Woman With A House Full Of Dogs Fosters Two Adorable Great Danes The Dodo Foster Diaries

  • last year


00:00 We knew that it would be tight at our house, but we agreed to take them.
00:04 We started off only getting one foster dog during the quarantine, and that was Birdie here.
00:10 We knew that Birdie had been afforded with Dixie at the rescue, so we ended up fostering Dixie as well.
00:17 Birdie, who's that? Who's that?
00:19 They were always together. As soon as Dixie got here, Birdie knew it was her best friend.
00:24 Is that your friend Dixie? Oh my gosh!
00:28 Come on, Dixie, come here! Hi pretty girl! Birdie, is that your friend?
00:34 They absolutely were so excited that they were reunited.
00:38 Who's my 100 pound baby? Who's my 100 pound baby?
00:45 Peek-a-boo! Do you want a bath?
00:49 Peek-a-boo! Do you want a bath?
00:56 Got out of the shower to find these two just hanging out in the closet.
01:00 Oh, how cute are you?
01:04 You guys are hogging the whole bed. Where am I supposed to lay? Huh?
01:09 Usually when I work from home, I work back here in the dog laundry room, and everyone likes to hang out in here with me.
01:16 I think they really like having me home.
01:20 Hi.
01:22 Birdie likes to lay in my lap while I do work on the couch.
01:32 So every morning, we usually have a latte, and it's really difficult to drink my latte when I have these cuties just hanging out.
01:42 They're so tall that you can't really keep it from them if they're sitting down.
01:47 I'll save my steamed milk that's left over, and I'll give it to the dogs as a special treat.
01:53 Dixie. Oh my goodness, look at yourself. Look at yourself!
01:59 Birdie drinks water so messily.
02:03 She's super sloppy.
02:07 Oh, Birdie.
02:10 This is the stark reality of owning one Great Dane, two Greyhounds, and a small rescue mutt.
02:18 Then, add these two foster Danes on, and we're filling this trash can up once a week.
02:25 Another sort of difficult part of fostering is all the laundry we have to do.
02:30 The dog room gets pretty messy because of these three out here.
02:35 These good girls are helping me cook dinner. No jump!
02:39 They're helping me cook pizza rolls.
02:44 We were all supposed to play D&D today, but since we're quarantined, we can't go out.
02:50 So we're here with Birdie and Dixie, and we're playing online.
02:56 They like to sleep while we play.
02:58 So this is our bedroom, and I had just made the bed.
03:04 And of course, these three are on top of it.
03:07 Yes, you.
03:09 Look at their smushy face. Look at that smush.
03:12 While we're stuck here at home, these two have made our daily lives so much more fun, a little more hectic.
03:18 But overall, fostering these two girls during the quarantine has been an absolute pleasure.
03:23 We're not quite sure how long it's going to last, but hopefully some good can come out of this, and we can find these two a home.
03:30 [music]
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