Agatha Desde Sempre: Entrevista com Kathryn, Joe Locke e a produtora Mary Livanos

  • last month
00:00Hi everyone!
00:02I love your mirror placement.
00:03Thank you!
00:04I thought this had the mood.
00:06A little bit.
00:11We all love Agatha, and now we get to love Thien, which is kind of a goth version of
00:15Peter Parker and Kamala Khan.
00:18Can you guys talk a little bit about the relationship between your characters?
00:21Yeah, I mean it's a very complicated relationship.
00:24It starts with Thien coming to Agatha to warning her to take him on the road.
00:28Throughout the series, I feel like there's a really huge arc and shift in their relationship,
00:32which was really so much fun to play.
00:34The characters, we go to some quite vulnerable and hard places at times, and I think it was
00:38just great being able to work with Catherine on that, because she's just wonderful.
00:41Agatha all along has a lot of comedy in music, but is also kind of weird and scary at the
00:47same time, which I love.
00:49How is it like to explore horror, but in a Marvel sort of way?
00:53We were given a lot of freedom.
00:56At least on the cast level, I'm sure there were other people that had to deal with it,
01:00but I certainly was never thinking of it in Marvel terms.
01:04We just saw the scripts in front of us, the world that was created for us, and just kind
01:08of played the play that was written.
01:10We just couldn't believe that we were able to do what we were doing, honestly.
01:13It was very exciting.
01:15It's just really fun to be able to play in the sort of horror corner of the MCU, but
01:22we're also still playing in the sort of WandaVision sandbox of the MCU.
01:27What I love about this show is like WandaVision, it had many, many different tones to it.
01:32And certainly we strongly celebrate horror and fantasy, but we have such an incredible
01:39cast full of incredibly funny women.
01:41That shines through as well.
01:43Which was the funniest part of being a witch alongside people like Aubrey Plaza and Patti
01:49It was just, everyone kept upping the game and the stakes, and because everybody was
01:56so powerful, like there was a lot of obstacles, which was, as an actor, a dream, because everyone
02:02was on their own really specific journey.
02:04It was really rich.
02:06Casting Miss Coven was a daunting task, I won't lie.
02:09What I can say is when each of the actors, when we saw tape or the readings or their
02:15name would come up, it was like we knew.
02:18These actors so perfectly embody what we had envisioned for each of these wholly original
02:24They came in, made them their own, and there's just a really wonderful alchemy that happens
02:29when they are all together.
02:31Ryo Vidal, played by Aubrey Plaza, we are so lucky to have her.
02:35Ryo is a character who has a very, very complicated history with Agatha.
02:41They are both very close, but can be enemies at the same time.
02:46When we cast her, she said that this was the role that she was born to play, and it absolutely
02:53She's incredible.
02:54And do you guys remember the first movie or TV show that really scared you?
02:58I remember when I was way too young to watching horror films, me and my friend watching the
03:02first Conjuring film.
03:04Oh, it's terrifying.
03:05And the bit where she's in the basement, and like the baby, and oh, terrifying.
03:10But loved it.
03:11I love being scared.
03:12I went to a sleepover party when I was pretty young, and my friend's parents had recently
03:17gotten divorced, and so the dad would do anything.
03:20And so he rented us a movie called The Chopping Mole and The Exorcist.
03:26I had never been scared than The Exorcist.
03:29It was terrifying.
03:31I mean, I think I peed my sleeping bag.
03:34Oh, that's a really fun question.
03:35Thank you for that.
03:36The first movie that really scared me was Signs by M. Night Shyamalan.
03:42Just like the use of silence in that movie, the use of darkness and anticipation.
03:47I'm a big fan of horror as well, as were many of our incredible writers in the writers'
03:52So you'll see a lot of different sorts of influences peppered throughout this show.
03:57Can you talk a little bit about inspirations?
03:59I heard people saying Hocus Pocus, I heard people saying The Goonies.
04:02So many different references were thrown around in the writers' room during the making
04:06of this show.
04:07It's a joy to see little bits and pieces of them throughout the whole show.
04:11Goonies, absolutely.
04:12The Dark Crystal, The NeverEnding Story, Wizard of Oz, Poltergeist, Suspiria.
04:19There's a little bit of everything in here.
04:21And which Marvel character would you cast in your coven, if you could choose?
04:25Black Widow, she's my fave.
04:27For sure.
04:28And also...
04:30It would absolutely be Agatha.
04:31She is fearless and vicious and I would cower behind her gladly.
