drug policy, López Obrador has not been a reliable partner to the U.S., even undermining cooperation with the Drug Enforcement Agency’s efforts. His soft approach to criminal activity, known as “Hugs, not Bullets” has backfired and allowed cartels to thrive with their fentanyl business.

The New York Times revealed that the U.S. did look into López Obrador’s ties to drug traffickers but ultimately decided not to pursue the investigation.


Drug traffickers have put Ecuador on the verge of collapse and in Mexico they control up to 40% of the territory, according to U.S. officials. Is this the status quo we want?

López Obrador is right to be outraged by the police assault on the Mexican Embassy. This should not have happened between democracies. But by granting asylum to someone like Glas, and other former Correa officials, he has undercut Mexico’s otherwise laudable diplomatic history, which protected real political victims during the Spanish Civil War and the abominable South American dictatorships in the 1970s.

A question worth asking the Mexican president is, if Correa or one of his allies is allowed to get back in power in Ecuador, who really benefits?

Part of our series The Unraveling of Latin America. This essay discusses the implications of a police raid in the Mexican embassy of Quito and what it means for the larger struggle against organized crime.


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