I'm glad to see LMPD chief resign. Let's hope the next chief can make necessary changes.

Letters to the Editor
Louisville Courier Journal

While there are a lot of good cops working a stressful, dangerous job there are a significant number of Louisville Metro Police Department officers who should never be on any police force.

Our past chief and virtually all who preceded her in the recent past, did nothing, absolutely nothing to weed out the bad apples and change the culture of LMPD.

I am glad to see her go and hope that finally, we get a chief who can make the necessary changes.

—Charlie Bensinger, 40205

Thoughts about the chiefs resignation?Submit your letter to the editor here.

Jacquelyn Gwinn-Villaroel should never have been chief

Paul Humphrey should have replaced Erika Shields. Enough said.

—Alicia Miller, 40214

Humphrey deserves a chance

Interim Chief Humphrey has held the department together as we’ve lost new chief after new chief.Let him have the reins. He’s earned it!

—Michael Shea, 40241