Friends—you got ’em, you want ’em, and now this guide from the stars will help you understand your relationship with ’em. When you think about astrological compatibility, you probably think about romance and sex. But the zodiac can help you understand your platonic friendships, too.

Now, don't get me wrong—I'm not saying that you should dump your friend just because they're a Gemini! In fact, when it comes to astrological compatibility, it's more about understanding different aspects of your relationships rather than kicking someone to the curb. Learning about your friendship compatibility can help you understand your similarities and differences, not to mention how you can learn from each other and how you challenge each other. In some cases, having "incompatible" zodiac signs—such as a water sign and a fire sign—can actually lead to a super rewarding friendship because you're so different, which means you can learn a ton from each other.

So go ahead—read the below descriptions for your own zodiac sign, your BFF's, that acquaintance you think could potentially become an actual good friend, and even your frenemy's. You never know what you'll learn!

Check your friendship compatibility:

Aries (March 21-April 19)

Who you get along with

Your ride-or-dies include your fellow fire signs (Leo and Sagittarius). You all agree it’s go hard or go home. You also click with air sign Gemini—you both love adventure and are ~kids at heart~. The party never stops with you and your crew!

What you need from your friends

What it might take people a while to understand about you, Aries, is that deep down, you’re actually super sensitive. You need kindness and support from those you let see the ~real you~. Yes, you know how to have fun, but your *real* friends are those who can talk you through a crisis.

What they value in you

Your friends know you for your total honesty. There’s not one OUNCE of manipulation or malice in your big, warm heart. You don't play games, ever. And if you have a disagreement with someone, you address it directly, talk it out, and move forward.

How you can make new friends

To you, making friends is easy. Your confidence, energy, and passion draws people to you. What can I say, you're just naturally charismatic! All you need to do is be yourself, and people will come running.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Who you get along with

Your BFFs are likely to be your earth sign crew (Capricorn and Virgo) because you all love the material pleasures (think spas, snacks, sex toys…) and have no time for drama. However, you and Libra (an infamously dramatic sign!) are two divas in a pod because you’re both ruled by Venus, the planet of love and luxury. You love shopping together, and you secretly enjoy hearing all their gossip, as long as you're not involved.

What you need from your friends

You need people who appreciate the finer things in life and are willing to spend on them. When you go out, you will *always* order a cocktail and a dessert and tip *at least* 20%, and you need people around you who match your vibe. You also like ~nesting~, aka having cozy nights in, talking about anything and everything over some delicious snacks and your favorite rom com.

What they value in you

You’re not judge-y about anything, so your friends always confide in you. You always have the best advice paired with a hilarious yet comforting joke. Then you Venmo them so they can treat themselves to their favorite takeout (which probably became their favorite after you recommended it).

How you can make new friends

You can take a while to warm up to new people and are more used to others approaching you than vice versa (it’s that Venus thang). Try to make a teeny bit more effort to make plans with acquaintances you’d like to turn into friends. You can come off as guarded, but inside you're the sweetest softie.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Who you get along with

You love entertainment, gossip, and adventure, so the signs that love socializing get your vote. You’ll find Libra, Sagittarius, Aries, Leo, and Aquarius in your squad—yes, that's all the fire and air signs. Hey, you can’t help it if you’re popular!

What you need from your friends

You need your friends to be F-U-N. You can’t bear being pinned down or bossed around, so your friends need to be as spontaneous as you are, and they can't take things too seriously. Your motto is "here for a good time, not a long time."

What they value in you

You can be fickle, but you’re also smart, shrewd, and kind (which is a great combo). When your friends hit a rough spot, you’re there to comfort them, give them advice, and then distract them with a new adventure.

How you can make new friends

Making friends is not a problem for you—it’s KEEPING them that causes headaches. You’re drawn to everything shiny and new, and sometimes you can accidentally forget about your longtime BFFs. Make sure you don’t.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Who you get along with

The water signs (you, Pisces, and Scorpio) are all compatible with each other because y’all love building intense connections (aka staying up talking deep shit all night long). You just have a lot of feelings, okay??!! You’re also drawn to Capricorn’s strong, stoic aura. It's an opposites-attract kinda thing (like, you're literally opposites on the zodiac).

What you need from your friends

You need to know that your friends have your back even when you’re wrong. Sometimes, you just need to vent and your squad needs to listen and agree with you…on everything. Oh, and if they don't mind coming to your place, that's a big plus. Look, your home is cozy! Clearly it's the best place to be!

What they value in you

No other sign is as loving, loyal, and protective as you. Having you as a friend is like having your own personal lifelong therapist who knows ALL your secrets and NEVER tells anyone else. You know just how to talk a friend through a rough breakup or hype them up before a job interview. You're a ~feelings~ pro!

How you can make new friends

Usually, only those who are super close to you get to see your (incredible) sense of humor. If someone is just meeting you for the first time, you can come off a bit, uh, intense. So unleash your inner comedian, Cancer! Let them see your lighter side.

Leo (July 23-August 22)

Who you get along with

Your crew includes your fellow fire signs (Aries and Sagittarius), although things can get a little iffy if they don’t let you lead. You’re all a teeny bit competitive, so fur can fly…although you get over it just as quickly. The air signs tune into your geeky side, and Aquarius in particular is your quiet, let’s-stay-home-and-do-weird-sh*t friend.

What you need from your friends

You crave attention and ~applause~, so your squad needs to celebrate your latest ~lewks~, career successes, first dates, and personal triumphs. Some people say Leos want fans instead of friends, but you applaud your friends just as much as they applaud you! You live by Shine Theory—the idea that celebrating your friends' successes will make you all shine a bit brighter.

What they value in you

No one sticks up for their friends like a Leo. You have a huge soft spot for the ~underdogs~, and your squad is often a strange mix of big-time party animals and quieter characters. You're one of the most generous signs of the zodiac, and you're always there for your loved ones with a kind word or a surprise gift—like a song you wrote just for them!

How you can make new friends

Sometimes, Leo, you can be a little bit ~showy~. I know you deserve the limelight, BUT let others get their moment in the Sun, too.

Virgo (August 23-September 22)

Who you get along with

Your biggest pals are your earth sign crew (Capricorn and Taurus) because you all love the material world and don’t put up with any nonsense. Pisces fascinate you (they’re just so ~out there~) and Geminis are your favorite sign to gossip with (you’re both ruled by Mercury, after all).

What you need from your friends

You need your friends to let you take the wheel when you know best (which is almost always). You can be a bit of a know-it-all, but hey, it’s (usually) justified!

What they value in you

Virgos are supportive to a fault. Your friends know you’ll help them out anytime. You’re always up to share your knowledge, resources, time, or advice (which, let’s be real, you love to give).

How you can make new friends

You can be kinda judgy, so let your friends be themselves. Zip it when the urge to correct their grammar bubbles up, and focus on you.

Libra (September 23-October 22)

Who you get along with

Your fellow air signs (Gemini and Aquarius) make great BFFs because you’re all chatty, curious, and love to debate. Aries is also a potential ~opposites attract~ friend because each of you has what the other lacks—Aries is direct, while you're famously indecisive.

What you need from your friends

You don’t mind being bossed around a bit, because your natural tendency to overthink things means you sometimes struggle to make a decision. You’re drawn to sparkly, effervescent people who keep you entertained.

What they value in you

Your greatest asset is your tact. Srsly, you could be an international diplomat, no problem. You’re the team mediator, and you’re good at it. You know how to smooth over any disagreement and help any friend group find a compromise. You're a people-pro!

How you can make new friends

Like the other air signs, your issue isn’t so much making NEW friends but holding on to the old ones. You make plans and then (innocently but regularly) cancel when you find something new to do. You don't mean to be mean, you're just always chasing something new! If you make a commitment, keep it. And if you feel the need to mix your routine up a bit, invite your old friends to join you in a new activity.

Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

Who you get along with

You’re super compatible with fellow water signs Cancer and Pisces, although Scorpio is the ~badass~ of this clique. It’s a lil bit witchy round the water crew—you all share an interest in mystery, secrets, and the occult, and you're super-intuitive. You also bond with Taurus, your zodiac opposite—you both love shopping and sex talk and are always ready to share your favorite dinner and cocktail recipes.

What you need from your friends

You don’t need anything from anyone, Scorpio! You’re independent. That said, loyalty is super important to you—and those who don’t stick by you better watch out, because you’re not one to be crossed. You hold a grudge like no one else!

What they value in you

Your fearlessness is deeply attractive—people love a rebel. Your friends feel stronger in your presence. And your Instagram-sleuthing skills are unmatched.

How you can make new friends

Making friends is not on your to-do list. You have your own ambitions to tackle! Friends are a nice-to-have, not a need-to-have. Besides, you're probably pretty happy with the friends you've had since kindergarten—Scorpios make friends for life. Like famous Scorpio Drake, your motto is probably "No new friends." I don’t agree, but I’m not going to argue with you, Scorpio (I wouldn’t dare).

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)

Who you get along with

You’ll find your fellow fire signs (Leo and Aries) in your inner circle. You can all get a little wild, each in your own way. You love Gemini’s sense of humor, and you enjoy bringing Virgo and Pisces over to the dark side, you lil devil.

What you need from your friends

Although people don’t always know it, you’ve got a serious side. You care about politics and global issues like climate change. You need both friends who can debate shit with you and friends you can party with. You're fun, yes, but you're also the sign of philosophy and you love your deep talks!

What they value in you

You’re kind and generous, and your nonstop jokes make everybody laugh. You do have a ~no-filter~ mouth that can sometimes cause offense, but you’re always forgiven fast. You're so charming that they can't help it!

How you can make new friends

You’re a natural people person, but it can be hard to find people who get your serious side. Try toning down your party-animal antics on occasion and see what kind of people are drawn to your energy then.

Capricorn (December 22-January 19)

Who you get along with

Your fellow earth signs (Virgo and Taurus) make a solid squad because you’re all practical and resilient. There’s no drama, just enjoying life together. Your zodiac opposite, Cancer, also makes a solid pal—you both value stability and have always got each other’s backs.

Who you get along with

All work and no play makes Cap a dull sea-goat. You need people who can distract you from work and make you do silly stuff. You're someone who needs a little encouragement to take all their PTO.

What they value in you

There’s no sign more determined than you, Cappy. You lift others up because you want the best for everyone (including yourself, of course). You give great advice, and you’re ready to do whatever you can to help a pal out.

How you can make new friends

You’re kinda shy, but small talk doesn’t have to be scary. Don’t hide away so much!

Aquarius (January 20-February 18)

Who you get along with

Your fellow air signs (Libra and Gemini) just *get* you. You’re all smarties who need lots of stimulus to keep boredom at bay. You also like sparring with Leos—you see each other as opposites but equals.

Who you get along with

You love your friends, but you also need time alone to pursue your (many) hobbies. You need pals who don’t take offense if you’re not in touch every day, but who still wanna hang when you’re ready.

What they value in you

No one else is like you, Aquarius. But along with being ~unique~, you’re also incredibly kind. You’re eager to share your time and weirdest ideas with your crew (when you’re not craving your space, that is).

How you can make new friends

You can be kinda picky, so there’s no point in collecting lots of acquaintances—they won’t stick. Go ~fishing~ in places where you’ll meet like-minded people, like a fan group for your favorite band. Wherever your passions lie, it’s likely there’ll be people around who share them.

Pisces (February 19-March 20)

Who you get along with

You crave deep connections and bonds, so only emotionally intelligent signs need apply. Along with your fellow water signs Scorpio and Cancer, that includes Capricorn, Libra, and Virgo.

What you need from your friends

To put it simply, you’re a hugger. Along with physical affection, you need to feel understood, so it’s important that your pals are compassionate. You also needs friends who understand that you have deep feelings and accept you for your crying-over-the-sad-pet-commercial self!

What they value in you

You’d do anything for your squad, and you have seemingly endless reserves of kindness and understanding. Everyone turns to you for advice and a hug when they need it, and you're happy to give it. You’d make a great advice columnist, tbh.

How you can make new friends

There’s no need to be so shy, Pisces! Have faith in yourself and open up to new friendships.

Headshot of Kerry Ward
Kerry Ward
Tarot Reader

Kerry Ward has been reading, teaching and creating tarot decks, books, and content for over 25 years, and is a horoscope contributor for Cosmopolitan UK and Cosmopolitan US.  You can book a personal, written tarot reading with her, which comes as a beautifully illustrated brochure. She is also the published author of Power Purpose Practice, Card of the Day Tarot and Cardless Tarot. She also created the Good Karma, Crystal Magic, and Taroscopes tarot decks. She likes to self-publish unique journals in her spare time, such as The Guided Magic Manifesting Journal and the latest Haunted House Journal. She is a Gemini, so writing is her favourite thing!
Follow her on Instagram h for weekly forecasts, insights, and tarot teachings, or find her on LinkedIn.

Headshot of Erika W. Smith
Erika W. Smith
Senior Astrology Editor

Erika W. Smith (she/her) is the Senior Astrology Editor at Cosmopolitan. She also contributes lifestyle, travel, and sex and relationships coverage. In her decade-long media career, she's become an expert in the "women's lifestyle" beat and has held staff positions at Refinery29, BUST magazine, and HelloGiggles. Her book Astrosex: How to Have the Best Sex According to Your Star Sign was published in 2021.