On 1 January 2015, Act no. 181 Coll., On Cybersecurity (the AOC) came into force. The AOC has defined two centers, the governmental CERT and the national CERT (currently, the role of the national CERT is played by the CSIRT.CZ team). These two centers are obliged to accept information on incidents related to cybersecurity and contact information of the entities in question from statutory authorities and persons defined in § 3 of AOC. If you are not certain, whether you belong among these authorities or entities, you should consult these two government decrees . They will help you determine whether any specific duties arise for your company from the new law.
The national CERT (CSIRT.CZ) receives contact information from authorities and persons referred to in § 3, letters a), b), and h.) and reports of cybersecurity incidents from authorities and persons specified in § 3, letter b) and h.) of AOC.
In case of general inquiries on reporting contact information or incidents under AOC, please contact the following e-mail address: [email protected] .
For reporting contact information according to § 16 of AOC we offer you the possibility to use a form for reporting contact information on our website. For reporting cybersecurity incidents according to § 8 of AOC we offer the use of the form for reporting incidents .