Alexei Navalny's Body Reportedly Missing in Russia; Several Supporters Detained | Oneindia News

  • 7 months ago
The mysterious disappearance of Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny's body from a morgue in Salekhard has sparked global concern. His passing, amid unclear circumstances, prompts accusations of deception from his spokesperson. Navalny's demise leaves a void in Russia's political landscape, drawing condemnation from Western leaders and igniting fears of foul play.

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00:00 More than 24 hours have passed since the news of Russia's opposition leader Alexei Navalny
00:08 came to public.
00:09 However, there is now more to add to this story.
00:12 The perplexing case surrounding the disappearance of the Russian opposition leader's body from
00:17 the Selkhard morgue has sparked widespread concern and speculation.
00:21 According to media reports, Navalny's lawyer and his mother Lyudmila Navalnya were left
00:26 stunned upon their arrival at the morgue only to be informed that Navalny's body is not
00:31 present.
00:32 This unsettling development has unfolded amidst a flurry of updates from Navalny's spokesperson
00:38 Kira Yamsh, who has been diligently informing the public about the situation.
00:42 The tragic news of Navalny's demise, reportedly occurring on 16 February at 2.17pm local time,
00:48 had already sent shockwaves across the globe, and now this news has come to public.
00:54 Despite his passing, the case of death remains shrouded in mystery.
00:57 In addition, Navalny's legal team has encountered obstacles in obtaining concrete information,
01:03 as the Selkhard investigative committee has provided vague assurances of releasing autopsy
01:08 results in the following week.
01:10 The team has criticized these delays, accusing the authorities of deception and evasion in
01:15 the handling of Navalny's body.
01:17 Navalny's untimely death marks the end of an era for Putin's opposition, leaving a void
01:22 in Russia's political landscape.
01:25 His demise has drawn condemnation from Western leaders, including US President Joe Biden,
01:30 who holds Putin and his thugs responsible for the act.
01:34 Whereas Navalny's supporters have expressed their grief and outrage through spontaneous
01:39 memorials and gatherings across the country, despite facing harsh crackdowns under Russia's
01:45 anti-descent laws, several people were detained by police as they attempted to mourn Navalny's
01:51 demise.
01:52 The circumstances surrounding Navalny's death has raised suspicion and fueled speculation
01:56 about the potential foul play.
01:58 Navalny, a vocal critic of Putin's regime, was serving a lengthy prison sentence at the
02:04 Polar Wolf penal colony before his demise.
02:07 His passing comes at a critical juncture just weeks before Russia's upcoming election, which
02:11 seeks to solidify Putin's grip on power up until 2030.
02:15 Navalny's absence has dealt a significant blow to the opposition movement, dimming hopes
02:20 for a democratic future in Russia.
02:23 And now, as Navalny's supporters mourn his loss and demand answers, the disappearance
02:27 of his body adds another layer of complexity to an already murky situation.
02:32 The international community watches closely as Russia grapples with the aftermath of Navalny's
02:37 demise amidst growing concern about human rights and political freedom in the country.
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02:59 (upbeat music)
