You know how good it feels to pick up the phone and call a friend so you can tell her about your date last night, or the dream that you had early this morning? There’s something about getting to share a conversation with someone so close to you. When we see angel numbers, it’s like our guardian angels are speaking to us, calling us on the phone and reminding us how proud they are and to keep going. Seeing angel numbers repeatedly is a sign that you are not alone, you are always divinely protected, guided and supported. And if you're seeing 707 everywhere, here's what it means.

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Getty/Margie Rischiotto
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Getty/Margie Rischiotto
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Getty/Margie Rischiotto
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Getty/Margie Rischiotto

What’s an angel number?

Angel numbers are a channel of communication from your guardian angels and the universe, guiding you on your life path. Numerology is a form of understanding used by ancient civilizations such as the Egyptians and Greeks. Angel numbers can be seen on a clock, license plate, receipts, etc. They're sequences that include repeating numbers like 111, sequential numbers like 1234, or significant numbers to you like your birthday or anniversary.

What does angel number 707 mean?

Angel number 707 can be interpreted in a few different ways, all of which are speaking to spiritual transformation. Is your curiosity piqued? If so, you may be experiencing your own spiritual awakening. Let’s open up Pandora's box and make sense of the mystery!

707 is reduces to 7+0+7 = 14, and then you take 1+4 and you get 5. In numerology, 5 represents significant change. 707 also repeats the number number 7, which encompasses spirituality. If you put these two meanings together, we have a change surrounding spirituality, or a spiritual awakening. This is a moment in time when the soul is seeking growth. When you are repeatedly seeing the number 707 on license plates, clocks, and anywhere else your angels and guides can get your attention, know that you're undergoing a spiritual transformation and your angels/guides are encouraging you. It’s like a phone call with your friend after a hot date filled with nuance, excitement, and curiosity.

What does angel number 707 mean for love?

If you're feeling called to angel number 707 in your love life, you could be seeking a change in your relationship status, or you may want to take your relationship to a deeper spiritual level. Soul mates are special connections that we get in our life every so often that can come in the form of a teacher, family, or companion relationship. All of these connections have a spiritual lesson to deliver, and 707 can be a reminder to use the lesson as a way to spiritually grow and expand in your life path.

What does angel number 707 mean for a twin flame?

When you see the angel number 707 connected to your twin flame, you are looking for deeper spiritual growth in your life, and a twin flame connection has come into your life to help you in the unfolding of that journey. Twin flames are meant to be a mirrored reflection of some aspect of your soul's experiences, and 707 is a reminder to use that reflection as a way to derive meaning from the transformation this connection has created for you.

What does angel number 707 mean for my career?

Seeing the angel number 707 in relation to your career might mean that you are looking for a change within your work, so you can step into your purpose and higher path. When we allow ourselves to not only survive but thrive, we're following something deep within our spirit that connects us to our unique purpose. 707 will show up when you are ready to take that step, and it will stay with you as a form of encouragement to continue even when it presents challenges and doubt. When you see angel number 707, your angels are reminding you that you are still on path.

What should I do if I keep seeing angel number 707?

What do you do when you see the sign? Thank your angels for the communication, because starting with gratitude always leads to more expansion. Then you can find ways to tap into your spiritual growth and intuition through using divination decks, taking a workshop on tarot, booking a session with your favorite psychic, starting a dream journal, connecting with like-minded community, or taking a meditation class, among other ideas. Let the magic continue to trickle into your life!

Headshot of Imani Quinn
Imani Quinn

Imani Quinn is an author, astrologer, and quantum healing artist. She co-authored Astrology SOS with Hardie Grant Publishing, and contributes to Cosmopolitan as a spirituality and astrology writer. She is podcast host of Modern Mystic Chronicles, for mystic inspired storytelling, and offers 1:1 work with clients through Quantum + Astrology sessions.