Alexei Navalny’s wife issues chilling Putin warning to West

  • 6 months ago
Putin tortured, starved and killed my husband, says Alexei Navalny's wifeSource: European Parliament
00:00 Last Saturday was two years since Putin started a full-scale war against Ukraine.
00:07 A brutal and sneaky war.
00:10 The whole world rushed to Ukraine's aid, but two years passed.
00:16 There is much exhaustion, much blood, much disappointment, and Putin has gone nowhere.
00:24 Money has already been used, weapons, money, sanctions, nothing is working.
00:32 And the worst has happened.
00:34 Everyone got used to the war.
00:37 Here and there people start to say, "Well, we'll have to come to an agreement with Putin
00:43 anyway."
00:45 And then Putin killed my husband, Alexei Navalny.
00:49 On his orders, Alexei was tortured for three years.
00:54 He was starved in a tiny stone cell.
00:59 Cut off from the outside world and denied visits, phone calls, and then even letters.
01:08 And then they killed him.
01:11 Even after that, they abused his body and abused his mother.
01:18 On the one hand, the public murder has once again showed everyone that Putin is capable
01:25 of anything and that you cannot negotiate with him.
