The Corporation for Public Broadcasting ("CPB") has a broad mandate to foster a healthy public media system on behalf of the American people -- one that delivers essential public telecommunication services to local communities in an efficient and effective manner.
Rapid changes in media technology, consumer preferences, and emerging competition, along with an uncertain economic environment, have placed enormous pressure on stations as they seek to maintain and enhance their roles within their communities. Many stations are exploring alliances with other stations to make more efficient use of their resources through strategic restructuring.
These stations are increasingly looking at various forms of consolidations, alliances and collaborations to realize significantly greater scale, effectiveness and impact. New innovative models are emerging that promise more sustainable ways of operating now and into the future.
The Collaborative Operations and Services ("COS") grant program is intended to support multistation initiatives to fully develop and implement collaborations, strategic alliances and other forms of partnerships that will increase stations' abilities and capacities to achieve more together than each can accomplish alone.
The COS will provide smaller grants to assist stations with facilitation, analysis, and research ("FAR") required for establishing parameters for collaboration efforts (see details below), as well as larger grants for the implementation of serious collaborative efforts.
Stations seeking funding must demonstrate a commitment to collaborate and improve service to their respective communities. The COS grants program does not fund initial discussions. Stations must have conducted those discussions well in advance of an application. Additionally, grant funds may not be used for purchase or installation of major equipment for production or distribution.