Many hackers are skilled at gaining "privileged access" footholds on endpoints from which they launch their lateral movement towards crown jewel assets. EDR tools are the most effective detection defense for this stage in the attack lifecycle, yet prized, data-rich attack targets often lack this technology layer in their environment. You can help them close this security gap and keep their information safe. ConnectWise MDR™ is here to help you make that happen. Let’s explore!

Delivering reliable cybersecurity and peace of mind to MSPs

Protect endpoints, one of the most exploited attack surfaces

Eliminate cybersecurity alert fatigue for your team

Detect and respond to cybersecurity attacks faster

Hands-free cybersecurity for increased ROI and margins

Elite cybersecurity experts for proactive risk management

Lower your total cost of ownership

Let us manage your detection and response


Deeper insights into client endpoint security posture

Deploy a multi-layered approach to threat detection while avoiding alert fatigue and focusing on high-risk security events for your clients, including:

  • 24/7 monitoring from security analysts with advanced analytics
  • MSP-specific threat intelligence via expert knowledge, AI, and machine learning
  • Security event prioritization based on severity, impact, and relevance

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Minimize client threat exposure with MDR

Our Cyber Research Unit (CRU) specializes in MSP-specific threat intelligence and proactive threat hunting. To help you respond swiftly to bridge the gap between threat identification and action, these expert analysts:

  • Continuously update detection rules to address emerging risks
  • Provide valuable incident response guidance during alert escalations
  • Improve prioritization and triage efficiently for faster time to resolution

Download the 2024 MSP Threat Report »


Stay in the know and meet compliance requirements

Our dashboards and MDR Executive Report offer comprehensive, real-time information on your service, including incident reports and response actions. This helps you stay in control, improve time-to-resolution, and enhance customer satisfaction.


Extend your team with ConnectWise experts

Access elite cybersecurity experts who use AI-powered tech to gather MSP-specific threat intelligence, helping you:

  • Monitor, detect, and respond to threats 24/7
  • Better protect your customers’ businesses from advanced cyberattacks
  • Focus on critical business objectives to minimize your total cost of ownership

What makes ConnectWise MDR unique in the market

Unique Capabilities



Multi-vendor endpoint detection and response expertise

ConnectWise MDR offers industry-leading detection and response technologies from vendors like Bitdefender, SentinelOne, and Microsoft (both for endpoints and Microsoft 365 environments).

Already have your own SOC? You can still take advantage of these EDR solutions standalone.

A solution that is tailored to your business needs.

Single security operations analyst team for endpoint and Microsoft 365 environment alerts

If you subscribe to both ConnectWise MDR for Endpoints and ConnectWise MDR for Microsoft 365, it’s the same team that will look at your alerts.

Allows for better contextualization and accelerated response times.

Custom threat intelligence for MSP-specific attacks

The ConnectWise Cyber Research Unit (CRU) delivers MSP-specific threat intelligence insights and performs proactive threat hunting to identify anomalous activities and adds new detection rules to better address emerging threats.

Leads to improved prioritization and triage efficacy, as well as in-depth information to be shared with you.

Customizable runbooks for managed security response

With ConnectWise MDR, you can provide customized action instructions per individual customer to guide the ConnectWise security operations center (SOC) analysts’ actions.

Increased customer satisfaction.

Alert handling and increased visibility in original console

ConnectWise security analysts receive alerts from multiple data sources and work those alerts within the native consoles, to acknowledge, escalate, and resolve events.

Ensure the Microsoft Security Score correctly reflects the state of an environment to provide an accurate view of cyber risks.

Incident resolution assistance

We don't just escalate alerts our MSP Partners, the ConnectWise MDR adds incident response guidance in the alert escalations.

Accelerates time-to-resolution.

Cross-product integrations

Integrations into ConnectWise RMM™ for agent management and ConnectWise PSA™ for invoicing and ticketing consolidation

Drives efficiencies and increased return on investment.

Incident response retainer

The ConnectWise Incident Response Service™ is an optional add-on to aid in recovery, root cause analysis, and ongoing monitoring for post incident activities.

Allows you to expand your cybersecurity offerings.

Partner program

At ConnectWise, our goal is to help grow your cybersecurity practice. So, we give you access to pre-built brandable campaigns from ConnectWise and Microsoft, joint events, marketing concierge services, marketing and sales assessments and planning, pricing and packaging support, and co-selling support.

Allows for growth of your business.

Peer community

As implied by our company name, ConnectWise connects you with your peers. IT Nation Secure, IT Nation Evolve, Service Leadership, ConnectWise University, and our virtual community offer unparalleled learning opportunities covering business, IT, and cybersecurity disciplines.

Learn industry best practices and learn from your peers

Frequently asked questions

Managed detection and response (MDR) is a cybersecurity service that combines automated advanced threat detection technologies that can be combined with human expertise to proactively identify and prevent security incidents. It combines endpoint detection and response (EDR) with security experts, a security operations center (SOC), to proactively detect and remediate threats.

MDR deploys autonomous agents to endpoints to enable real-time file analysis, code analysis, remediation, and deep visibility response. This includes endpoints physically connected to the network as well as disconnected devices for mobile or work-from-home staff. MDR combines endpoint detection and response (EDR) with skilled security professionals, a security operations center (SOC). The SOC is the team monitoring and managing the security alerts and notifications from the MDR and helps protect against cyberattacks.

MDR is important because it provides organizations with a proactive approach to cybersecurity. It helps in detecting and responding to threats in real-time, reducing the time between detection and response. MDR also offers access to skilled security professionals who can provide guidance and support during security incidents, enhancing an organization's overall security posture.

Managed detection and response (MDR) and extended detection and response (XDR) are both cybersecurity solutions, but they differ in scope and capabilities. MDR focuses on monitoring and responding to threats within an organization's network and endpoints. On the other hand, XDR extends this capability by integrating and correlating data from multiple security products and sources, including network, endpoint, cloud, and more. XDR provides a broader and more holistic view of the organization's security landscape.

MDR is EDR software that includes the security expertise of a SOC. The SOC is an internal team of security experts responsible for monitoring and responding to security incidents. Organizations with limited resources and expertise may benefit from partnering with an MDR provider to enhance their security capabilities. Larger organizations with mature security operations may choose to have an in-house SOC and leverage MDR services for additional support.

Yes, we offer enterprise MDR solutions tailored to meet the specific needs of large organizations. Our enterprise MDR services include comprehensive threat detection, incident response, and ongoing monitoring to ensure the security of your organization's critical assets.

When selecting an MDR provider, consider factors such as their experience, expertise, and track record in the industry. Evaluate their technology stack, including the tools and technologies they use for threat detection and response. Assess their ability to provide 24/7 monitoring and incident response capabilities. Additionally, consider their pricing model, scalability, and the level of customization they offer to align with your organization's unique requirements.

Managed detection and response (MDR) focuses on detecting and responding to threats within an organization's endpoints. It combines technology and human expertise to proactively identify and mitigate security incidents. On the other hand, network detection and response (NDR) specifically focuses on monitoring and analyzing network traffic to detect and respond to threats.

Ease your workload with the ConnectWise MDR team.