So you know all about Taurus, but what about Taurus Rising? Taurus is one of the easiest zodiac signs to understand. If you really want to comprehend their energy, consider watching videos of cows simply existing—Taurus is represented by the bull, after all. (This isn’t an insult, I love cows!) Similar to cows, Taurus Risings come off as peaceful and they belong in nature. Let's get specific:

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First, a birth chart calculator

Want to double-check that you (or your partner, crush, friend, enemy, etc.) is a Taurus Rising? Just put the date, time, and location of birth into this handy birth chart calculator.

This birth chart calculator was created by in collaboration with astrologer Narayana Montúfar. Learn more about Narayana's work on her website

What does your Rising sign tell you?

ICYDK, unlike your Sun sign, which is determined by your b-day, your Rising sign is determined by the time you were born. To get specific, it’s determined by which zodiac sign was on the eastern horizon when you were born, and it changes every two-ish hours—which is why it’s so important to know your exact birth time. You can be a Taurus Sun and Taurus Rising, Scorpio Sun and Taurus Rising, Aquarius Sun and Taurus Rising—you get the idea. Your Rising sign plays a major role in shaping and defining your attitude, appearance, and the first impressions you make.

How is your Rising sign different from your Sun sign?

There are fundamental differences between your Sun sign and Rising sign, starting with the fact that the the Sun is a star, and your Rising sign refers to the zodiac sign that was rising on the horizon at your time and location of birth. Your Sun sign represents your ego and feeling of purpose. Your Rising sign, which also marks your 1st House of self, represents your aesthetic and how you are perceived, and provides clues as to how you navigate the world around you.

The Taurus Rising Basics

Element: Earth

Modality: Fixed

Ruler: Venus

Represented by: The bull

Taurus Rising's best traits: Hard-working, caring, determined, luxurious

Taurus Rising's worst traits: Stubborn, closed-off, lazy

Taurus Rising's Personality Traits

Taurus is ruled by the planet of love and beauty, Venus, which blesses many Taurus Risings with naturally pleasing faces. They understand that appearances matter and prefer to share their “best face” with the outside world. Given that Taurus is a fixed sign, Taurus Risings also tend to be a little on the stubborn sign—cows seem chill, but they really don’t like being bothered! Don't cross 'em.

That’s not all: Taurus Risings are naturally territorial and defensive of their loved ones. They tend to travel in packs and dedicate a lot of their time to their friends. If you make it into a Taurus Rising’s inner circle, you may be surprised by the secrets you discover. While Taurus’s sister sign, Scorpio, presents a mysterious front, Taurus seems open at first but becomes increasingly mysterious the closer you get.All in all, Taurus Risings are some of the most affectionate people you’ll ever meet. Just make sure their basic needs are met before you ask for anything!!!

Taurus Rising's Mindset

From a relatively young age, Taurus Risings have the basics of life figured out. They want to feel good, and they want to spend time in serene, beautiful, sweet-smelling environments. If you’re trying to seduce a Taurus Rising, take them to see the mountains or get lost in the valley. They thrive in natural, utopian settings and can become deeply frustrated when people disturb their peace. Seriously, they prefer smooth sailing, so keep the drama on Netflix! (They do love a binge-watch, especially if you have a comfy couch and cozy blankets.)

Taurus Risings believe that life doesn’t have to be unnecessarily complicated. This doesn’t mean they’re boring, though! They just don't sweat the small stuff. Once you get on a Taurus Rising’s good side, you can expect them to be the life of the party. They want to share the ~good vibes~, but they definitely won’t share their happy place unless they think they can trust you.

Taurus Rising's Appearance

In some schools of thought, people are said to take on the traits and demeanor of their Rising sign. For Taurus Rising, that means a calm and collected attitude—they have a grounded energy and feel welcoming and stabilizing to be around. Ruled by Venus, the planet of love and beauty, they're just naturally charming and fashionable. And in terms of physical appearance, you might see big eyes (especially beautiful brown ones), strong eyebrows, and broad shoulders.

Taurus Rising’s Relationships

Taurus Risings can be rather secretive with their loved ones—which doesn’t necessarily mean they’re hiding something. They just prefer to keep their private life private. In fact, they would rather keep the good times rolling than get deep and serious. Sharing their innermost thoughts can be anxiety-inducing for them, because they want to be able to maintain their charm.

If you've made it to a Taurus Rising's inner circle, they will eventually let you in. Just don’t expect them to pour out all their childhood memories all at once…or at all, for that matter. They might prefer to do more of the listening, gaining more insight on your background so they can better understand you. You might even end up saying more than you planned to! But don't worry. Despite their reserved and sometimes shy persona, Taurus Risings can be extremely loyal.

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Taurus Rising in Love

When they’re in love, Taurus Risings can be some of the most thoughtful and giving partners, willing to bend over backward and go far outside of their comfort zones. They may struggle to explicitly state how much they care, and it can be hard for them to open up about their feelings. They need time to feel safe and secure within romantic relationships, and it’s likely that they will want to put up a positive front before they let you see how vulnerable they are below the surface.

Taurus Risings will work to be charming and romantic. They always remember meaningful days and significant details about you. They can appear hesitant to share all their emotions at once, but don’t doubt that they’re there. Taurus Risings move at their own pace, and when they do tell you they love you, it’s because that's exactly how they feel. With a Rising sign ruled by Venus, love and affection are dear to them.

Taurus Rising Compatibility

Taurus Rising is particularly compatible with other earth Rising signs (Virgo Rising, Capricorn Rising, and other Taurus Risings), as well as their zodiacal opposite, Scorpio Rising.

Taurus Rising and Virgo Rising

Taurus Rising and Virgo Rising share an earth sign element, which means they have a lot in common. They're both practical, logical, and hard-working, but that doesn't mean they're boring. They both also have a taste for the finer things in life.

Taurus Rising and Capricorn Rising

Also fellow earth signs, Taurus Rising and Capricorn Rising are both ambitious and determined. They're also both two of the most honest and straightforward signs, meaning that communication is a breeze for them (even if others find them too harsh).

Taurus Rising and Taurus Rising

Two Taurus Risings are two peas in a pod! Or two bulls in a field? They have soooo much in common that they just instantly click.

Taurus Rising and Scorpio Rising

Taurus Rising and Scorpio Rising are opposites on the zodiac wheel, and astrologically, opposites attract. These two are different, but in compatible ways where they can learn a lot from each other and help each other grow.

Taurus Rising's Friendships

A Taurus Rising's friendships are a bit tricky. It’s hard to determine exactly where you stand with them when they don't tell you everything about them. Like a rosebud, a Taurus Rising is closed off at first. You must gain their trust and receive permission to pluck away the petals of their persona to reach their true self.

It's possible to remain in a friendship with Taurus Rising without ever really getting to know their deepest self. After all, some people prefer to admire their rosebuds as they are instead of trying to coax them to open up. If you ever do get to be in a Taurus Rising’s inner circle, chances are even when the rose petals fall, you’ll still feel like you never fully knew them. There's just something mysterious about them—you'll always want to know more.

Taurus Rising at Work

Taurus Risings’ life purpose is to be part of a greater community. They value collaborating with others, which is a bit ironic because they can be very headstrong! If you're in a group project with a Taurus, expect it to run smoothly...unless someone tries to disagree with them. Fueled by a continuous desire to create, Taurus Risings reap the most benefits when they can bounce their ideas off people and figure out how to apply their work to their daily life. Although they’re open to hearing new suggestions and experimenting, they tend to revert to methods that make the most sense to them.

Continuously seeking balance at work, Taurus Risings can become very interested in office politics; they strive to understand why people act they way they do. They’re not just sitting back and judging, though—Taurus Risings have no hesitation in challenging someone’s way of doing things, or providing advice to those they think could use some. They just want everyone to be their best selves, OK???

Taurus Rising at Home

A Taurus Rising’s home is essentially their palace, so it’s important that you show it respect! They are particular about the way they design their space, and they probably have the best-quality furniture and beautiful decor. Good lighting is everything to a Taurus Rising—it helps them set their preferred vibe. They tend to be a little on the showy side, so you can expect to see statement pieces and unique objects that demand attention.

Don’t hesitate to ask a Taurus Rising the story behind how or why they acquired a certain item—you’ll hear a sense of pride in their voice as they describe how they tracked down the perfect mirror or tea kettle. They enjoy having a home that’s both beautiful and comfy, so don’t be surprised to see photos of it pop up on Instagram, Pinterest, or your own camera roll. And if you want to buy the same dinner plates, go ahead—a Taurus Rising will be flattered.

Taurus Rising Celebrities

  • Serena Williams
  • Miley Cyrus
  • Halle Berry
  • Tracee Ellis Ross
  • Cate Blanchett
  • Robert Pattinson
  • Austin Butler
  • Queen Latifah
  • Josh Hutcherson
  • Sheryl Crow
  • Jared Leto
  • Amanda Bynes
  • Sigourney Weaver
  • David Beckham
  • Camilla Cabello
  • Gigi Hadid
  • Billie Lourd
Headshot of Monisha Holmes
Monisha Holmes

Monisha “Six” Holmes is an astrologer and Master of Social Work (MSW) who covers love, relationships, and wellness. She earned her MSW at Columbia University, where she specialized in contemporary social issues. Aside from writing, Monisha is the founder of Black Women Being, a media platform aimed at promoting wellness, spirituality, and justice.
Follow her on YouTube.

Headshot of Erika W. Smith
Erika W. Smith
Senior Astrology Editor

Erika W. Smith (she/her) is the current Senior Astrology Editor at Cosmopolitan. In her 4+ years at Cosmo, she's worked on everything from editing weekly horoscopes, to reporting on how astrology influences album release dates, to launching The Cosmo Tarot. Before joining Cosmopolitan in 2020, she worked at Refinery29, HelloGiggles, and BUST magazine. Her book series Astrosex: How to Have the Best Sex According to Your Star Sign was published in 2021. Follow her on Twitter and Instagram @erikawynn.