You don't need to know the difference between a three-card and a Celtic cross spread to get the most out of a tarot card reading. All you need: your Sun sign! Here's what I do: Shuffle my tarot deck and pull out the cards in order from Aries to Pisces plus one general card for everyone so that you can get specific advice around your personality. Let’s go!


seven of wands tarot card
Margie Rischiotto+Rider/Waite

Mars moves into Gemini this week, which marks the start of a new phase of adventure, exploration, and curiosity. The next six-plus weeks will lead us all out of our comfort zones and into new, inspiring territory. The Seven of Wands shows that you might be facing challenge, either imposed or self-created. Look for competition, targets, and goals this week. Make yourself rise to a new occasion—it will lead to great personal development and growth.


the lovers tarot card
Margie Rischiotto+Rider-Waite

The Lovers is an unsettling tarot card for you, Aries. You’re more of a fighter than a lover, and the ambiguity of this card is really your vibe. You are decisive, impulsive, and always ready to act, but this week The Lovers asks you to check in on your feelings, motivations, and actions. Are you acting out of habit, conformity, or duty rather than from your true desires? Align your head with your heart. Do what you truly want and don’t act until you know what that is.


ace of cups tarot card
Margie Rischiotto+Rider-Waite

There's magical news for Tauruses this week with the beautiful, loving Ace of Cups. Something positive and new is going to be entering your life this week: A new friend, lover, pet, job, opportunity, or idea. This is likely to be something creative and passionate. If it points to a relationship, then the chemistry will be immediate and you might fall head over heels for a water sign (Pisces, Scorpio, or Cancer). Life is strange—in a good way. Be open to everything new.


three of pentacles tarot card
Margie Rischiotto/Rider-Waite

Although Gemini has a bad reputation online, the sign is deeply loved and admired IRL. Everyone knows a great Gemmy! You are going to see the truth of that this week, Gemini—you're going to feel the love, respect, and trust that others have for you. The Three of Pentacles brings invites and opportunities your way. Be visible, show up, and show off. Make it easy for people with influence to give you the goods. This is going to be a week full of networking.


the world tarot card
Margie Rischiotto+Rider-Waite

Life cycles are in motion for you right now, Cancer. Things are ebbing and flowing, much like the tides ruled by the Moon, your ruling luminary. So, ebb and flow yourself. Let go of things that are waning and divert your freed-up energy and resources into developing new things. Be mindful of endings and notice the potential for beginnings. Don’t cling to the old or resist the new. If you're fluid and flexible, then anything is possible.


the high priestess
Margie Rischiotto+Rider-Waite

The High Priestess is a passive but powerful card. She represents mystical wisdom and intuition. In short, trusting your gut. Do you? Don’t ignore feelings of disquiet or doubt. Heed the warnings and address what needs checking. Listen to your ideas and insights and use them to further your cause. You are a natural leader, and a huge part of that is harnessing your inner power.


five of wands tarot card
Margie Rischiotto+Rider-Waite

Notice where there is discord and disharmony in your world this week, Virgo. And then watch what happens. Don’t jump in to fix everything, because if you act too quickly, you’ll miss the root causes and the bigger picture. Be patient. The Five of Wands reminds you that what you see are merely symptoms, and they can guide you to what’s REALLY going on here. Then, you can tackle the real cause of the problem. Watch and learn before acting.


queen of swords tarot card
Margie Rischiotto+Rider-Waite

One of Libra’s life lessons is learning to be in their own company happily, trusting their instincts, and being comfortable doing things alone. The Queen of Swords wants you to work on that this week. Carve out some alone time and get your head into something that benefits you. It could be related to education, creativity, spirituality, or health. Do it for yourself, do it alone, and do it because it works for you. Focus on the most important person in your life… YOU.


seven of swords tarot card
Margie Rischiotto+Rider/Waite

The Seven of Swords is like that elven sword that glows blue when orcs are near in the Lord of the Rings. Scorpio… orcs are near! Not literally, of course, but something or someone from the shadows is lurking, and they don't mean well. People get jealous, weird, and competitive. It’s their problem, not yours. Don’t engage with it. Seek distance and protection, and let this shadowy energy pass you by.


ace of pentacles tarot card
Margie Rischiotto+Rider-Waite

Start a new project this week. Ask the universe to bring you a way to improve your health, wealth, work, or home… and then see what happens. You might spot a new class opening up, or apply for a role you’ve long wished for, or find a means to make side revenue that you could actually juggle with your job. You might even decide to move! Be open-minded and act on whatever you spot. It won’t all happen overnight, but it starts this week.


nine of wands tarot card
Margie Rischiotto+Rider-Waite

Capricorn, don’t you agree that taking action is better for your mental health than sitting and overthinking everything? Thinking is a circular, meandering activity. Action is needed to make progress. So, think a little, then act, then think some more, than act again. The Nine of Wands is a big reassurance that you can handle whatever you choose to tackle this week. Ideally, bust through the doors of your deepest dread and get it squashed for good. Free yourself from catastrophizing.


ten of cups tarot card
Margie Rischiotto+Rider-Waite

Falling in love is a beautiful way to spend our time here on earth, right? Although you’re not known as the most romantic of signs, you love to love like everyone else does. In fact, you cherish your relationships and yearn for real intimacy and connection. A partner worthy of you is in the cards right now. Look for people with whom you can talk about anything and everything, you feel true attraction towards, and who let you be your unique and magical self. You are going to fall in love!


the sun tarot card
Margie Rischiotto+Rider/Waite

The Sun is the tarot’s happiest and most positive card; it’s like the Sun is literally shining on you and your world this week, Pisces! It's bringing you joy, success, love, prosperity, growth, and exuberance. Maximize the impact by being bold and taking risks. Apply for that role, make that move, propose to your partner, ask your crush out, sign up, join in, and do it now. The higher you aim, the better the outcome. Unseen forces are aligning in order to bring you more good things!

Headshot of Kerry Ward
Kerry Ward
Tarot Reader

Kerry Ward has been reading, teaching and creating tarot decks, books, and content for over 25 years, and is a horoscope contributor for Cosmopolitan UK and Cosmopolitan US.  You can book a personal, written tarot reading with her, which comes as a beautifully illustrated brochure. She is also the published author of Power Purpose Practice, Card of the Day Tarot and Cardless Tarot. She also created the Good Karma, Crystal Magic, and Taroscopes tarot decks. She likes to self-publish unique journals in her spare time, such as The Guided Magic Manifesting Journal and the latest Haunted House Journal. She is a Gemini, so writing is her favourite thing!
Follow her on Instagram h for weekly forecasts, insights, and tarot teachings, or find her on LinkedIn.