Counties review election processes and certification of votes
SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (Dakota News Now) - Life has been moving on for many since Tuesday’s election, but for county and state officials, the work of certifying the election count continues.
At the County Administration Building in Sioux Falls, those attending the canvas meeting were grateful to all who helped.
Despite the tabulation continuing into the next afternoon, the count’s accuracy is seen by many as a success.
“Minnehaha County held a very successful general election. Our voter turnout was great, at about 70% based on active registered voters of 136,817,” said Minnehaha County Auditor Leah Anderson.
Commissioners reviewed election results and randomly selected precinct totals to review, with the help of Anderson.
“Binders that contain the registration list, the poll list, if you want to compare those, and I also provided recap sheets,” Anderson explained.
With nearly 30,000 absentee ballots to process and count, the hours grew into a two-day event.
“That definitely slowed us down in the resolution process,” Anderson said.
Commissioners, including Gerald Beninga, heard how long county employees processed ballots.
“Thirty-three hours straight is incredible, and it’s almost ridiculous that we would do that,” Beninga said.
Election worker Reone Ullman stayed for 17 hours.
“I would have stayed if I could, but I could no longer write and keep my eyes straight because the absentee takes along. Shorten the time. 45 days, or whatever it is, is way too long,” Ullman said.
While legislative action would need to change absentee voting time frames, Beninga said upcoming commission meetings can review other procedures to hopefully lighten the load of election workers.
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