Manifesting the Mind: Footprints of the Shaman Bande-annonce (EN)

  • l’année dernière
00:00 The Christian Eucharist promises a lot and delivers very little.
00:07 You have to believe.
00:09 Faith is not necessary to experience what psychedelics have to teach.
00:17 You don't have to believe. You can be as skeptical as you want.
00:23 A shaman is a person who learns through discipline to pass through both ways, through the doors that the dead pass daily.
00:34 The whole of spirituality has its roots, ancient roots, in the shamanic traditions.
00:41 We still have those traditions. And a huge number of them are based on whatever the indigenous psychedelic happens to be in that area.
00:48 Because what could be more natural than you pick up a mushroom or something like that, you ingest it, and my God, you're having visions.
00:54 You're seeing life in a new way. You're seeing through the appearances.
00:58 You have a greater understanding, or at least the confines of your common sense understanding is exploding.
01:04 How many people a year have died from inhaling marijuana?
01:12 Goose egg.
01:14 Now, look at how many people die from drinking alcohol.
01:20 I think that perhaps one of the functions of ordinary levels of DMT is kind of like a reality thermostat.
01:32 If you have a certain kind of narrow window of levels of DMT in the brain, it maintains this ordinary level of perceptual consensus reality that most of us live in.
01:45 Potentially, psychedelic drugs could be, for psychology, what the telescope became for the science of astronomy.
02:00 And it may be that certain plants have been kind of anointed or given the role to be the diplomats and the teachers who work with the human species to help us to see if we can evolve to be less destructive before we sort of just lose our shit and pop off the biosphere.
02:23 I think it's almost inevitable that psychedelics have been playing a part in religious mystical experiences since the beginning of time.
02:36 They are a powerful way for human beings to blow their little egos out of the water and contact the divine.
02:46 [Music]
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03:12 (roaring)